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Paget, Walburga L.
– COLLOQUIES WITH AN UNSEEN FRIEND., William Rider & Son., London., 1909., p. 36: Buried Cities beneath the ‘Great Desert‘ where descendants of Atlantis allegedly live to this day, along with prehistoric flora & fauna, a land which will be discovered by surface dwellers in the 21st century according to prophecy, when the “airships and Rontgen rays are made practically useful for exploration purposes.”
Painter, Roger
– THE BROWN MOUNTAIN LIGHTS., Article in SEARCH magazine., July 1968., pp. 50-58: Describes incidents of mysterious lights emerging from Brown Mountain, 12 miles east of Highway 181 near Jones Ridge, NC., lights which are believed to emerge “from a cave or crevice on the mountain.”
Palmer, Marjorie., Ed.
by., SEARCH magazine quarterly., originally edited by the late Raymond A. Palmer., Amherst Press, Amherst, WI: Many issues included articles, letters, and comments on the Shaver Mystery and the Hollow Earth / Subterranean City hypothesis.
Palmer, Raymond A.
   — AMAZING STORIES magazine (science-fact & science-fiction): Most issued from 1945 to 1949 included articles, stories, letters and comments concerning the ‘cavern world’, ancient tunnels, the Inner Earth and the Shaver Mystery.
   — EARTH’S CENTER OF GRAVITY – UP OR DOWN? – Article in FLYING SAUCERS magazine (Ed. by Palmer), Dec. 1958: Describes an experiment conducted by the Geodetic Survey Department which upset the Copernican theory and proved that the earth’s center of gravity does not lie at the center of the planet as previously believed.
   — FLYING SAUCERS (Edited and published by Ray Palmer): Many issues contained articles and editorial material containing the author & editor’s research and beliefs pertaining to the Inner Earth and Hollow Earth mysteries. The Dec. 1959 issue contains a description of Admiral Richard E Byrd’s flight “beyond the pole” and his sighting of “iceless lands and lakes, mountains covered with trees, and even monstrous animals moving through the underbrush…” Palmer theorizes that Byrd flew over the inner edge of the ‘doughnut hole’ opening to the Hollow or Geo-Concavitic sphere existing ‘beyond‘ the North Pole.
   — FLYING SAUCERS magazine index., Unpublished computer printout by Gray Barker, Gray Barker Books, indicating the following issues of FLYING SAUCERS magazine as containing Hollow and Inner Earth references: Aug. 1957, vol. 1, wn. (whole number) 2; Dec. 1959, vol. 3, wn. 13; Vol. 4, wn 16; Feb. 1961, vol. wn. 18; Nov. 1962, vol. 6, wn. 28; April 1965, vol. 9. wn. 41; June 1970, vol. 13, wn. 69; Sept. 1970, vol. 13, wn. 70; Dec. 1970, vol. 13, wn. 71; March 1971, vol. 24, wn. 71; Dec. 1971, vol. 14, wn. 75; June 1972, vol. 15, wn. 77; Dec. 1972, vol. 15, wn. 79; Fall 1972, vol. 16, wn. 82.
   — HIDDEN WORLD, THE., sixteen volumes, Spring 1961 through Winter 1964: Includes much of the original Shaver material that originally appeared in AMAZING STORIES magazine, and new material contributed by the late Richard S. Shaver, as well as letters from the readers and editorials by the late Raymond A. Palmer.
   — HOLE AT THE POLE RE-EXAMINED, THE., a series of 5 articles in SEARCH magazine, Spring 1977 – Spring 1978 (Reprinted from SEARCH magazine: July 1970, July 1973; and FLYING SAUCERS magazine, June 1970, June 1972).
   — SAUCERS FROM EARTH., Article in FLYING SAUCERS magazine, Dec. 1959: Evidence supporting the idea that Fling Saucers originate from the interior of the earth and enter and exit through the vortex-openings at the poles.
   — SAUCERS FROM EARTH., Article in SEARCH magazine, July 1968, pp. 28-43: Describes the Hollow Earth theory and presents evidence suggesting that many UFOs originate from a world within the interior of the earth.
   — SECRET WORLD, THE., VOL. 1 (The only volume published)., Amherst Press, Amherst, WI: Coverage of the ‘Shaver Mystery’.
   — THEY FLY OVER THE POLE EVERY DAY.,  Article in SEARCH magazine. References to the Hollow Earth.
   — WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE POLAR MYSTERY AREA., Article in FLYING SAUCERS magazine, Aug. 1960: Refers to the Hollow Earth and Polar entrance mysteries.
Palmer, William R.
– WHY THE NORTH STAR STANDS STILL AND OTHER INDIAN LEGENDS: A band of Paiute Indians, who in relatively recent times, journeyed from their home in Nevada to the legendary ‘place of origin‘ of their ancestors; a great cave within the interior of a mountain, from the top of which a great body of water could be seen to the west (the Pacific ocean?); a mountain far across a western desert, within which live the ancestors of the Paiute Indians to this day.
