(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page #5

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

01: Delta security has a lot to do with inter-service projects.

02: The Trilateral insignia (alien) is valid and has been used to mark equipment.

03: ‘The whole thing is grim and won’t get any better.’

04: The Trilateral insignia has been seen on a disk at Edwards AFB, CA and Area 51 in NV.

05: There is a hanger at Edwards referred to as the Delta Hanger.

06: The Delta Hanger is on the North Base at Edwards.

07: You need a special badge to get near it. It is a red badge with a black triangle on the face of it and personal information on the back.

08: Disk in hanger at Edwards described as having insignia on the underside and on the top. It was about 50′ in diameter, appearing like tarnished silver, about 15 to 18 feet thick. There were what looked like windows around the raised portion that were mostly described as rectangular. There was a groove around the disk about 4 feet from the edge all the way around. There was an area on the bottom that looked like vents or louvers.

09: When people assigned to Delta would break down and cry for no apparent reason, you would never see them again.

10: Apparently, the NRO (National Recon Organization) recruits for DELTA out of Fort Carson, Colorado.

11: Just about everyone assigned to DELTA are orphans, have no relatives, etc.

12: There are ‘bounty hunters’ connected with Dreamland.

13: If you work at Dreamland and go on leave or are not back on time they send ‘bounty hunters’ after you. That’s where the ‘visitors’ live…there is an underground facility…

14: Area 51 is at Groom Lake in Nevada. The disks are flown there.

15: One of the craft looked like an upside-down diamond.

16: There is a radiation hazard apparent when some of the craft fly.

17: No one stays at Dreamland for more than a few months.

18: ‘Everything is way out of control…'” (no longer under ‘human’ control? – Branton)

The following conversation, in relation to the Nevada Military Complex and the ‘underground facilities‘, took place on the “Billy Goodman Happening” – KVEG Radio 840 AM, Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 19, 1989.

It was transcribed by a Las Vegas resident. Billy Goodman incidentally, has personally planned visits, in collaboration with KNBC Radio in Los Angeles, to observe the ‘disks‘ which are being tested at Groom Lake. Goodman and others claimed to have seen these disks in operation, and back up these claims with video documentation.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5h

One such video shows a hovering object making a vertical ascent, stop in mid-air, make a horizontal traverse, followed by another vertical ascent. Something like this would be impossible for any conventionally known aircraft of the time to duplicate. Billy Goodman, who has since moved to another radio station in Los Angeles, has been very instrumental in getting the information out about the underground base at Site 51 (or Area-51, the ‘underground facility’ where the ‘visitors’ live, according to Bill Cooper’s source whom we’ve just quoted).

In the following annotated transcript, the caller will be identified as ‘C’ and Billy Goodman as ‘G’:

G: Hi! You’re on the Billy Goodman Happening on KVEG! Sir, what can I do for you tonight?

C: O.K. Are you ready? Hang on to your seats! Here goes! We are going 3,000 feet underground! O.K. We get to that point, 3,000 feet. We come out into a stainless steel atmosphere… and we come upon people that are ah… construction people… working people, and so forth that are supposed to be in that area. Then we come upon other people who push us into another little room. They tell us, “Do not come out of that area until your told to.” These guys are 6-minute marines, all right? They tell us, “If you do, you are going to get hurt!” OK? So we are construction workers!

G: Where are you working? Where is what you are describing to us.

C: On a certain test site!

G: A certain test site! Which one? You can’t reveal which one?

C: We’re kinda mixed up! We don’t know what the hell is going on. We’re making ah… good bucks… and everything has come down on us… and they are hurting us! OK? So we are contractors! We are workers! OK? So there’s a person that I called and explained what is happening to me and they told me to call you and tell you! So, that is what I am doing right now! Calling you!

G: You presented it in a very odd way! First of all, I didn’t know if you were going to be serious or what! Are you saying to me that you are a construction worker and you had to go 3,000 feet underground? First of all, what would you be doing underground? Let me ask you that!

C: We are running lights and power.

G: And who assigned you this job?

C: It’s through Reynold’s Electronics. I have to say that because I get my paycheck from someone else!

