“Let EVERY THING that hath BREATH praise the Lord.” — Psalm 150:6

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE.” — Mark 16:15

“And EVERY CREATURE which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.” — Revelation 5:13

In order to make the choice to appropriate the redemptive work of the Christ, the Reptiloids and Greys would have to develop emotional individuality and somehow become disconnected from the “Luciferian collective“. They already possess the first requirement, being creatures possessing the “breath of life“.

In order for a created being that has fallen from grace to be redeemed, they must possess both a spiritual and physical nature. Part of their nature has to ‘die‘ in order for the other part to live, just as the outward ‘worm‘ of a caterpillar must die so that the inward ‘butterfly‘ can live. Although in this case, the symbolism is spiritual, it is essentially the same. An entirely spiritual being like a fallen angel, in this case, could not be redeemed unless it possessed a physical body — as they would not possess a physical counterpart of themselves that could ‘die‘ so that the spiritual counterpart could live. This would not necessarily be a physical death of the body, but the death of the ‘corrupted‘ or ‘fallen‘ nature resident therein.

This fallen nature must first be acknowledged just as any other ‘disease‘ must be acknowledged in order to be cured. The ‘death‘ of the fallen nature is a death by proxy resulting from a faith-connection to the mysterious working at Calvary, wherein the second member of the Godhead became ‘flesh‘ to serve as the final ‘Passover Lamb‘ in order to receive the full retribution for all of the imperfect acts that all created beings with the “breath of life” have committed before an absolutely perfect Creator.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19c - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

The KEY would be however to consciously APPROPRIATE this ‘Work‘ by directly asking the Almighty for the chance to become a part of this mysterious working at Calvary, which in essence serves as the ‘heart-beat‘ from where the universe is to be regenerated from its fallen state.

If all PHYSICAL life in the galaxy or universe originally had its origin on planet earth, then earth would have been the appropriate place for the Almighty to manifest Himself in physical form, to shed His life-blood so that the creation might be redeemed by this very Divine and absolutely pure/pristine life-essence which the Creator had loosed into His creation, as a Divine “blood transfusion” if you will. This Divine flow was loosed into the physical universe through the uncorrupted AND incorruptible LIFE-blood of the last “Passover Lamb“, which was shed and poured out into the “cradle” of life, planet earth.

More and more cultures out among the stars are beginning to realize, through ancient records that are being uncovered, that planet earth is indeed the “cradle” from whence their distant ancestors emerged, the original “cosmic gene pool“, and that in a sense they are connected by an invisible umbilicus to the “mother” world, and as they begin arriving here en masse to visit the “genesis world” we Terrans or Eartheans must realize that in a sense they are also a part of this world. The challenge will be to learn how to respect each other’s INDIVIDUALITY, and how to claim the FREEDOM and LIBERTY that is the inherent right of all human beings, so long as it is practiced without violating the personal space and sovereignty of our neighbors — whether they come from realms below, above, upon or even parallel with this world… this emerald world… this garden planet… this ‘divine tear’ known as planet earth.

So long as an ‘alien’ force with ancient documented ties to planet earth ‘claims territory’ adjacent to this planet which has NOT YET been claimed, such as undeveloped underground areas, there should be NO problem from those living on the surface. In the same way, surface dwellers should respect subterranean cultures TO THE EXTENT THAT those cultures respect them. Being an individualist, I am a firm believer that every nation on/in earth deserves to maintain its individuality and cultural distinction SO LONG AS they do not violate the sovereignty of their neighbors. Each country should have the right to determine its own economic, political and spiritual destinies SO LONG AS they do not violate the same of other countries.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19b - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

It goes without saying that I am totally against a one-world collectivist government which cannot tolerate individuality or independence in any form. However, the loss of national sovereignties are often the result of human greed, for instance, international bankers loaning billions to smaller countries fully knowing that the selfish leaders of those countries will squander the wealth and fail to re-pay the loans, thus opening the way for the ‘banksters‘ to claim that countries’ national reserves, mineral rights, properties, and other national resources along with a loss of sovereignty. I would hope that the respect for sovereignty on a national basis would cascade down to the individual level also.

In addition to the above, unless their existence is being threatened by radioactive dangers or some other threat, a sub-surface culture should not interfere with the activities of surface cultures: they should not steal resources, release radioactive poisons into surface environments, or biological diseases, or mutilate animals, or abduct people against their will, or use focused electronic beams to invade the privacy of those on the surface, or interfere with the minds of surface dwellers in any way, or engage in ANY FORM OF INVASION OF OUR SOVEREIGNTY OR THE SOVEREIGNTY OF ANY OTHER NON-SURFACE COMMUNITY.

Many alien forces, especially the draconian-interventionist-collectivists who DO NOT respect individual sovereignty, have VIOLATED this universal law and as a result their territories MUST inevitably be INVADED by those cultures whom they are abusing or violating in order to preserve their national security. And it also goes without saying that the ‘Dulce empire’ has EARNED the WRATH of Americans due to the UNSPEAKABLE atrocities being carried out there against OUR OWN PEOPLE. I absolutely recommend that a full-scale Congressionally-backed invasion and take-over of the Dulce base and its peripheral facilities would be FULLY JUSTIFIED, and the SOONER THE BETTER! After all, DIDN’T WE AS AMERICAN CITIZENS PAY FOR THE ‘UNDERGROUND EMPIRE’ WITH OUR OWN TAX DOLLARS?

Once all resistance within the Dulce facility is SMASHED and its captives are LIBERATED, and after all activities, there are brought under FULL Congressional oversight, those agents operating within this facility should be tried and prosecuted by due process of law, be they human or alien, and if not executed or imprisoned they should be banished from the planet until they can PROVE that they are able to respect human individuality and freedom. We ourselves must learn the same lesson, since it was in most cases men who violated our trust and Constitutional sovereignty as U.S. citizens — and in fact as world citizens — who have ‘betrayed‘ us to these alien parasites by opening up the door for them to come in, in many cases in order to facilitate their own desires to DOMINATE their fellow human beings.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 19d - WHO CONTROLS THE DRACONIAN COLLECTIVE?

When the Dulce base is conquered and subdued, we should commence liberating other oppressed areas within the underground network. Let us remember however that, aside from assisting in their ‘liberation‘, we as Americans or world citizens should not [in our retaliatory actions against invasive subterranean centers] violate the territories or sovereignty of other interior dwellers who have NOT participated in the draconian-backed abductions and attacks against the citizens of America and of the World.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 20

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