Paltock, Robert
– THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF PETER WILKINS: A ‘Hollow Earth‘ fantasy novel concerning a sailor who entered a chasm at the South Pole through which a great river surged, and after five weeks he emerges into the inner world of “Graundevolet“.
Papashvily, George & Helen
– ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN., Harper & Bros., New York, NY., 1940: Tells of the discovery within the Caucasus mountain range of a cavern containing large artifacts and giant human skeletons “with heads as big as bushel baskets“… and of an ancient tunnel nearby which led down into the earth. One man who entered this tunnel never returned to the surface.
Parsons, J. C.
– Letter in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter., Vol. 1, No. 1: The discovery of an 8 ft. diameter, perfectly smooth, vertical shaft inside a cave in Tennessee. The cave was found to be well over 100 ft. deep, and discussions of possible plans to explore the shaft.
Patch,  Howard R.
– THE OTHERWORLD, ACCORDING TO DESCRIPTIONS IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE., Harvard Univ. Press., Cambridge, MA., 1950., 386 pp., illus., pp. 114-115 & 233-234 contain descriptions of journeys into the interior of the earth, including the Cave of ‘St. Patrick’s Purgatory” on Station Island, County Donegal, Ireland. (Also see: Write, T.)
Patrick, Jo
– Article in THE AMERICAN MERCURY magazine, May 1960, pp. 145-149: The ‘Hollow Earth‘ theory and John Cleaves Symmes’ teachings of concentric spheres within the interior of the earth.
Pauwells, Louis
– See: Bergier, Jacques.
Paynter, J. E.
– THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND HOW IT WILL BE ESTABLISHED., ca., 1951., Chapt 4: The polar entrance hypothesis.
Peck, John W.
Pence, Victor
– Editor of COMSEP (See: White, Arnold).
Pennick, Nigel
– SUBTERRANEAN KINGDOM., Turnstone Press Ltd., Wellingborough, England., 1981: Contains material on the Inner Earth.
Percival, Harold W.
   — THINKING AND DESTINY., 1946; Word Foundation Inc., edition., Forest Hills, NY., 1964: Describes the nature of the interior of the earth and what one may expect to encounter as one journey towards the center of the planet. The description parallels in some respects that found in ETIDORHPA, by John Uri Lloyd.
   — GHOSTS THAT NEVER WERE MEN., Article in THE WORD., Vol. 15., No. 6., Sept. 1917., Theosophical Publishing Co., New York, NY., pp. 355-356: The inhabitants of the interior of the earth, “some of the human in form and some of them strange beyond fancy.”
Perkins, David
– Letter in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter., Vol. 1, No. 1: Report of a strange ‘breathing well’ that drillers broke into 17 miles east of Walsenburg, CO. Representatives from the Colorado School of Mines examined it, and concluded it to be part of a tunnel system which they had tracked to Oklahoma from the Gulf of Mexico.
Perreault, Bruce A.
– MISSION: PEACE., New Age Science Association., Manchester, NH., Chapt. 3: “OUR HOLLOW EARTH” – Several reports and findings which support the idea of a Geo-Concavitic or ‘Hollow‘ Earth.
Perry, Clay
– UNDERGROUND EMPIRE., pp. 199-201: Reference to The “East Caves of Syracuse,” a subterranean cave system running beneath the Atlantic Ocean, which ‘allegedly’ connects the British Isles with the North American continent, running beneath the surface of the Atlantic ocean floor.
Perry, Vincent L., Ed.
by – INTO THE UNKNOWN., Readers Digest Association, Inc 1981., pp. 338-339: A segment of the book which refers to the ‘Hollow Earth‘ theory.
Peters, Byron E.
– Letter in SEARCH magazine (issue uncertain)., pp. 61: Refers to “Project Aurora” – a proposed expedition to the Inner Earth via the North Polar entrance, in an attempt to contact the “Inner-Terrans.”
Peterson, Jack.
– Letter in SHAVERTRON newsletter-magazine., No. 14: The writer’s experience in the wilderness near June Lake, CA., where he observed a humanoid being come out of a strange cone-shaped machine that emerged from the ground.
Petscheck, Joyce S.
– THE SILVER BIRD., Celestial Arts Publishers., Milbrae, CA., 1981., Chapters. 12-14: An advanced civilization existing at the bottom of the oceans, the last days of Atlantis, and a subterranean world lighted by a lime-green fluorescence favorable to vegetation growth… information which the author allegedly received through ‘automatic writing’ in 1976 from a human who supposedly made an ‘astral journey‘ to the interior of the earth. The book reads like ‘Metaphysical fiction‘.
