(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 7d

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

In ‘POPULAR SCIENCE’, March 1990 issue, p. 24, we read of an apparently quite intelligent, predatory lizard which constantly walked upright on two legs in a remarkable human-like manner, counterbalanced by a tail. This lizard, in fact, may have been the original ancestor of all the reptilian species throughout this world (and beyond?). If left to it’s ‘natural‘ course (of not so much ‘evolution’, but rather ‘mutation’) over the years, according to some paleontologists, a race of creatures such as described below might have — through natural selection and environmental adaptation — become more intelligent and ‘hominoid‘ in nature.

As its brain and physical form ‘developed‘, and its limbs became stronger through ‘survival of the fittest‘, the ‘tails‘ of such a predatory race may have become atrophied [as the ‘limbs’ became atrophied in snakes, a reptilian branch that apparently ‘mutated’ in the opposite direction]. The article states:

“The oldest known dinosaur, HERRERASAURUS… (was) a flyweight when compared with some of its ponderous descendants. HERRERASAURUS weighed perhaps 300 pounds and stretched a mere six to eight feet long. It had enormous claws and small forelimbs, showing that it spent much time ambling on two legs. It also had a peculiar, double-hinged jaw… that allowed it to clamp down on wriggling prey. And its teeth were finely serrated. These characteristics…clearly mark HERRERASAURUS as an active flesh-eater. “The site of the fossil find (of the remains of this saurian – Branton), the Ischigualasto Formation in northwestern Argentina, is the only area in the world where there are no gaps in the fossil record across the time zone being investigated.”

In reference to the discoveries made by researcher Paul Serano — a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, who with colleague Alfredo Monetta discovered some remains of the bipedal saurioid lizard near San Juan, Argentina — the article states:

“Serano says that the very first dinosaur should have lived at the time of the rock layer containing HERRERASAURUS, but that climate and geological factors combined to keep any fossils from being preserved there. “‘We’ll have to concentrate above and below that zone,’ says Serano, ‘Fortunately, those layers are very good. It’s likely we’ll be able to find more interesting fossils there.’

“The paleontologist won the $500,000 Packard Foundation Award last October, which he says will enable him to continue on the track of dinosaurs.”

The following is apparently a description of the nefarious activities of the saurian ‘Grey‘ entities, which was submitted to us along with a miscellaneous collection of UFO data by a Mr. Ray White. We do not know it’s original source, other than the apparent fact that the information seems to be based on the revelations of a certain ‘abductee‘, and begins by making reference to the greys as being:

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 7b

Zeta-Greys“…eaters of souls — harvest(ers) of souls — placed in huge globular depositories — something extracted, as hemoglobin is extracted from blood — some residue buried in a graveyard, not on this planet… couldn’t move or speak — couldn’t move head — tunnel vision — everything blurred except straight ahead — they have rank — like an army but not the same — you know by the way they ‘talk’ to each other — thumb, 3 fingers, perhaps 1 very small — suction pads on tips of fingers — our eyes do not pick up the real color of their skin, only a color-blind person would see their skin as it really is — she saw them as grayish-green — their skin is not their true skin — it is like a shield they use, a protective covering

(Note: In a similar manner Kenneth Ring, PH,D. in his book ‘THE OMEGA PROJECT’ — William Morrow & Co., N.Y. 1972., states that, based on abductee reports, the ‘opaque black’ eyes of most of the ‘Grays’ may also be artificial ‘coverings’ – Branton)

— their perception of pain is different from ours — one had compassion (Note: In most cases the only ‘greys’ described as having ‘compassion’ are the so-called ‘hybrids’, most of which are actually HUMANS conceived from human semen and ova taken from abductees, yet which have been ‘genetically altered’ through biotechnology and/or artificial postnatal gene-spicing with the ‘aliens’ or other life-forms. Just as the ‘greys’ are allegedly part of a lower saurioid hierarchy, the ‘hybrids’ or ‘hubrids’ are reportedly the slave-workers who work under them – Branton), others did not — ship blended into rock — total camouflage — HAVE INSTRUMENTS THAT CAN CAMOUFLAGE SHIPS AS [like?] ARMY VEHICLES — when she entered the ship, at first she thought that she was going into a cave in the rocks — they take off your clothes right away, without your realizing they have done it — they have a section strictly for men, another strictly for women — they did not understand her menstruating — she had to explain menstrual periods to female alien — cure of cancer in spices and roots — deformed babies in some sort of liquid — some E.T., some human, some E.T./human, some deformed baby animals — failed experiments — they HAVE NOT yet had luck in interbreeding with us — offspring survive a certain amount of time, but then die — their metal different from ours, soft but not soft (?) — they don’t understand how we bruise so easily, the softness of our skin — they were interested in soft spot at top of skull — they told her about her family history, going way back, ALWAYS the terrible things, traumatic childhood memories, few seconds each, the things she had blocked out, NEVER the happy memories — they can’t understand why we aren’t more advanced than they are — we limit ourselves — block knowledge out — ringing in ears both on and off ship — calf alive but frozen — different types of samples of animal life — they give birth through naval, not vagina — UBAN — Starmaster 12′ tall — Night of Lights when everyone will see it — the whole world.”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 7e

