In other RV experiments, Brown ‘saw‘ humanoids living on Mars in some past era. A large planetoid grazed the atmosphere with such violence — barely missing the surface — that storm of enormous magnitude swept across the planet and much of the atmosphere itself was blown out into space.

The Greys [who were observing this event and could have prevented the disaster] arrived as the planet was in the midst of upheaval, and offered to ‘rescue‘ the Martians, but at a price — namely that the Martian humanoids surrender their society to the control of the Greys’ collective and that others be cryogenically preserved in order to ‘preserve‘ the humanoid Martian race.

Actually, according to Brown, the main purpose of the cryogenic project was to ‘preserve‘ them as sources for genetic materials to upgrade the Greys’ race from time to time. It was doubtful that they would ever be awakened, at least en masse. This occurred mostly after the Martian humans had escaped underground and were desperate for survival — every day is a struggle for existence.

NOW, according to Brown, Mars is under the control of the Greys, although some pockets of humans and ‘hybrids‘ may remain in various places underground. Other sources claim that in 1985 the joint-operational “Alternative 3” facilities on Mars were sabotaged and taken over by the Draconians, or reptiloids and greys serving the Luciferian collective. This was apparently one of several ‘purges‘ that the aliens have carried out in order to ensure the absolute conformity of the human collaborators to their agenda, that is by purging out those renegades who possess too-much [from their perspective] individuality, which is the mortal enemy of their collective.

There is reportedly an elite force of 2000 ‘original‘ Greys based in the Martian moon Phobos. These Greys are reportedly the ‘hosts‘ for several million ‘clones‘ that have been bred to serve the reptilian elite in this system. As suggested the Alternative-3 — or the so-called pure-bred Aryan “super race” — humans on Mars and Luna may have been ‘purged‘ due to some level of resistance against the Draconian-Orion-Reticuli collectivist forces with whom they ‘collaborated‘.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19e - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

Apparently these humans saw that the two-sided ‘collaboration’ was turning into a one-sided ‘dictatorship‘ controlled by the reptilian elite, and this ‘purge‘ within the Martian and Lunar Alternative-3 facilities eliminated the resistance factions and ensured that only the most die-hard and devoted mind-controlled ‘Aryan‘ slaves remained. In other words, these Aryan ‘elite‘ suffered the very same fate that they had planned for us ‘lower races‘ on planet earth.

One source has stated that these events on Mars and Luna were one of the main themes of discussion at the notorious meeting which took place between George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev and the Eastern spiritual leader Maitreya […whom the secret government has reportedly been teleporting around the world using Montauk-type technology in an attempt to provoke a worshipful response from those to whom he appears. Maitreya is the New World Order’s “ace in the hole” and may or may not even turn out to be “the one” mentioned in Revelation chapter 13]. This meeting took place on the Island of Malta in the late 1980’s and resulted largely out of Bush and Gorbachev’s terror over the events on Mars and the Moon, as well as similar threats that were being faced by the “Alternative-2” underground colonies maintained by the Military-Industrial Establishment in ‘joint-capacity‘ with the Greys. However, let’s get back to the subject at hand.

What Brown sensed was that the Greys were desperate. They realized that they not only needed to genetically upgrade their race but also needed to attain emotional individuality in order for their culture to survive [and this may have something to do with the ‘hybrid’ projects]. However, they are trapped by the collective itself… there is presently a great sense of panic within the collective combined with a bizarre sense of protection which the combined psychic continuity of the collective provides. Although they are desperate to attain emotional individuality which they are attempting to do by interfacing with humans, assimilating human genetics, and producing quasi-hybrid genetic offspring, they cannot fully make the break from the collection without the help of those who already exist in an individualized state, namely the humans.

For those of you who are familiar with the scenario of the ‘BORG‘ collective in the “STAR TREK: NEXT GENERATION” series, certain episodes depicted a Borg entity by the name of ‘Hue’ who had developed emotional individuality during his captivity aboard the Enterprise that resulted from his association with human individuals. He was later sent back into the collective and introduced the idea of individuality, and in later episodes gathered quite a following of other ‘Borg‘ who had also broken-free from the collective and had developed emotional individuality. The Reptilians are not alone in this dilemma since many, many human cultures are ‘trapped‘ in collectivism as well, such as those who are part of the Ashtar or Astarte collective.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19d - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

The problem with the collectivist Greys is that — although they need the humans — the self-destructive instructions coming down through the collective itself from the Luciferian hierarchy are SABOTAGING all attempts to deal with humans on a reasonable basis. Once they establish an agreement with a humanoid culture for whatever motive, the collective commences to use the agreement for its own imperialistic agendas, and the human collaborators are betrayed and sometimes destroyed [as in the case of some of the Alternative 2 and 3 bases], and war and/or conquest inevitably results.

The only answer to the problem that I can see would be to concentrate on severing individual reptiloids and greys from the collective and attacking the “control centers” of the collective itself. In this case, mere technical and psychological attacks will not be enough… supernatural warfare will be the only answer since we are dealing with ‘subspace‘ beings. We need the help of the standing angels, yet at the same time we need to be careful since the fallen angels are good at masquerading as standing angels, which they have often done with those humans who have ‘channeled‘ these entities via occult means — the ‘Heavens Gate‘ cult leaders and others like them for instance — feeding these ‘mediums‘ with information which has later turned out to be false, manipulative, or even deadly propaganda.

We must realize that the ONLY being in the collective which is allowed to exercise individual choice is their dark leader, and to a lesser extent the inner council, and these beings do NOT want the Reptiloids and Greys to attain emotional individualism. But what about other ‘collectives‘ like the Ashtar or Astarte collective? Just who is this ‘Ashtar‘? Why is the Ashtar collective so involved with the Dulce base activity in a joint capacity with the Greys and Reptiloids?

Is it, as contactee Israel Norkin claims because the “Unholy Six” star systems of Orion have infiltrated the Ashtar collective to a massive extent? What about the bald 9-foot tall Reptilian “from the Pleiades” who supposedly defected from the Draconian collective, HATONN? Why hasn’t Hatonn been warning about this infiltration of his own collective? Is it because he is secretly working FOR the Draconian-Orion empire? Certainly, if he was truly converted from the Draconian collective he could be a lot more zealous in exposing it… especially its infiltration of the Ashtar collective itself.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19a - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

If we are to believe reports of “Star Wars” taking place within Sirius-B where the Ashtar collective has one of its major headquarters, then this leaves open the possibility that the Ashtar collective-alliance is in the process of splitting or has split down the middle between an interventionist Draco-Orionite faction and a non-interventionist Andro-Pleiadean faction…

Now for some further theological speculation…

In II Peter 2:4 we read that:

“…God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”

This verse is apparently speaking of the high-level leaders of the ancient rebellion, who were so malignant and evil that they were bound in dark prisons deep under the earth. However the Bible gives several accounts of fallen angels or demons that are fully ACTIVE on the SURFACE of the earth, so we must conclude that these were lower-ranking angels like the ‘elementals‘ who were merely following the “party line” since they are allowed more-or-less to roam about the earth freely. If such angels were ‘condemned‘ when the first war in heaven ran its course, then WHY are they still allowed to more or less roam free?

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 19d

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