1988 — Word comes from New Mexico to researchers that Los Alamos has developed an antimatter weapon, which allegedly will be used as a last resort “if the Greys cannot be pried away from the planet“. The number of Greys on [inside] Earth is estimated at 20 million. In December, Steven White [President of Bechtel Investments] dies. Bechtel has been heavily involved in underground construction and is the world’s largest construction firm. Information comes forth that the intelligence agencies are distributing drugs to finance alien-related projects, which demand phenomenal amounts of money.


1989 — Data on Project Excaliber is released. The project is involved in developing a warhead that will penetrate 1000 meters of earth and then detonate. Useful for destroying underground bases.

On May 14, 1989, Las Vegas channel 8 TV televises an interview with a government scientist [Robert Lazar] working at Groom Lake and Dreamland. The scientist openly tells of nine disks on the Nellis range; three of them are operational; the craft uses antimatter engines; the Soviets were involved only up to a point. He won’t talk about the aliens. Subsequently, the government scientist discovered that he has been the victim of a method of hypnosis known as “Orion Hypnosis“. His life is threatened and his car is shot up in Las Vegas.

On June 30, July 1st and 2nd, the MUFON Conference occurs in Las Vegas, Nevada. William Cooper, John Lear, William English, and Don Ecker speak to an enthusiastic crowd.

The day before, on July 1st, William Moore and a disgruntled audience have a shouting match with each other. The audience is astounded when instead of the issues at hand, Moore uses his time to attack other researchers, specifically Paul Bennewitz. William Moore publicly admits he works for a government intelligence agency.

On August 7th, US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT publish material on “Americas Doomsday Project“, detailing over 50 underground facilities that are for use during the time of crisis.

In September 1989, SEVERAL west coast radio talk shows begin an avid discussion of UFOs, aliens, and interaction with the US Government. The public discussion is now out of control!!!

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30f - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

On September 23, 1989, a two-hour documentary is screened on Japanese television. Viewers are treated to the full spectrum of recent investigations, including underground labs, MJ-12, genetic facilities, the Kennedy murder, the voices of the astronauts on the shuttle talking about observing alien spacecraft, and EG&G scientist Robert Lazar talking about the disks at Groom Lake, and a visit to Dulce, where residents tell of visits from the CIA. A CIA or MIB type is photographed following the Japanese team. His Colorado license plate is readable.

On October 16th, word comes from researchers that the United States and the Soviet Union had a disagreement on the base on the far side of the Moon in which several US scientists were machine-gunned. This disagreement reflects the split between the US and Soviets detailed in the May ’89 disclosure by a government scientist working at the S-4/DREAMland facility in Nevada [during which time the Soviets have kicked off the super-technology projects in Nevada and sent packing]. It is thought that this disagreement occurred in 1986 or 1987. [It is uncertain what connection if any this ‘altercation’ may have had with an alleged Reptilian/Grey take-over of an ‘Alternative-2’ base on Mars two years earlier in 1985, according to contactee Alex Collier].

On October 25, Congress works on legislation to make radio talk shows liable for statements made by callers in an effort to shut down talk radio programs, where UFO/Alien data is being avidly discussed. On October 26th, William Cooper goes on a radio station in Los Angeles and tells the listening public that President Bush is involved in the drug scene. The FCC attacks the talk show host the next day for “saying a bad word“. Researchers speculate that the Secret Service, who allegedly terminated Sal Mineo during Reagan’s administration because of an alleged homosexual tape they were concerned about, will seek to eliminate Cooper, that for some reason Cooper has now made himself expendable with this material involving the [former] President.

On November 3rd, researchers announce their discovery that a security team code-named “Yellow Fruit” was started back during the Carter Presidency, and was part of the NSA. It has been periodically disbanded and has existed in one form or another since the Carter administration. Los Angeles radio talk show host Ken Hudnell announces his intention to take a group to visit one of the ancient underground cities, which he says has an entrance 60 miles from Anaheim. Researchers discover the passive security frequencies at Groom Lake; 138.306 and 407.550 and that a group codenamed Seaspray is involved with primary security in the area. Security forces then change the frequencies.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30l - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

On November 6th, Channel 8 in Las Vegas starts a two-week series on Area 51, animal mutilations, and the UFO coverup. On November 10, EG&G scientist Robert Lazar goes on television and tells what he knows about US disk technology at S-4 in Area 51, including information about 9 US disks, antimatter reactors, and mind control for S-4 scientists.

On November 19th, an electrical worker at Mercury, Nevada, calls the Billy Goodman radio talk show and describes tunnels 3000 feet under the test site that have stainless steel walls and elevators. He also describes small Grey bodies on gurneys being wheeled down the tunnels.

On November 20th, a security guard on the Nevada Test Site describes his contact with a man in black that describes the whole alien scenario to him. The man has transparent eyelids.

On November 20 and 21st, the national program HARD COPY televises two programs on UFOs. EG&G scientist Robert Lazar goes on the radio on KVEG for three hours and answers questions over the 50,000-watt station. Another three-hour session takes place Nov. 24th and 25th. Robert Lazar publicizes the name of his boss at Area S-4, tells that 22 people work at S-4, and how antimatter reactors work. Indications are that more people will be coming out of the woodwork to tell what they know up at Area 51.

On November 25th, television station Channel 8 in Las Vegas televises a two hour special on UFOs, Area 51, S-4 and the UFO coverup. It is revealed that some people who contacted Channel 8 had had their homes broken into in Las Vegas.

During the week of Christmas, 1989, it was reported that there was a series of very large underground explosions in the area of the base at Dulce, New Mexico. A month EARLIER, animal mutilations began to pick up significantly. The last time these two events occurred in this order was when the government first discovered what the Greys were up to and they tried to go in and stop them. Over 60 Delta troops were killed in the process [in the initial military attempt against the base].

1990 — On February 17, a Ukranian astronomer detects radio emissions near Altair [Aquila], which in ancient times was associated with reptilian creatures.

(Note: Some contactees speak of an ‘unstable‘ alliance between ‘Nordics‘ and ‘Greys‘ which has existed for a long period of time in the Altair system, as well as references to a large faction of collectivist Greys who were in the process of arguing against the continued existence of humans in that and other systems, which would apparently also include the sovereigntist humans in the Andromeda and Pleiadean constellations It is stated that some fascist human elements operating within the Montauk base at the northern tip of Long Island — who have an established an agreement with the Greys to bring about a global dictatorship on earth — were given the ‘stargate‘ coordinates to generate a time-space window using Montauk technology, directly to a particular planet in the Altair system in order to assist in the suppression of a resistance movement among some of the ‘Nordic‘ type humanoids there. – Branton).

On March 3rd, Las Vegas UFOCCI chairman Stacy Borland and her brother were brutally murdered while at home. [Stacy was attempting to get information out about a group of Mercury, Nevada construction workers, and electricians who claimed that some of their fellow workers had been abducted and were being held captive in a vast underground system there]. On March 8th, the final destruction of the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution takes effect very quietly behind the scenes. Now the authorities need no warrant or probable cause to break into a persons home and perform any action they think fit. Suspicion is sufficient.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 30d - REVELATIONS FROM THE LEADING EDGE

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 31

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