(Note: Reynold’s Electronics is a branch of “E.G. & G.” A corporation which DOES IN FACT work with and contract through the Nevada and Utah Test Sites – Branton)

G: They tell you to put these lights underground?

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5f

C: Yeh, but there’s more to it than that! I’m sortof afraid of expressing. Am I talking to you or what?

G: Yes, you are talking directly to me!

C: OK. You know some of the things that are happening, shouldn’t be. It should be made public! The public should know what the hell is going on! And it scares the hell out of me. What is not being brought out you know? For example, can I give you an example? Here’s an example! A few weeks back we were inside a certain cavern going through stainless steel halls, going north, and as we move along we are hanging lights. In the rooms are… they’re like operating rooms.

All of a sudden, off the elevator, our U.S. Marines come out, crash us down off our scaffold, pushing us down, and then into a room. This is taking a hell of a lot out of me to tell you this right now! The bosses come into the room and we’re getting debriefed and all this kind of stuff and all of a sudden they are carrying fixed bayonets. Now I fought in Vietnam and I thought these guys were my buddies! Oh, no way! Forget it! These guys are from outer space!

(Note: There is a slight possibility that the ‘soldiers’ which this man encountered were not ‘human’ marines, but we will deal with this bizarre possibility later on – Branton)

These people brought these little characters on gurneys, OK? They had big heads and little bodies and they went into this little room. Then, behind them, these doctors in white coats and stuff! And we was really at ah… we didn’t know what the hell was going on! We were shocked to hell! …I was SCARED man!

G: Well, sure you didn’t know what was going on and didn’t expect it! I guess them handling you upset you first of all. Being man to man, you thought why should you treat me this way! And that’s to be expected. As far as knowing where you are I have no idea.

C: I know where I was! I worked there every day! I keep a log and if someone asks me I know what’s going on! I’m telling you, man, they’re not telling us the truth. There is something damn wrong within our government. I only got a glimpse of this scientist on television (i.e. most likely referring to Robert Lazar – Branton), but I know he’s not telling much of what he knows. I’m just a worker. A hammer and nail man. This guy’s got more brains than I do and would know more about it than I do. There’s something INSIDE they aren’t telling us!

G: OK. I understand that! Now, what do you want us to do about it?

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5e


G: I think you’ve done that yourself, just now! Now you haven’t told us your location and I think that’s important so we have some idea where this is. I hope you understand at this moment…

C: I work at Mercury, Nevada and I’m the best electrician there. This is between you and me now. I don’t want anybody else to know about this!

G: But you’re on the air Sir!

C: You mean somebody knows about this besides you and me?

G: But you are talking over the radio, Sir! Everybody, all over the West Coast that is listening has just heard you! So you’ve got your word out. Now let’s see if anybody else knows about it. Maybe just maybe, we’ll get some calls from some of the people that work with you.

C: Wait a minute! You mean somebody else knows about this besides you and me?

G: Now, this is a talk show, you called a talk show. I am over the radio – that’s where you called!

C: OH, MY GOD!!!

G: Why, what’s wrong with that? You called a talk show!

C: I thought I was just talking to you!

G: Now you said someone told you to call me. Was it someone you work with?

C: Yes.

G: Nobody knows who you are. You haven’t said your name or anything! Now, let’s see if anyone will back up your story!

C: But I didn’t know other people would hear this. Now I’m scared for my life! There’s tremendous stuff out there that’s being hidden. It’s being corrupted inside. It’s being stashed away.

G: Well that’s what we do here. We are trying to bring the information out, and it’s people like yourself who are making that happen. They bring us information all the time! Are you trying to bring the information out yourself because you don’t like what’s going on?

C: I fear for my life because I’ve seen what happened. I fear for my life because the government is lying to me.

G: OK. Why do you fear for your life? Have you been threatened?

C: Before you even go down in the pit they threaten you! That is you tell anything of what you saw, you are dead!!!

G: But you’re not saying more than what you saw. Is there anything else you want to say before we say thank you for calling?

C: Yes, one other thing. Whenever it gets down to the nitty-gritty, it will be clear to the people, that what they are seeing on the news, is true! We’ve got six little bodies underground, man!!!

G: Please keep in touch, OK? (end of transcript)

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