(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 5c

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’



(Note: This is a very common observation made by people who claim to have experienced aerial AND/OR subsurface abductions or encounters with non- human aliens – Branton).

3: This is what they look like to him (a drawing was included depicting a traditional ‘gray’ with a somewhat ‘wiry’ build – Branton).

4: This is what the uniform they wear looks like to him. He says the box in the middle has different colored flashing buttons.

5: This is the large ‘boat’, A SORT OF FLOATING ISLAND HE WAS BROUGHT TO (Note: Some aspects of the abduction suggest that the young boy was taken to a large network of water-filled subterranean caverns – Branton). THERE WERE MANY ‘HYBRIDS’ ON IT ALSO.

6: These are the hybrids he sees. He says that they sit in a large circle holding hands. There is one small candle with a very large flame going. HE SAYS HE IS NOT AFRAID OF THE HYBRIDS.

HybridBoy(Note: These may have been so-called “hu-brids” with a human soul-energy “matrix”.

These according to different accounts are more or less ‘slaves’ to the grays and reptoids/ reptons from birth. Many of the women who claim to have been ‘impregnated’ during abductions and who have had their ‘child’ removed from them a few months into its term are allegedly carriers to these hybrids or hu-brids, although it is possible that re-brids or ‘hybrids’ without a soul-matrix (more saurian than human) might be gestated in this manner also.

The hu-brids are allegedly taken to underground bases beneath the surface of the earth and/or possibly installations on or below other planetary spheres. The ritual that the hybrids were apparently forced to undertake might be part of a psychic warfare operation against humans that their reptilian overlords are waging.

It is interesting that Satanists-Illuminists have been known to gather in a circle and meditate on a candle flame in order to induce a state of astral projection, or projection of the spirit form (some have erroneously referred to is as “soul projection” – the “soul body” however can only separate itself from the physical form at death. – Branton)

“THERE IS A FEMALE (hu-brid – Branton) who BLENDS with him and he says it feels very peaceful and good. When asked if the greys were the only aliens he sees, HE DREW THE REPTILIAN, THESE ARE THE UNIFORMS ON THEM ALSO.


Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5d

“Please share with us your input on how to help this boy. We know what is happening here and we are ready and willing to do anything we have to. Love & Light, sincerely (Names deleted by request).”

The above is not, unfortunately, a singular case. MANY people are now coming forward with stories of alien abuse, or of being abducted to underground ‘bases‘ controlled by small ‘grayish‘ or large ‘Reptilian‘ beings. In previous years most of these people have been terrified at the prospect of telling their stories, for fear of ridicule. Before the ‘abduction‘ phenomenon, was widely known about, many such people who spoke out about alien experiences actually ended up in psychiatric institutions, so there was at that time a definite danger of ‘talking’ too much about their horrifying encounters.

Added to this is the official governmental denial of the phenomena, or even outright attempts to ‘silence‘ those who knew too much for supposed “National Security” reasons (actually it was/is “Establishment Security” they were interested in). However, at this point in time when radio, television and even motion pictures are giving the subject another (this time more respectable and honest) look, many more people are gathering the courage to come forward with reports of abductions by malevolent — or contacts with benevolent — ‘aliens‘.

In the hidden depths of the Nevada Military Complex, a battle is raging. Few know just how long it has been going on. Apparently it began several years ago when the Nevada Test Site workers discovered vast subterranean cavities deep underground, “possibly” as a result of the underground nuclear blasts which had artificially excavated huge cavities deep below the surface.

This activity apparently corresponded with the same general time period when the U.S. Secret Government was making deals with the ‘Grays‘, establishing secret locations such as S-4 to study alien craft that had crashed, and constructing environmental enclosures for some of the ‘few‘ alien beings that had been apprehended alive. Much of this activity allegedly took place and is taking place within the extreme high-security areas on and below the Nevada Military Complex.

However, the reports now coming out of the ‘Complex‘ suggest that far more than just a ‘few‘ of the alien grays, and even their reptilian overlords, are involved with the activities taking place in Nevada… more activity than even a few alien survivors of crashed disks could account for. Many accounts have spoken of vast caverns below the southern Nevada region which ‘may‘ have been the ancient lairs of reptilian hominoids for decades or centuries.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5g

All the accounts point to only one possible conclusion: That the Test Site workers broke into the native habitat of these reptilian beings or a system of caverns which the reptilians had taken control of in the recent or distant past. Possibly in an effort to prevent a unilateral warfare between the two expanding ‘worlds‘, the secret government decided to establish a treaty with the saurian Grays (apparently the Grays tried to convince the human governments that they had “originated” from other-stellar regions — and that the humans had encountered one of their underground “bases” — in order to steer the humans clear of the fact that many of them were native to the Terran Subterranea. This may have been a half-lie, as the reptilians do reportedly have ancient facilities that they have established and entrenched on other planetary bodies).

