(CIRCA 1985 – many of these may no longer be active)


FLYING SAUCER – HOLLOW EARTH RESEARCH SOCIETY, THE., Box 152., Don Mills, Ontario., M3C 2S2, Canada.

Ivan Boyes, Director, and Editor of New Worlds Magazine (out of print).

GRUPO AGARTHA DE PESQUISAS., Caixa Postal No. 8414.,Curitiba Parana, C.E.P. 80,000, Brazil.

Thome Sabbag & Cesar Casagrande, Directors and Publishers of a monthly bulletin about their findings.

HOLLOW EARTH RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, THE.,  c/o Mary Davis., Box 15198., Colorado Springs, CO  80935.  Mary ‘Martin‘ Davis, Director and Editor of THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter 

HOLLOW EARTH SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA, THE.,  c/o Kenneth Snell., GPO Box 563, Sydney 2001, Australia.  Kenneth Snell, Director, and Editor of THE NEWSLETTER FOR THE HOLLOW EARTH SOCIETY. 

HOLLOW EARTH SOCIETY OF KENTUCKY, THE..  c/o Dennis Feeback., 791 Ridgeview Drive., Frankfort, KY  40601. 

Directed by Dennis Feeback, editor of THE HOLLOW EARTH NEWS.   

INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR A COMPLETE EARTH (Hollow Earth Society of Missouri)., c/o Tawani W. Shoush., RR #1, Box 63., Houston, MO  65483.  Captain Tawani (William Bernard) Shoush (of German ancestry), Director. 

RAINBOW EARTH DWELLING SOCIETY, THE.,  4843 Memory Lane, Apt. #4., Salt Lake City, UT  84117.  L. Christine Hayes, Director, and Editor and ‘Translator‘ for ‘THE SOURCE“, a newsletter ‘allegedly‘ received from the inhabitants of Central Earth via (alleged) mind projection.

SHAVERTRON., P.O. Box 1708., San Anselmo, CA  94590 Richard Toronto, Director, and  Editor of SHAVERTRON, a newsletter about the Hollow Earth and Shaver Mysteries. 

Also see:  http://www.shavertron.com

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Related:  A Guide to the Inner Earth: G

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