Philip, Brother (pseud. for Dr. George Hunt Williamson)
– SECRET OF THE ANDES., Neville Spearman Ltd., London., 1961: U.S. Edition by SAUCERIAN BOOKS, titled: BROTHERHOOD OF THE SEVEN RAYS: Refers to subterranean temples and tunnels in the Tiahuanaco region of Peru, and elsewhere. (Also see: Williamson, Dr. George Hunt)
Phylos, the Thibetan
– A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS., Neville Spearman Ltd., Sudbury, Suffolk, England., 442 pp.: Written with Frederick Spencer Oliver as amanuensis and describes the ‘SACH‘, an ancient ‘Lemurian‘ outpost located within the heart of Mt. Shasta in California. (See: Hamilton, William F.)
Pierce, Norman C.
– THE DREAM MINE. (Also see: Walton, Bruce – THE DREAM MINE STORY)
(Author uncertain): Refers to an African tribe that went underground during an ancient ‘ice age‘ in that part of the world, where they were cared for by a subterranean race of black dwarfs.
Plato (Greek Philosopher)
– PHAEDO., from THE WORKS OF PLATO., Sections 132-145: Refers to vast caverns existing within the earth through which subterranean rivers flow from the surface of the earth, and from the inner surface of ‘Tartarus‘ – a vast ‘hollow‘ which is the  greatest of the Earth’s abysses, and which is “exceedingly large, and perforated through the ENTIRE earth.” Did Plato know about the geo-concavitic or “hollow” nature of our planet? From there the rivers flow back to the surface of the outer world through the process of pressure pushing the waters to the surface, or back to the ‘surface‘ of Tartarus, some of the subterranean rivers “folding themselves once or several times around the earth, like serpents…” before returning to the inner or the outer surfaces of the planet.
Plot, Dr. (?)
– HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE., (publication details unavailable) The original account of the laborers in Staffordshire, England, who entered a strange subterranean world through an entrance referred to as the “Rosicrucius’s Sepulchre“. (Also see: Jennings, Hargrave & Calaias, Ronald A.)
Preece, Harold
– WORLD UNDERGROUND., Article in the ROSICRUCIAN DIGEST., Nov. 1948., 8 pp.: A description of ancient civilizations which escaped inside the earth from an early natural catastrophe, and also speculations that modern man may have to find shelter within the earth in the event of a nuclear war.
Poe, Edgar Allan
– THE NARRATIVE OF ARTHUR GORDON PYM OF NANTUCKET., Penguin Books., Baltimore, MD., 1975., 311 pp.: A strange unfinished semi-fictional manuscript referring to the Hollow Earth and the Polar openings. Recent editions carry an introduction by Harold Beaver (pp. 7-30) containing historical information on Hollow Earth theorists John Cleaves Symmes and Capt. Adam Seaborn, explaining their hollow earth theories. Pp. 234-244 & 267-281 also refers to the ‘Hollow Earth‘.
Pound, Louis
– NEBRASKA FOLKLORE., Article in THE LINCOLN SUNDAY STAR (Lincoln,  Nebraska)., July 5, 1925., pp. 23-24: The story of Ponoca Cave, allegedly an entrance to huge underground caverns containing diffused electromagnetic ‘auroral‘ atmospheric illumination, and also containing prehistoric plants and animals which survived ancient cataclysms by remaining safely in their huge underground ‘shelter‘. These mega-caverns, said to be located beneath the northern part of Dixon county, Nebraska, were allegedly discovered by a Prof. Jeremiah Perrigone, who was very protective about revealing their location. The entrance has allegedly long since caved-in.
Powell, Col. A. E.
– IS THE EARTH HOLLOW? Article in THE PSYCHIC OBSERVER (date uncertain): Describes the ‘theories‘ advanced in Willis George Emerson’s fact/fiction(?) book, THE SMOKY GOD.
Prytz, John M.
– THE HOLLOW EARTH HOAX., Article in FLYING SAUCERS magazine., June 1970., p. 23: Presents scientific arguments debunking the ‘Hollow Earth‘ theory. However, 12 years later in a letter in the April 1982 issue of the PSYCHIC OBSERVER, Prytz expressed his change of perspective, and admits his newfound belief in the possibility of a ‘Hollow Earth‘.
Pringle, Murry T.
– CAVE COMMUNITY., Article in the GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE (Green Bay, Wisconsin)., Dec. 15, 1974 issue; reprinted in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter., Oct. 1982: ‘Cavern Communities’ that have been established or re-established in France and other countries.
Some back issued contain material on the Inner Earth mystery, and related topics.
Feb.-Mar., 1973 issue., Contains an article on the ‘Shaver Mystery.
See SHAVERTRON., No. 7., Spring, 1981 (reprint): Letter from an anonymous reader regarding the inner earth.
Related:  Ohio's Underground

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