Aside from establishing “treaties” with the extraterrestrial “Grays” that are apparently returning to their native planet, a secret treaty was also made with their counterparts in the so-called ‘underground bases‘. Most of the ‘workers’ would not be aware of the alien activity taking place in these extreme lower levels due to the higher security clearances necessary to enter or even KNOW of them. This could explain the confusion which seems to exist, and the comments made by workers, especially within the Nevada Military Complex, that everything is ‘way out of control’.

It might also explain the comments made by others ‘in the know‘ who have suggested that the government is in a panic since they have learned that the sauroid ‘aliens from other stars’ have infiltrated and undermined the surface of the earth without us even knowing it, and that this is why they are in such confusion, why they are rushing head-long to develop weapons such as ‘Excalibur’ to destroy subterranean alien strongholds, and so on.

In the movie ‘THEY LIVE’, which depicted an infiltration of human society utilizing underground ‘bases’ beneath major cities, one of the human resistance’ members asks: “How LONG have they been here?” Later he comes to realize… “Maybe they’ve ALWAYS been here!” Perhaps the reason behind the supposed alien infestation and undermining of the underground systems below the surface of the earth could be explained by the possibility that they have ALWAYS been here, or have been for some time. Do not accounts, of reptilian hominoids date back to prehistoric times when the dinosaurs walked the surface of the earth? Keep this possibility in mind when trying to fit the following revelations into your framework of reality.

Is it possible that a subterranean race — working closely with others of their kind which long ago left the earth for extraterrestrial realms — is staging (via subversion, implantation, disinformation, conversion, and infiltration) a takeover of human society FROM ABOVE AND BELOW?

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5f

One group that is allegedly tied-in with the inner workings of the government-alien interactions and/or conflicts are known as the ‘Delta‘ Forces. The Delta’s, some claim, has secretly been recruited by the secret government in order to perform certain functions in relation to the so-called ‘joint-interaction‘ projects involving deep-level government organizations and the ‘aliens‘ (saurian greys, etc.).

At the beginning of the ‘interaction‘, the government was optimistic about their new-found alliance with an apparently benevolent race of non-human beings. When the government finally discovered the true nature of the grays; and the fact that they’ were using the ‘treaties‘ with the U.S. government merely as a means to further their infernal plans of bringing the human race under their control, then according to various sources ‘all hell broke loose!‘ The government-CIA in their zeal to establish contact with what they hoped were technological ‘saviors’ from the stars, had ‘bargained away‘ much of what they had, including much of the sovereignty of the United States and the World. When the ‘Horrible Truth‘ was discovered it was too late, the aliens had already established too much control and their physical and occult conquests were increasing every day. And the Delta’s were caught right in the middle.

The Delta Groups (or National Recon Group), wear the ‘Trilateral‘ insignia, a black triangle on a red background. ‘Delta’ is also the fourth letter in the Greek alphabet, which has the form of a triangle. The symbol appears prominently in certain Masonic lodges and is said to have had its origin with the aliens (or serpent race).

The Delta Forces were the major group who, according to some sources, were involved in the attempted operation that was implemented to rescue several scientists who were being held captive within the deepest levels of the ‘Dulce‘ complex below northwestern New Mexico. These workers had stumbled across the ‘Horrible Truth‘, and according to reports over 66 persons, many of them Delta Forces were slaughtered by the inhuman inhabitants and controllers of these lower levels. Others allege that Air Force Blue Berets were also involved in this conflict, which was later to become known as the ‘Dulce Wars’. Exactly what part the Air Force Blue Berets played, however, is uncertain.

With this in mind, the reader might better understand the following revelations which were released by former Naval Petty Officer and Intelligence worker, William Cooper. On January 10, 1989, Mr. Cooper posted the following statement on a computer network devoted to the investigation of paranormal events:

“The following information was extracted from a rather long treatise/transcript/conversation between an individual and another who was assigned to DELTA SECURITY:

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