(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 5e

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

The reference to Reynold’s Electrical, by the way, maybe explained more fully in its connection with E.G. & G., from the following reference which we quote, from an article that appeared in a newspaper called the REVIEW-JOURNAL, January 9th, 1990. This Associated Press article stated:

“Three Nevada-based EG&G companies employ most of the workers at the Nevada TEST SITE, the nations’ nuclear-proving grounds 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

“The companies employ 8,000 people: 1,500 at EG&G Energy Measurements Inc.; 1,000 at EG&G Special Projects; and 5,500 at Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co.”

Actually, present officials working at the Nevada Test Site are apparently, at least, for the most part, refusing the advice of the FOUNDER of EG&G., Herald ‘Doc’ Edgerton, who once made the following statement at a meeting of the Archaeological Society of America:

“Work like hell, TELL EVERYONE EVERYTHING YOU KNOW, close a deal with a handshake, and have fun.” Edgerton apparently was no supporter of ‘official secrecy’, yet many of those now involved in this company are being threatened to remain silent to the point of endangering their very lives if they speak out about what they have seen.

Incidentally, Robert Lazar was hired by EG&G himself to work at the S-4 installation at Groom Lake. In fact, we will now relate another conversation that took place on the “Billy Goodman Happening” almost a week following the conversation which is recorded above. There are apparently SOME EMPLOYEES working at the Nevada Test Site, who ARE speaking out about what is going on there, like the one who called into the Billy Goodman show on Nov. 24, 1989, possibly in response to the caller from Mercury, Nevada mentioned earlier, as well as in response to Bob Lazar’s own experiences.

The person who transcribed this particular taped program indicated that they had missed the first 15 seconds or so of the caller’s conversation.

This is NOT the same caller whose conversation we just described.

In the following transcript, (C:) indicates ‘Caller‘; (G:) indicates Billy ‘Goodman‘; and (L.:) refers to Bob ‘Lazar‘, who was Goodman’s guest for that evening. Beginning with the ‘Caller’:

C: …Well, we’re kinda fed up with what’s going on, right! And I mean nothing gets done without the ants! We are the ants! We are the construction workers, O.K.? We put things together and take them apart! You are the scientists (referring here to Robert Lazar – Branton). You do all the higher level of knowledge stuff, right? We do all the putting in this and putting in that: installing, construction and so forth! Well, we heard about your situation, and it’s going through a whole bunch of grapevines,

O.K? It’s coming together where people are meeting in small groups and they’re trying to organize support for you to back you up! Out of the meeting we had yesterday of 7 people, counting myself there are two that will come forward and support you! What they SAW, what they are INVOLVED WITH! The other guys are just scared to death and I’m a little scared myself, you know!

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5c

L.: Do these people work in area S-4?

C: Yeh, all over the area!

L.: That would be great!

C: Mostly UNDERGROUND! The deep sections of the area! The whole thing!

G: How do you feel Bob? Sounds like you are getting some support!

L.: Yea, that’s great! There’s power in numbers!

C: We are trying to get things where it will be safe! You know what I mean Bob?

L.: Oh yeh, I do!

C: It’s kinda hard to talk to you like this you know but the guys are for you! People are for you and everybody’s wanted to do something a long time ago but nobody knew what they could do.

L.: Yeh, that was the consensus when I was down there! Everybody wanted to do something. I’m glad everyone has that attitude!

C: Yeh, you are probably the beginning of the first movement of the wheel you know! The first turn! The wheel is gonna turn faster and faster in order to get where we want to get to!

L.: Well hopefully that will be the case! Do you think these people would come forward if there was some sort of congressional amnesty for them?

C: I don’t know but we all know a lot! We know our jobs well as you do!

L.: I’m sure you do.

C: What we have to do is be firm about it, get to the point and say, “Hey, here’s what’s happening!” Why don’t you tell the people what’s happening? Why keep it a secret? Like before you walk into those hangers there. Somebody had to install this and install that! It’s frightening. It scared the heck out of me. We got together out at Lathrup Wells and kicked it around. We B.S.’ ed a little bit and said, “We gotta do something!” SO WE DID SOMETHING YESTERDAY. Like I said: there’s only two of the seven of us who are willing to do something.

G: Sir, Sir! Is there anything we can do to help you in this matter? Is there anything listening to people can do? I know they are behind Bob Lazar 100%. I had him on here one night and there hasn’t been one person by either mail or by telephone, who has disputed what he has said! So they are behind him. Is there anything we can do?

C: Well you could form some kind of walk or picket! Or announce it on the street. Tell them we want to know! WE WANT TO KNOW!!!

G: When you say on the street, are you talking about downtown Las Vegas?


