(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 10f

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

This may also be a possible confirmation of an account which appeared in NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH’S “LEADING EDGE” Publication, to the effect that the U.S.(?) Government secretly maintains a HUGE base within a cavern of tremendous size (several miles in diameter) beneath the desert sands of Egypt.

Could this tie-in with the vague references to the subterranean culture or cultures known as the ‘Phoenix Empire‘ (according to “Commander X”, who alleged that representatives of this empire have been seen in the deeper levels of the “Dulce” base); and the ‘Gizeh‘ or ‘Giza‘ People (a subterranean cult of Illuminati-like Imperialists who, so the “Pleiadians” claim, is working with other power-groups in a covert attempt to take over the governments of planet earth)?

Vaughn M. Greene, in a letter which appeared in issue No. 14 of Richard Toronto’s SHAVERTRON letterzine, spoke of a possible ‘entrance‘ to cavern systems near the bottom of the elevator landing within the Hoover dam facility near Las Vegas (not far from the Mojave Desert), which holds back Lake Mead. Several people have reported unusual “alien” encounters near this reservoir. Early construction workers allegedly broke into (and probably re-sealed) large caverns while blasting out the cliffs near the base of the dam. In the lower elevator landing, according to Mr. Greene, there was a “wild tile inlay on the floor, with signs of the zodiac and all sorts of stuff suggesting an entrance.” He suggests a possible connection between this and the caverns which the workers reportedly broke into. Could this tie-in with similar accounts given by others that an underground base exists beneath Page, Arizona?

This underground facility is believed by several sources to connect the S-4 underground base in Nevada to the Dulce underground base in New Mexico via tube-line? The Glen Canyon — Lake Powell Hydroelectric dam in Page ‘might‘ provide a power source for such an underground installation, and is the most likely area in or around Page for an ‘entrance’ (a deep gorge several hundred feet deep leading into the Grand Canyon, a large government facility, a hydroelectric power source, etc.). This is however the only supposition. It is said that the Navaho dam, by the way, is a major power-source that supplies a considerable percentage of electricity for the upper human-occupied levels of the Dulce Base. This may suggest that other similar bases are at least partially powered by hydroelectric dams.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 10b

Paxson C. Hayes, in writings of his which appeared in early issues of BSRF’s (Borderland Sciences Research Foundation’s) publication ‘ROUND ROBIN,’ referred to the discovery (one which he claimed to have made himself) of the mummified remains of a race of 7-ft. tall humans who lived in huge caverns 9,000 feet below the surface of North America.

Dana Howard, in her book, ‘VESTA, THE EARTHBORN VENUSIAN’ (Essene Press., Corpus Christi, TX. 1950), includes a chapter in her book which tells of a remnant of an ancient race of human civilization still in existence underground. These hidden people are said to reside within one of the mountain ranges adjacent to the Imperial Valley area on the outskirts of the Mojave Desert of California.

John A. Keel, on p. 145 of his book ‘THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES’ (Signet Books., N.Y., 1975.), states: “An engineer, Rex Ball, swears he came upon a mysterious underground installation in Georgia in 1940, manned by small Oriental-looking men in coveralls and a few American military officers. When he was caught in the tunnels, one of the officers issued the curt command, ‘Make him look like a nut!’ He woke up in a field, uncertain whether his experience had been real or a dream. That seems to be the battle cry of the phenomena. ‘Make him look like a nut!'” And on p. 192 of the same book:

“…A man on Long Island (informed Keel that he) was frantically making preparations for the big evacuation. He even traveled to a secret underground flying saucer base, in a black Cadillac with a dashboard festooned with flashing colored lights, where he participated in a ‘dry run.’ Other normal human beings were present, he said and manned various kinds of equipment to communicate with the rescue spaceships somewhere overhead. ‘Funny thing, John,’ he mused, ‘all the equipment was manufactured by Western Electric, Hallicrafters, and other U.S. companies.'”

Tal LeVesque, in an article titled ‘UNDERGROUND UFO BASE SUSPECTED BY OFFICIALS IN WASHINGTON’, which appeared in the Vol. 2., No. 2., issue of THE HOLLOW HASSLE, described a suspected UFO Base which is believed by some to lie under the Yakima Indian Reservation southeast of Tacoma, Washington.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 10c

The book ‘THE LIFE OF THE CAVE’, by Mohr and Paulson (1966), gives evidence of extended animal migration underground beneath the central-eastern U.S., indicated by troglodytes (cave-dwelling animals) found in widely separated caves which are identical with each other, indicating past inter-connections which have become blocked. These caverns are found from time to time during deep drilling operations.

A researcher by the name of Jon Singer stated the following in an article of his which appeared in ‘THE MISSING LINK‘ newsletter: “Our nation’s capital has its share of Fortean mysteries. There is supposed to be a tunnel complex under the Octagon House at 1741 New York Avenue, NW. Dr. John Thornton, the architect who designed the Capitol Building, built some (but not all) of the tunnels.

The course of at least two of the tunnels is known. One is supposed to go to the White House and the other supposedly leads to the Potomac. The tunnels are supposedly blocked up. Jim Brandon, on p. 58 of (his book) ‘WEIRD AMERICA’ (1978. E.P. Dutton & Co., N.Y.), added that the tunnels built by Dr. Thornton were only part of a much older and larger tunnel network constructed by colonists from Atlantis. Unfortunately, his sources were two unidentified psychics, so this must be a fascinating rumor.” (Note: This would depend upon whether these “revelations” were received by these psychics via entirely metaphysical or “occultic” means, in which case they should be viewed with great suspicion, or whether they based their claims on actual physical accounts).

However, Richard Toronto, editor of SHAVERTRON, claimed that some years ago as a result of a printed request for information on subterranean anomalies, a scientist contacted him offering a 10-page report on a system of tunnels he had personally investigated beneath Washington D.C. He stated that the tunnels were built by a very ancient race and that the walls consisted of a diamond-hard, glassy or glaze-like substance (similar to other deep tunnels that have been described as existing beneath the surface of northern Arkansas and elsewhere). As far as we know, Mr. Toronto never did actually get his hands on the report.

Brad Steiger, in his book ‘STRANGE DISAPPEARANCES’ (Lancer Books., N.Y. 1972) related the following (MIB-related?) incident:

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 10h

“…at sundown on February 12, 1953, witnesses told police that they had watched an automobile enter the throat of a storm drain near Willowbrook and Greenleaf Avenues in Los Angeles. Officers arrived on the scene within ten minutes, and according to the Los Angeles HERALD AND EXPRESS, they followed the fresh tire-tread marks into the tunnel for seven miles. Other policemen and flood control district workers continued the search for the automobile by dropping through manhole covers.

“The track down continued until midnight when, seven miles up the storm drain, THE TRACKS VANISHED. ‘HERALD AND EXPRESS’ newsmen who had accompanied the police on the incredible search up the tube were witnesses to the fact that: ‘In the muddy silt covering the floor of the drain, the tire-tread marks were sharp and fresh. Then no more tracks.'”


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