The Sept. 10, 1990 issue of ‘UFO UNIVERSE‘ related the following under the title heading,


“Until just recently, William F. Hamilton III managed to keep up a relatively low profile so that he can continue his work in private and without needless interruption from well-meaning, and never-the-less prying eyes.

“Admittedly, his name is not known in every household, but the fact of the matter is that ‘Bill‘ is highly respected among his peers.

“Indeed, what he has to say is as important and vital as the words of flying ace John Lear and former Navy intelligence officer William Cooper, who has gone on record regarding the alien conspiracy.

“In fact, much of what Hamilton maintains is consistent with the theory that there is a massive government cover-up on UFOs and alien visitations that reaches right up to the president’s private office door, and that the U.S. military has made a secret pact with a group of aliens known as the ‘Greys‘. [They] are on earth… mutilating cattle, and abducting humans for experimental purposes. Supposedly the Greys have TAKEN OVER several Top-Secret underground military facilities, AND certain branches of the government [who] are working hand-in-hand with these entities to bring about total domination of the world, while the SECOND group of extra-terrestrials is here trying to protect us…

  • “Of a highly controversial nature, many of Hamilton’s statements may seem overly ‘radical‘ to even his closest associates, not to mention other investigators who refuse to even seriously consider the documentation he is able to present to bolster his case.
  • “…About ten years ago, a few scientists and engineers, who worked for NASA and shared an interest in UFO abductions, came together to form a group they called Project VISIT — Vehicle Internal Systems Investigative Team. They studied about 130 cases of UFO abductions with the goal of constructing a model of UFOs, their operation, and the entities who crew UFOs.

“They found:

  • “– UFOs have bright interior lighting.
  • “– Abductees undergo a medical-type examination with apparently highly sophisticated equipment.
  • “– Burns are suffered by many abductees.
  • “– Time loss – from 20 minutes to 3 hours – is common. Project VISIT member, Dr. Richard Niemtzow, described the crew members as four feet tall, hairless, grey in color, with no nose, a small mouth, and large slanted eyes. The Grey humanoid is emotionless and communicates by telepathy.
  • “The Greys have earned a reputation quite different than the Nordic blondes and other reported species. Most of the abductions are done by greys and more than one variation of Grey. The Greys do most of the biological intervening on abductees. Tans, Whites, and Blues (i.e. ‘Greys’ of other skin colors, gray-tan, gray-white, gray-blue, etc. – Branton) have also been reported by abductees. I have personally had some sort of encounter with what I call the Whites. They are small with extremely white skin and black, wrap-around eyes.
  • “EARTH MADE SAUCERS — In April 1984, Lt. General George Bone, Vice Commander of the U.S. Air Force Systems Command was killed while test-flying a secret aircraft over the Groom Lake area, a top-secret facility located about 100 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada. This facility is designated ‘Area 51.‘ The Systems Command reputedly uses this facility to test-fly spy planes, such as the SR-71 Blackbird or its successor, the Aurora. According to the February 1988 issue of GUNG-HO magazine which ran a feature article on Area 51, some of the craft being flown out of that test facility would make George Lucas drool!…
  • “In the early 1980s, a radio technician working at Area 51 reported seeing a saucer on the ground. It was some 20 or 30 feet in diameter, he said, and when it flew, it moved silently through the air. The technician also viewed a number of wooden shipping crates marked ‘Project Redlight.’ That project may have been a forerunner of Snowbird. Presently, the Air Force is trying to acquire 89.000 acres adjacent to the Groom Lake facility and to place the nearby Groom Mountains off-limits to the public.
  • “Before and after the TV documentary ‘UFO COVER-UP LIVE‘, there had been talking of an underground alien base located in the vicinity of the Groom Lake test site, known as ‘Dreamland‘… This adds a whole new dimension to the idea of a secret space program and hints at fantastic secret programs that take [us] more than one step beyond.
  • “A friend of mine once moved to Riverton, Wyoming to escape from terrifying mysteries he encountered in NEW MEXICO. He said the locals at Riverton asked him, ‘Are you here to work on the secret space project out at the jet airport?‘ Saucers were seen close to the ground in Riverton. One day my friend’s truck broke down and he had to hitch a ride to town. A black Lincoln pulled up and a man dressed in black gave him a lift. The dashboard looked like a computer console. The MIB knew exactly where he wanted to be left off in front of the post office, but my friend had never told him.
  • “ALIEN IMPLANTS — In 1980 when I lived in Glendale, Arizona, I received a call from my friend Walter Baumgartner, who published a magazine of limited circulation called ENERGY UNLIMITED. Walter was a natural technologist. He said that he had started working for a physicist by the name of PAUL BENNEWITZ at Thunder Scientific Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He then proceeded to tell me the fantastic story that Mr. Bennewitz had succeeded in communicating with aliens at an underground base situated near MT. ARCHULETA in the town of DULCE that was close to the Colorado border and situated on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation.

(Note: Bennewitz actually stated that he ‘interrogated‘ the alien-collective via a computer-radio-video link with an ‘alien‘ computer terminal, by tapping-in to the aliens’ ship-to-base communications frequency and using a type of hexadecimal mathematical code to break the alien encryption. He first discovered the signals using specialized equipment he had developed, and later concluded that these signals were also being used to influence abductees who had been given electronic mind-control implants. – Branton).

  • “He told me that these little grey aliens were abducting and implanting people with a device inserted at the base of the skull for the purpose of monitoring and CONTROLLING humans. He said that the ‘government‘ knew about this and was involved with alien activities. He also stated that the aliens feared our nuclear weapons and nuclear radiation. He told me that Paul was working on a weapon that would be effective against these aliens.
Related:  2008: How US Military Monitors Underground Bases Around the World

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 6b

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