G: What do you think of that Bob? Do you think that would do anything?

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5a

L.: Certainly if these people come forward! They have a LOT to lose if people start making a ruckus like that! They could lose their jobs right away! They talked about there being a ten-year jail term and a $10,000 fine for divulging information like that! I mean they have a lot to lose! You might…

G: But you know something, Bob? It’s almost like…

C: We have the first amendment on our side!

L.: Yeh, you do but… have you thought about contact(ing) George Knapp? (of KLAS-TV, Las Vegas, who produced an entire series of UFO-based documentaries after Lazar came forward with his story – Branton) He’s looking for anybody that is coming forward from S-4, and any surrounding areas having knowledge at all about that area or any of the flying saucer information! He’s gathering all he can and doing a lot to try and expose it!

G: You might want to contact George! That might be a good idea! But I think there’s another side to this. It’s almost like they’re not concerned anymore about their jobs. They’re more concerned about the Constitution! They’re more concerned about Humanity! That’s the impression I get!

L.: Yeh, you get that point but you have to feed yourself too!

G: Well you know, there are people that take chances in life, and sometimes they wind up with something better. Later on… down the line. Do you know what I’m saying? Someone like yourself. I’m not saying this would happen by coming forward, taking a chance, and all of a sudden, say, the government cut you off. You might get an offer for a better position.

Do you follow what I’m saying? Because there are people who own the businesses that believe the way you believe. And I believe this! I hear this gentleman talking and it’s happening more and more. There are people out there who would LOVE to come forward with information.

C: But somebody has to start it.

G: Right. And I think you’ve done that Bob! You started the ball rolling. I know you did. I think what is going to happen is the people who have been wanting to say something; this might be a relief for them. It’s coming out and they won’t have to keep it inside any more!

L.: That was the general consensus when I was out there.

G: Well obviously they want out too. They want to tell the truth.

C: Bob, did you have any work underground? IN THE TUNNELS?

L.: No! I have a friend whose dad worked on some of the drilling equipment! I know there’s some tunnels down there!

C: There’s more than just tunnels down there! There’s everything you can imagine down there. I know cause we put it up!!! We installed. We did everything. I just want you to know that the M.W.s (Mercury Workers) are gathering together in small groups trying to put something together for you and contact you somehow to join you. If the people want to join us in a march or whatever it’s going to be, that’s what we’re going to do!

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5h

L.: Oh! That’s super!

C: So we’re with you man!

G: Thanks for the call, sir! Have a nice night. Bob, it sounds as though people are starting to come forward. (end of transcript)

Still, on the subject of the strange events taking place in (and beneath) southern Nevada, we quote here part of a letter written by a subscriber to N.A.R. (Nevada Aerial Research – now Leading Edge Research), who made the following statements:

Bob_Lazar_MJ-12_ID_Card“…Bob Lazar, the scientist, was talking about riding in a bus with the windows blacked out and it brought back something an airline stewardess told me last summer (1989).

She said, ‘I’m trying to relocate to another part of the country right now. Once a week, I’m assigned to a flight that I hate! We only have Armed Forces officers on THIS flight. Before we take off, we are instructed to pull the window covers over the windows!

After we take off, we circle widely, about 15 minutes (it would be unnoticeable to most people) – fly straight for 15 minutes, circle again about 15 minutes and then land. After we land the flight crew is ushered into a lounge.

A half-hour later we repeat the process back to Las Vegas. The people are all different on the return trip. We are told, ‘Don’t tell anyone about these flights!’ I just can’t stand the tension on this flight!’

(Note: just what did she mean when she says the “people are different” on the return flight — different people or the same people with different personalities? – Branton)

“I think these trips are to Groom Lake!

“The jets are still swarming over the Blue Diamond area. It’s VERY odd. I know in my heart that it’s more than just practice flights!

“Something else very odd: (I think this might have something to do with the tunnels). The apartment complex where I work (fourplexes – 450 of them)… Two or three days ago the manager asked the maintenance men if any of them were doing any work in ONE of the buildings. Everybody said no. She said ALL 4 APARTMENTS in that building had called her and said that an explosion knocked all the pictures off their walls and broke them. No one else, from any other building, felt anything. The man I said who saw the landing at Holloman beat a path to me to tell me about this. …A Las Vegas subscriber.”

In addition to this, here is another item which appeared in one of the NAR newsletters: “On November 25th (1990), television station Channel 8 in Las Vegas televised a two hour special on UFOs, Area 51, S-4 and the UFO coverup. It is revealed that some of the people who contacted Channel 8 had had their homes broken into in Las Vegas…” (could channel 8 have an “infiltrator” working among them? – Branton)

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