DELAWARE, DELAWARE BAY – Richard S. Shaver created a stir in AMAZING STORIES Magazine from 1945-1950 after sending an ms. to editor Ray Palmer [who backed Kenneth Arnold‘s investigation of the ‘Maurey Island/Tacoma’ UFO incident which also involved military industrialist agent Fred L. Crisman — who later happened to be a close associate of Clay Shaw who Attorney James Garrison accused of being the Mafia-CIA go-between in the JFK assassination], Palmer also having publicized Arnold’s own sighting of disc-shaped craft over Mt. Rainier, which became the original source for the term “flying saucers“. Shaver’s ms. was originally titled A WARNING TO FUTURE MAN, until it was embellished and “occultized” by Palmer to accommodate his metaphysical and science-fiction oriented readership, and re-named I REMEMBER LEMURIA.

The June 1947 issue of Amazing Stories featuri...
The June 1947 issue of Amazing Stories featuring the “Shaver Mystery” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Shaver told of his experiences where he would “hear people’s thoughts” while working on a certain arc welding machine at an auto plant in Detroit. The “machine” made him sensitive to the thought-waves of others in the factory, however, he claimed that many of the “voices” or thought-waves what he intercepted did not come from the factory but emanated from caverns BELOW Detroit involved a warring subterranean factions known as the dero and the tero, of star-ships, machines capable of transmitting electronically-enhanced focused encephalographic or telepathic beams or rays, and other bizarre and horrific realities. Shaver also told of how his first visit to “the caves” occurred when a “hologram” of a young woman led him to a cavern entrance; also of his second and last physical visit to a hidden cave entrance on the east coast of Delaware [Bay], via a boat by which he navigated the water-filled passage for a few miles until reaching a “Tero” city.

While there the “Deros“, he claimed, attacked and killed all of his Tero “friends“, but for some reason, they left Shaver alive. Shaver left the cave and never returned to the inner world physically, however, he continued to receive “thought beams” which claimed to originate from other “Teros” yet which became increasingly occultic and confusions, suggesting, according to some, that the “Deros” were manipulating Shaver in order to bring ridicule to the subject of an underground reality that was on the verge of becoming public knowledge on the surface.

Related:  Project Redbook: F

The “Shaver Mystery” DID, however, provoke much feedback from others who recounted similar experiences with the underground realm, however the highly occultic “messages” that Shaver continued to receive for years afterward led many to become entangled in deeply occultic practices and belief systems and also paranoid schizophrenic behaviors. Who or whatever was manipulating Shaver’s mind apparently succeeded in dragging many people under their occultic influence. According to Ray Palmer, who stayed overnight at Shaver’s house on occasion, he heard five separate and distinct voices one night coming out of Shaver, who was apparently linked to a collective mind via electro-telepathic waves. The “group” of voices which were being channeled through Shaver were matter-of-factly discussing the murder and dismemberment of a woman within “the caves“, and one of the “voices” was stating — according to Palmer — that such things should not be taking place.

source: AMAZING STORIES Magazine; THE HIDDEN WORLD; SHAVER MYSTERY Magazine; CAVEAT EMPTOR; SHAVERTRON magazine; Richard Shaver, the founder of Ufology?

Project Redbook: E

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