In the Draco system, there are other types of entities that have visited the Earth in the past. These entities were described by John Keel in his book THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, released in the 1970s. The Draco is about 8 feet tall and have winged appendages coming out of their shoulders, dark scaly skin, and have glowing red eyes.

They have the ability to fly and usually operate at night. These entities, as well as the elite of the other Reptilian species [that also have winged appendages], were the source for some of the legends of the past relating to gargoyles and Valkyries. It is also apparent that some of the qualities ascribed to vampires have also been taken from these creatures.

(Interjection: These ‘elite‘ reptilians have gone by many names: Gargoyles, Mothmen, Birdmen, Winged Draco, Winged Serpents, Ciakars, etc. One such creature that was described by a female abductee — who was taken to a multi-leveled underground system below camp Hero at Montauk Point, Long Island — was described as follows.

I will provide only the description of the creature itself, an alien that she encountered inside the base which is said to be maintained by European and American ‘Nazis‘ working under the Bavarian Thule Society. However I will not release any personal details about this woman in honor of her wishes to keep the overall details of the abduction confidential:

“.. What I see is a creature about 6-7 ft tall…his ears are large and pointed at the top. His eyes are bright yellow-gold and seem to glow. He has pointy teeth and a large wrinkle on his forehead and he has a TAIL! He’s coming towards me…I have never been so scared in my life.

He comes to the foot of the table. He pulls off my shorts and bathing suit bottom…he pushes my legs open and pulls me down towards him. His face is so close to mine…I want to scream, but it’s only in my head. I hear a raspy sound coming from him. He puts something inside me and I feel like I’m being ripped apart. He likes to see how terrified I am… it gives him a lot of pleasure. It hurts so much…I have to get away in my head to someplace safe… I go.”

More details of the alien:

Frame: very tall…closer to 7′ than 6’… well-proportioned…except shoulders were very broad in comparison to waist…well-muscled torso and legs…I see some kind of appendage that reminds me of ‘wings‘ protruding from behind the shoulders…there is what seems to be a ‘tail‘ extending from the back…the diameter of the tail would approximate 3″-5″…I do not see his feet…and cannot recall a penis…I have a feeling that my mind is not allowing me to see this because of the trauma associated with it.

“Skin/Textures: the color of the skin is a gray-green…dark…somewhat ‘oily‘ but with the feeling of ‘scales‘….the odor he emits is putrid…he is not wearing any clothing, but there is something on his chest that reminds me of ‘armor‘ but it seems to be a natural protection and not a material addition.

“Face and Head: the size of the head is in proportion to the body…there is no hair…there is a large ridge or flap of skin on the forehead just above the eyes, extending across the brow…the eyes are yellow-gold and ‘glow‘…slightly almond-shaped with the pupils vertical slits…the nose and mouth protrude slightly giving the appearance of “snout-like”…the teeth are pointy…the ears are over-sized in proportion to the head and the tips extend above the head and come to a point.” – Branton)


Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30d - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

[There are some] 22 sub-species of Grays… [In most cases] their digestive tract is useless. Nourishment is ingested by smearing a soupy mixture of biologicals on the epidermis. Food sources [include] Bovine cattle [and human] parts surgically removed by light technology [laser] and distilled into a high protein broth. These types of Greys have been referred to as being the “Orion Crusaders” or the ‘Markabians‘. Sources: Rigel, Ursa Major, Draconis, Reticulum. Draconians are Reptilian in nature; the elite has winged appendages on their backs…

The mass consciousness of the government agencies cooperating with the Rigelians has failed to realize that it is not to the aliens’ advantage to give either the Soviets or the U.S. an advantage in the “arms race“. These aliens have given the U.S. technology that is flawed. Much of the technology can only be operated by the Greys.

They control governments by picking up likely subjects and implanting them, manipulating their careers and elevating them within the societal structure to positions of power and/or a position as a leader of public opinion. When a human candidate becomes controlled by reason of inculcation therapy, they often knock the individual “out of his head” and store the human’s consciousness/individuality [or soul/chakra matrix], while an artificially created intelligence is placed in the head of the candidate’s body [via electronic intelligence implants] to carry forth covert operations against the human population.

