(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 9f

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

Studied by Ralph Helfer of Burbank, California, it was discovered that Oliver had FORTY-SEVEN CHROMOSOMES, FALLING BETWEEN AN APES FORTY-EIGHT AND A HUMANS FORTY-SIX, suggesting a CROSSBREED. Oliver was extremely intelligent for an “ape” and enjoyed watching television Westerns and action programs for hours, unlike chimps, which became bored after a few minutes.

Aside from the hairy humanoids, there have also allegedly been sightings of satyrus-like creatures in connection with the underground or aerial phenomena, although these sightings are relatively rare. They are described as being small, goat-footed humanoids with horns. Because of the paraphysical phenomena surrounding such sightings, however, some have suggested that they might be part of a quasi-physical pre-Adamic race that was part of the original ‘fall‘ described in Judeo-Christian theology, a race that possessed humanoid, bestial AND angelic features and therefore immortal.

Whether their humanoid/animalistic attributes allowed them to procreate is uncertain, however, there are a few bizarre accounts which surface from time to time of female witches or satan-worshippers having been impregnated by satyrus-like incubi, following which they give birth to a horrifying hybrid — a frightening and often vicious humanoid child with horns and tail, who traditionally live only a few days or weeks before dying. This may be just a myth that has been created by occultists over the years, as no actual cadavers of these supposed hybrids have ever turned up in public.

Several years ago Brad Steiger reported an incredible incident involving a demolition crew in San Francisco, who was in the process of tearing down some old buildings when they broke into an underground cavity adjacent to the basement level of one of the old structures. They gather together some equipment and entered the opening, and were surprised to find themselves in a tunnel which branched out in different directions underground. The construction workers commenced exploring the passages for some distance before they encountered something which left them shocked and trembling. Right in front of them stood a group of the strangest creatures they had ever seen. They were neither ‘entirely’ human nor entirely like any animal they had seen before. They were humanoid, covered from head to foot with hair, were around 5 feet tall, with eyes which reflected reddish in the light of their flash beams.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 9c

The demolitionists decided that they weren’t going to stay there much longer, and beat a hasty retreat back to the surface. The opening might have been subsequently covered-up by debris and further demolition work, although this is uncertain. Whatever may have become of the tunnel entrance is anyone’s guess.

Charles Berlitz, in his ‘ATLANTIS – THE EIGHTH CONTINENT’ (G. P. Putnams Sons., New York., 1984., pp. 196-198), makes the following comments concerning the ancient fallen society which was apparently one of the first ‘civilizations‘ following the deluge to release the scourge of high-tech thermonuclear warfare on the earth. He states:

“…These periodic destructions have occurred because Earth’s inhabitants failed to carry out the plan of the Creator… According to the retelling of the Hopi legends by Frank Waters, in collaboration with White Bear (BOOK OF THE HOPI: 1968), when (the ancient peoples) had acquired what they wanted ‘they wanted more still and wars began again.’ The peoples of the Earth created ‘big cities, nations, civilizations,’ and invented aircraft — PATUWVOTAS — which they used to attack and destroy one another’s cities.

The warfare in this previous world ceased only when continents sank and the land and sea changed places, leaving the ‘third world‘ (the one before the present) lying on the sea bottom, ‘with all the proud cities, the flying PATUWVOTAS, and the worldly treasures corrupted with evil.’ (Although the ‘sinking of continents’ seems to be a phenomena intimately connected with the deluge, this does not mean that other island continents might not have sunk within the centuries or millenia FOLLOWING deluge as well – Branton). “…It is in the books of ancient India, however, that we find allusions to prehistoric warfare that eerily parallel those of today as well as those of the foreseeable future (vide C. Berlitz: MYSTERIES FROM FORGOTTEN WORLDS). There are two possible explanations for them: either some scientifically minded Indians of six [or so] thousand years ago let their fancies roam at will and imagined bombs of sufficient force to destroy most of the world, or perhaps the whole concept was inherited from…a stage of development propitious to experimenting with or using the destructive power of the atom.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 9b

“In any case, passages from traditional Indian literature, such as the VEDAS, the PURANAS, the RAMAYANA, the MAHAVIRA, and especially the MAHABHARATA, contain repeated references expressed in the poetic language of their era to aircraft — VIMANAS — rockets, and space travel, but also specific allusions to what is easily recognizable as combat aircraft, air bombing, radar and other forms of aircraft detection, artillery, rocket launching, explosive bullets, detonation of mines, and bombs of cosmic destruction comparable in effect to the atom bomb of the present world.

In other sections of Indian scientific and philosophical literature, there are mentions attesting to the awareness of molecules and atoms of different elements, a concept that might eventually lead to the use of the power of the atom in warfare, just as it has in our day within a relatively short period of time. From the time that the atomic theory was generally accepted by modern scientists to the construction of the atom bomb WAS ONLY 130 TO 135 YEARS, while a previous world civilization, whose time span is unknown, would presumably have had as much or more time for such development.

“…When the MAHABHARATA was to be translated in the last half of the 19th century into modern languages (into English by Protap Chandra Roy and into German by Max Muller), the fanciful descriptions of ancient warfare were generally ignored, except in the case of artillery – familiar to everyone – and aircraft, then considered to be lighter than air. V. R. Ramachandra Dikshitar in his book on early Indian warfare (WAR IN ANCIENT INDIA: 1944), comments on the DECLINE of artillery in medieval times, inferring that it was more destructive in the distant past.

He also defends the detailed references to heavier-than-air aircraft in an ancient land and naval warfare, referring to ‘the vast literature of the PURANAS showing how well and wonderfully the ancient Indians conquered the air.’ Since Dikshitar was writing during the period of World War I, he, like a number of Indian officers and British officers in the Indian service, was aware than many of the ‘imaginary‘ weapons of Indian antiquity had made an appearance (or reappearance) in both world wars. Dikshitar wrote, during World War I, that the MOHANASTRA or ‘arrow of unconsciousness‘ was generally considered ‘a creature of legend until we heard the other day of the bombs discharging poisonous gases.'”

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 9h

In reference to an ancient weapon known as ‘the iron thunderbolt‘, Berlitz states: “According to the description in the MAHABHARATA its burst was as bright as the flare of ten thousand suns. The cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols.


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