(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page #5

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’


“NOTES ON ALF (Alien Life Forms): Term used by the government to describe the Greys in terms of being a MALEVOLENT life form. The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different (from) ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms (the ‘body terror’ mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber).


They implant small devices in the brain which potentially GIVES THEM TOTAL CONTROL AND MONITORING CAPABILITY. These devices are very difficult to detect. The analysis of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that involves the use of crystalline technology combined with molecular circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and the various fields of the human (body). Information is entrained in the brain waves. It appears that all attempts to remove the implants (1972) have resulted in the death of the human.

They perform surgery and other operations on human subjects. These abductions continue to be an ongoing matter. A list of abductees is provided periodically to MAJI, although IT IS KNOWN THAT MANY MORE ARE ABDUCTED THAN ARE REPORTED…

Various descriptions of the ALF’s relate the following characteristics: Between 3 to 5 feet in height, erect standing biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of auditory lobes (external), absence of body hair, large… eyes (slanted approximately 35 degrees) WHICH ARE OPAQUE BLACK WITH VERTICAL SLIT PUPILS, ARMS RESEMBLING PRAYING MANTIS (normal attitude) which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, CLAW-LIKE FINGERS (various number of digits – often two short digits and two long, but some species have three or four fingers), tough gray skin WHICH IS REPTILIAN IN TEXTURE, small feet WITH FOUR SMALL CLAW-LIKE TOES… a non-functioning digestive system; TWO SEPARATE BRAINS; movement is deliberate, slow and precise; ALIEN SUBSTANCE REQUIRES THAT THEY MUST HAVE HUMAN BLOOD AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES to survive.

In extreme circumstances, they can subsist on other (cattle, etc.) animal fluids. Food is converted to energy by Chlorophyll, by a photosynthetic process (this supports results gained from autopsies at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their ‘blood’ was greenish and the tissue was black). Waste products are secreted through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by mid-cranial lateral bone (anterior and posterior brain). There is no apparent connection between the two (could one be an ‘individual’ brain while the other works as part of a ‘collective consciousness’? – Branton).

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5c

Some autopsies have revealed a crystalline network that is thought to have a function in telepathic (and other) functions which help to maintain the group consciousness between members of the same species. Functions of group consciousness in this species do have a disadvantage in those decisions in this species comes rather slowly as the matter at hand filters through the group awareness of those who must make the decision…”

The above description fits almost perfectly with the description of the ‘UFO occupants’ witnessed by police officer/patrolman Herb Shermer. Shermer described these creatures which he swore he encountered outside of Ashland, Nebraska, shortly after midnight on December 3rd, 1967:

“…They were from 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. Their uniforms were silver-gray, very shiny. Their suits came up around their heads like a pilot’s cap. On the right side of their helmet’s, they had a small antenna, just above where the ear would be. Their chests were bigger than ours, they were built very wiry and muscular.

Their eyes were the one thing I will never forget… THE PUPIL WENT UP AND DOWN LIKE A SLIT. When they looked at me they stared straight into my eyes. They didn’t blink. It was REAL uncomfortable. Their noses were flat, their mouths looked more like a slit than a regular mouth…”

The fact that the pupils of the creatures encountered by Shermer were ‘slit-like’ would indicate that the creatures were most likely reptilian-saurian in nature, as most snakes and lizards, etc., have vertical-slit pupils. The reptilian connection which we make with the creatures encountered by officer Shermer is not based solely on his testimony alone but on the other testimonies of various persons who have also encountered creatures similar to the ones just described.

Many of these accounts give a more definite link — between the ancient reptilian-saurian race which disappeared from the surface of this planet ages ago — and the non-human UFOnauts encountered by literally tens of thousands of individuals the world over.

QUEST INTERNATIONAL (c/o 15, Pichard Court., Temple Newsam., Leeds, L515 9AY., ENGLAND U.K.), a major British UFO research organization consisting mainly of retired Police, Security and Military personnel, is presently investigating what may well be the most documentable case of the crash-retrieval of an unidentified flying disk to date.

On the 7th of May, 1989, NORAD installations allegedly tracked an unidentified object as it entered African air-space. The South African Air Force is also said to have tracked the craft by radar, traveling at a calculated speed of 5746 nautical miles per hour.

