They dissect humans…can’t describe the dissections because they are not humane. Really morbid. The ‘government‘ knows it…they just turn their heads. Some people in the government want to STOP this but they don’t know HOW to stop it.”

(Note: As so many “in the know” have already said, the entire “alien-interaction” scenario is completely “out of control“, which I would guess means that WE are NO LONGER in control of the situation. In other words the “framework” which was created as a result of the alien-interaction projects when most of the human collaborators believed that the “aliens” were benevolent, is STILL in place, even after “we” lost control of the situation. Since the aliens now have CONTROL of much of the INFRASTRUCTURE that grew out of the early interaction projects, the control-structure or “establishment” itself WILL NOT and CAN NOT do anything about the situation. It is up to those on earth who are NOT bound by security RESTRICTIONS, or fraternal secret society OATHS, or in the case of humanoid “visitors” those who are not bound by non-interferance DIRECTIVES — such as the many Nordic-Terran HYBRIDS who have according to Michael Wolf and others been LEGALLY born into this society. In otherwords it is those AND ONLY THOSE who are FREE from and operating OUTSIDE OF ‘THE SYSTEM‘ who have the power to change the situation for the better. – Branton)

Ray was disconcerted that Greys had Nancy strapped to a table in this facility. He could see instruments all around. During hypnosis, he would freeze up when recalling this scene. He yelled and became very emotional. He was convinced they would rape her and violate her, yet he was helpless to prevent it. He and Nancy also felt they had contact with a benevolent race of aliens who had observed their capture [by the Greys]. After a few months, Ray and Nancy announced to me that they wanted little more to do with reporting further events.

They felt exposed and monitored and feared retribution if they continued talking. They last told me they intended to go to Bible classes to find refuge from this enormous EVIL that encroached upon their lives.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 28a - "THE ORGANIZATION" -- INSIDE THE COLLABORATION

Many witnesses have observed unusual phenomenon over the Tejon Ranch. One night on March 3, 1991, Pearl Schultz and Aric Leavitt sighted five or six UFOs moving in pairs at various speeds and sometimes switching directions over the Tehachapi Mountains. Each had a pulsating light that alternated from bright white to heavy red. Mrs. Schultz noticed orange and yellow colors. Some of the UFOs seemed to come from the saddle area.

A man named Stan saw a bright flash of orange light which seemed to have a cigar-shape. He saw this from Avenue I looking northwest over the Tehachapi’s.

Three witnesses went up to the plateau near the Anthill on January 31, 1991. They saw a green-glowing disk take-off from this facility without any apparent acceleration and climb at a 45-degree angle to the south. They also heard a tone when they sighted the object. When traveling back down the road [170th Street West], they saw two black vans and two black helicopters.

In the morning dawn, a pilot was flying out of Fox Field on Avenue G headed for Merced. His flight path would take him over the Tehachapi’s. When passing over the saddle where the Anthill is located on February 23, 1991, he observed four white rectangular objects hovering over the facility. He described them as being four times the size of a typical highway billboard. They were each separated by about 200 yards. Another observer, who was called on the phone, drove his car out to the highway and observed these same objects before they winked out! (cloaked? – Branton)

One local man who has property on 170th Street West reported seeing the ground open up like a missile silo within the fenced parameter surrounding the Northrop installation. He saw a flying saucer emerge from this ‘silo‘ and take off. He also claimed that someone from Edwards had come to talk to him about his story and told him to shut up. I further found out that the man’s name is Chuck and he was a contractor who worked on the underground tunnels in the Anthill facility. He said the tunnels have round doorways with panels that have red and green lights for ID and entry. There are no doors covering these doorways, but some kind of field is projected from cylinders embedded in the door wall. Tiny globes hovered in the tunnels and followed Chuck and his crew around. He thought they were being used by the Air Force as sensors. But where did the Air Force get the technology to levitate these orbs?

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 28d - "THE ORGANIZATION" -- INSIDE THE COLLABORATION

Joe told me a lot of stories. He attended many of my UFOrum meetings in Lancaster. He claims to have had a close encounter and missing time when traveling a road through the south side of Edwards AFB one night. Joe was in construction and held clearances for working in military operation areas. He said that he had worked on an underground tunnel project below Haystack Butte on the Eastern boundary of Edwards near the NASA Rocket Test Site. He also claimed that he saw orbs roving around these tunnels. He painted numbers inside a box located on a stripe that ran horizontally midway along the tunnel walls. I asked him how far this tunnel ran below the earth’s surface. He said that he and fellow employees used to count as the elevator descended to the tunnel level. From the count and from the elevator speed, I estimated that the tunnel must have been around 3,000 feet deep.

One time he saw a door open to a room in one of these tunnels and he could see a very tall alien standing next to two men in white lab coats. He thought this alien was all of nine feet tall. He claims that he saw two grey aliens inside a hangar at China Lake one day when he went back inside the hanger after finishing his work to retrieve a tool that he had left behind. Joe was always telling me fantastic stories, yet he seemed very sincere. I never knew whether to believe him.

One day Joe told me about two old school buddies he had run across. They both held jobs in underground facilities and had worked at the Anthill, he said. They would work underground for two weeks at a stint. They lived in condos when working underground. These condos were also built into the underground facility. The government even picked up the tab on one guy’s alimony. One was known as a computer genius. He said that he had seen both grey AND reptilian life forms in various underground facilities. One of the underground projects was Project Startalk.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 28c

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