Humans implanted as controls are indoctrinated into the belief that they are superior to other humans (leading to schisms within the ‘body’ of humanity, resulting in warfare as in the case of the racist Germanic atrocities in world wars I and II, eugenic population reduction policies, etc. – Branton). The aliens then give the humans technology OR help them to obtain weapons for use against each other (the old divide and conquer strategy, as in the case with the Nazi forces whose elite leaders maintained a treaty with the Ashtarian “Komogul-II” or “Gizeh” empire, a joint humanoid-reptiloid collective operating from beneath the deserts of Egypt. – Branton). All key personnel [in the NSA, etc.] are implanted and controlled by the alien species.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30b - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

If the ‘elite‘ are successful, they are used as “priests and caretakers” of the SLAVE planet. If they fail [Hitler] then they are betrayed and thrown to the wolves…

The first stage of their One World plan is to use biological warfare [ENGINEERED PLAGUES, etc.] to rid the planet of undesirables.

(Note: It is interesting how plagues have often historically accompanied the appearances of ‘comets‘, as will be seen further on in this section. – Branton).

The biological warfare is out of control. Decimation of population places the remaining population ultimately under their control…

They blanket couples for sexual thrills and are drawn to aberrants and sexual deviates (feeding off of their negative orgasmic sexual energy, as — according to legends — do the vampirical incubus and succubi ‘demons’ that have been recorded throughout history. – Branton)…

The Markabs use sex, pain, drugs and fear as obsessive elements with which to aberrate humans…

By coming to a thorough understanding of a hostile entities’ ability to wear many faces, it unmasks and loses its ability to adversely influence…


…The Procyonians have the ability to travel within timeframes and density levels, as well as in-between. Rigellian entities lack this capability. They depend on beam craft for interstellar travel. Procyonians ‘astrally‘ travel from location to location [perception to perception] as a natural function… Humanity as a mass consciousness can create any destiny it chooses to create for itself…


Typically, individuals are taken and subjected to testing, examination, and manipulation. Biological monitoring and control implants are inserted and the individual is then released.

There have also been cases where humans were mutilated [in the same way cattle are mutilated] while still alive — parts of their bodies literally sliced away — in order to secure biological materials for nourishment or genetic projects under alien [Grey] control…


Abduction is not necessarily an experience that one undergoes alone. In fact, one study shows that in 24% of the cases reviewed there were multiple witnesses to the abduction. There was one case in Connecticut where seven people from three different cars were involved in an abduction event.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30h - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

Another case involves 221 United States Army troops at Fort Ord in 1961. In this case, soldiers were out on exercise when one or more craft descended and abducted them, implanted them and left them dazed on the ground. Some of the troops looked up and saw the disks flying away and vomited, which indicates a programmed response inserted by the aliens.

(Note: This is not the ONLY case of “mass abduction and implantation” of military personnel. Several such events have been reported or hinted at. Often these mass-abductions take place near military facilities where existing “joint-operational” underground facilities exist.

In some cases personnel have described the sudden paralyzation of several servicemen or women, and suppressed memories of Greys levitating personnel THROUGH ceilings via some type of dimensional phase-shifting equivalent to Philadelphia Experiment technology, and basically the ‘traditional‘ abduction procedure except on a much larger scale.

No doubt this is how the aliens maintain collective mind control of sensitive levels of the military so as to keep these military-industrial personnel under their ‘spell‘, especially if there is a potential ‘threat‘ that the interplanetary technology that the military-industrialists are developing is in danger of being leaked to the public domain. – Branton)

As the troops were coming out of the daze, approximately 600 fresh troops from Fort Ord descended on them and sequestered them and their families for a period of time. This operation involved pre-knowledge on the part of the United States Army — they already had a plan in hand to use soldiers to sequester other soldiers in case of mass abduction. To come up with 600 men immediately after a mass abduction suggests that things were extremely organized to start with — remember, this is 1961…

We also have multiple cases of Grey abductees [those abducted by Greys] being contacted by Blonds after a long experience with the Greys. They were then protected in some way from influence by the Greys, apparently saved from the Greys by the Blonds, often by implant technology…


The Dulce Papers – Chapter 30f

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