The incident was related by a South African Intelligence Worker, who along with documentation of his military position, also sent secret files and transcripts to two QUEST INTERNATIONAL investigators, Tony Dodd and Henry Azadehdel, telling of the event. Also, several RECORDED telephone conversations with high-ranking military and government officials were obtained which strongly suggests that ‘something‘ did in fact happen over South African terrain. Some of these recorded conversations involved military officials in South Africa who strongly reprimand the intelligence-worker-turned-informer over the phone. This was due to the fact that the informer had left South Africa for Britain, where he stayed at the house of the researchers, and then later went into hiding.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5h

QUEST INTERNATIONAL director Graham W. Birdsall has stated that the documentation and the individuals involved in the incident are of such a nature that the event must have taken place, or the International Intelligence Community is collectively perpetrating a hoax of incredible magnitude concerning a crashed and recovered flying disk. Birdsall strongly suspects that the incidents did take place, due to the weight of evidence. Following is part of a word-for-word transcript given to the researchers by the informant, which he alleged was taken from the actual top-secret report of the initial tracking of the object:

“…The object entered South African air space at 13.52 GMT. Radio contact was attempted with an object, but all communications proved futile. As a result, two armed Mirage fighters were scrambled. A short time later the object suddenly changed course at great speed which would have been impossible for conventional aircraft to duplicate.

“At 13.59 GMT, Squadron Leader —– the pilot of the fighter reported that they had radar and visual confirmation of the object. The order was given to arm and fire the experimental aircraft-mounted Thor 2 laser cannon. This was done.

“Squadron leader —– reported that several blinding flashes emitted from the object which had started wavering whilst heading in a northerly direction. At 14.02 it was reported that the object was decreasing altitude at a rate of 3000 feet per minute. Then at speed, it dived at an angle of 25 degrees and impacted in desert terrain 80 miles north of the South African border with Botswana, identified as the central Kalahari desert. Squadron leader —– was instructed to circle the area until a retrieval team arrived. A team of Air Force Intelligence Officers, together with medical and technical staff were promptly taken to the area of impact for Investigation and retrieval. The findings were as follows:

1) a crater 150 meters in diameter and 12 meters in depth.
2) A silver-colored disk-shaped object 45 degrees embedded inside of the crater.
3) Around the object sand and rocks were fused together by the intense heat.
4) An intense magnetic and radio-active environment around the object resulted in an electronic failure of air force equipment (causing the crash of one Air Force helicopter).
5) The object was eventually moved to an Air Force Base for further investigation.
6) The terrain of impact was filled with sand and rubble to disguise all evidence of the event has taken place…”

The report indicated that a hydraulic type landing gear was fully deployed, suggesting that electronic malfunction had caused the object to crash, probably due to the Thor 2 laser cannon having been fired at the craft. While the team observed the object at the Air Force Base a loud sound was heard. It was then noted that a hatch on the lower side of the craft had opened slightly and appeared to be stuck. This opening was later forced with the use of hydraulic pressure equipment, at which point two humanoid entities in tight-fitting grey suits emerged and were promptly apprehended. The report stated that the entities were of the following description (emphasis ours – Branton):

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 5e

“HEIGHT: 4-5.5 ft.;

COMPLEXION: Greyish blue – skin texture smooth, extremely resilient;

HAIR: Totally devoid of any bodily hair;

HEAD: Oversize in relation to human proportions. Raised cranium with dark blue markings around the head;

FACE: Prominent cheekbones;

EYES: Large and slanted upwards towards the side of the face. NO pupils seen;

NOSE: Small consisting of two nostrils;

MOUTH: Small slit devoid of lips;

JAW: Small in relation to human proportions;

BODY/ARMS: Long and thin reaching just above knees;



LEGS: Short and thin;

GENITALS: NO EXTERIOR sexual organs;


NOTES: Due to AGGRESSIVE NATURE of humanoids, no samples of blood or tissue could be taken (One humanoid ATTACKED DOCTOR causing DEEP SCRATCHES ON FACE AND CHEST). When offered various food, refused to eat… One way passage has been requested for both humanoids to Wright Patterson Air Force Base USA for more advanced investigation and research…”

Many of the details regarding these ‘humanoids’ are actually very similar to other branches of the reptilian race as it has been described by other witnesses. It appears as if the ‘serpent race’ is composed of several different branches or types, much the same as dogs and other animals retain their distinction but are composed of several different ‘types‘ or ‘branches‘. Commonly known reptiles are devoid of bodily hair, have prominent cheekbones, large slanted eyes, small openings in place of ears, 3-digit webbed hands, and feet — except in the case of snakes, etc., which lost use of their limbs through atrophication over 1000’s of years, — have claws, are covered with ‘scaly’ ribbed skin, and have no external reproductive organs, being egg-layers, and are aggressive and predatory in nature.

The top-secret document indicated that the passage of the object and creatures would be implemented on the 23rd of June, 1989 to Wright Patterson AFB. Actually, sources DO indicate that Wright Patterson DID IN FACT GO ON RED ALERT on that date. Subsequent documents supplied by the Intelligence source to QUEST INTERNATIONAL indicate that the creatures seemed to have a strong connection with the SAURIAN race which existed in ancient times. The exact wording of one particular document which is now in the hands of QUEST INTERNATIONAL is as follows:

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