On Oct. 16th, 1992, FOX Network’s ‘SIGHTINGS‘ documentary described several abduction experiences involving ‘grays‘ and larger ‘Reptilian‘ entities. One woman alleged that during one encounter with the reptilian ‘greys‘ she saw a ‘preying mantis‘ type of creature working WITH the saurian greys and which seemed to be the leader. It had HUGE black eyes and even though the woman despised the greys she felt an even stronger disgust and hatred for that particular creature. This is not the only case where reptil-saurian ‘predators‘ and Insectoid ‘parasites’ (as some have referred to them) have been seen working together.

Just what are these ‘Mantis‘ like creatures that have been seen WORKING WITH the greys-reptilians? Some have suggested that they are an extreme mutation of the reptilian race, while others suggest they are interdimensional entities of insectoid configuration. John Lear has alleged that one of the first crash-retrievals of an unidentified aerial disk involved these ‘mantis-like’ creatures which were found on board.

However, he also states that within a short period following the incident ALL of the high government officials who investigated that particular case died under mysterious circumstances. Such a ‘coincidence‘ may seem sinister if not demoniacal in nature. Like the reptilians themselves, these ‘Mantis‘ like creatures have usually been described as being deadly and very deceptive and abusive. It seems as if they operate on an equal basis, and in some cases a superior basis to the so-called ‘Reptilian‘ AND saurioid ‘Gray‘ alien groups and possibly the pterodactyloid or so-called ‘Mothmen’ as well.

One source, although unconfirmed, ‘claimed‘ to have seen huge ‘Mantis-like‘ creatures in a cavern deep below drill-shaft south of the Kokoweef mountain area near the Mojave Desert. The account, rather obscure in some details, was related by way of a Mr. ‘Stolz‘ who knew some individuals who were involved in modern attempts to break into Earl Dorr’s legendary ‘underground grand canyon‘ or river of gold beneath Kokoweef peak. It is uncertain whether the man in question was lowered down the hole or whether he allegedly saw the creatures via camera equipment that was lowered down the drill-shaft.

In his book ‘THE SERPENT AND THE SATELLITE’ (Philosophical Library, New York), author F. Alfred Morin reveals on page 343:

“…In the Jewish legends, the serpent is sometimes described as a modified reptilian human-like creature indicating that this description was also gradually evolving into the symbolism of wickedness or Satan into the image and likeness of a man.”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 7f

The LEADING EDGE RESEARCH GROUP, P.O. Box 481-MU58., Yelm, Washington 98587., published the following ‘advertisements’ or introductions for two of their publications. Although these publications contain some ‘occult-channeled’ metaphysical information of a rather unsubstantiated or subjective nature, other pieces of information arrive from more down-to-earth (and thus more substantiating or objective) sources. The first add is as follows:

Valerian, Valdamar. MATRIX II: THE ABDUCTION AND MANIPULATION OF HUMANS USING ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. 3rd Edition. Updated with New Material. LEADING EDGE RESEARCH GROUP, 1991, 8 1/2 x 11, Velo-Binding, 660 pages, 1400 line-item index.

Its first two editions sold out planetwide as of June 1990. It is rumored that some alien species have secured a copy, and the US Government has also apparently acquired it. The original MATRIX, issued in 1988, set the stage for this incredible piece of work… The book, now in its 3rd edition, updated in July 1991, encompasses an incredible range of data which includes precedential research on human abduction by both government and off-planet forces — material that other authors will not speak of and what publishers will not allow themselves to print.

After the book was released, other researchers began to catch on to what has been occurring. Val Valerian weaves a wide range of interrelated material into a literary experience that will rock you to the core of your being — Included within the book is… data and updates on underground bases at Dulce and the Nevada Test Site, a large number of illustrations, maps and charts detailing activity sites, underground installations and tunnel networks, commentary by John Lear, Robert Lazar and a host of other top-notch researchers. Valerian takes us through the whole gambit of how, why, and by whom humans are manipulated, information about government connections to the abduction process, post-abduction problems, and things that the abductee can do.

The book is the first to adequately relate the research on memory functions relative to the abduction process, virtual reality machines and Reichian programming, and mind control by human and alien manipulators. It also discusses the abduction of human children and how to handle the adjustment of the child to the experience, multi-generational scenarios and cases, human multi-dimensional anatomy and how it can be manipulated by technology, and elements of advanced technology possessed by the government.

There is more information about the various species known as the Greys in MATRIX II than there has been (or probably ever will be) published anywhere… There is additional data on the Reptilian species who are dominant over the Greys, and what they may have planned for humans in the coming years. There are overviews of the processes and rationale for implanting humans, as well as cross-sections and technical data gleaned from extracted alien implants during 1991. Electronic space societies (which the Earth will become in the near future) are discussed.


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