These morale problems have benefited me on more than one occasion and I strongly believe that governmental collusion in these activities is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Greys, like the Reptilians, routinely attempt to erase the abduction related memories of those they abduct.

One of the most exotic elements of Grey technology exploited by the DON involves the deliberate regulation of human brain activity including telepathic communication, and propulsive technologies which include temporal and, for lack of a better term, “Trans-Dimensional” facets. Grey bio-technologies are, paradoxically, fundamentally primitive, but have some extremely advanced facets. Particularly significant is the ability to manufacture synthetic biological-mechanical (?) entities. I wonder if the so-called “Men In Black” if they exist, are examples of these sorts of beings.

The conditioning of the human brain [temporal lobe] activity through electromagnetic and advanced medical techniques is used by the DON in two primary ways. The most obvious is in the elimination of undesirable memories from the minds of accidental witnesses to Grey abductions;

in this case, somewhat less reliable electromagnetic means must normally be utilized. The second, but actually more important use for this form of advanced mind control is in the elimination of undesirable memories in the minds of DON personnel and other knowing participants in governmental activities relating to EBEs. This latter form of hypnosis is normally done through more reliable medical or chemical means and is utilized for two reasons.

The first reason is actually in the interests of the mental health of certain individuals unable to successfully cope with the unique psychic environment surrounding EBE activities. The second reason to utilize voluntary mind control on government personnel is to delete information from the minds of these individuals which could be exploited by either terrestrial or extraterrestrial forces.

DON field agents are therefore often referred to as “Zombies” and their units as “Zombie Squads“. Voluntary erasures are far more reliable than those IMPOSED upon the subject, especially if they have a surgical component. However, neither technique is absolutely reliable and, therefore, all ‘erasures‘ also include elements of disinformation implanted in the mind of the target [agent] which would tend to render any recalled accounts contradictory or otherwise unreliable. Zombies are also programmed against allowing themselves to by hypnotically regressed or otherwise medically examined by unauthorized personnel. [This is particularly important as most of these agents have implants placed in their bodies by the Greys to supposedly monitor DON compliance with mutual agreements.]

(Note: The above is in reference to those agencies which integrate both CIA and NAVY Intelligence. According to an agent code-named ‘Panda‘, “the Navy has been manipulated via the intelligence community,” especially by the CIA-NSA which has attempted to take full control of all military-intelligence and bring it under the control of those human and alien influences who are running the collaboration projects. – Branton)

Morale among DON agents is particularly impaired by the obvious deterioration of mental and emotional function among these individuals as a result of these psychic interventions.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 31c - CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI "X-FILE" AGENT

The Department of Defense has been a primary beneficiary of alien derived technologies which have been disseminated in a largely covert manner.

In other words, even the military engineering units and defense contractors involved have been unaware of the actual source of key breakthrough technologies supplied to them. Although some alien technologies have been adopted [specifically in the hypersonic “#####” Stealth and “####### #######” Reconnaissance programs] and some anti-gravity drive extraterrestrial craft are now being actually duplicated, the most significant alien technologies being acquired are supposedly in the field of computing.

These technologies have provided the United States with a secret, and therefore largely theoretical, technological superiority over all other nations. I will also mention that I was flown aboard a helicopter of a design I had never before seen which was not only unbelievably quiet but could also ‘cloak’ itself from being seen by the naked eye during the hours of darkness using a system which was referred to as “###“.

There is also an ongoing program of gradual societal conditioning to ACCEPT the existence and influence of EBEs in Earth’s history.

(Does this include obvious FALLACIES that have been spread among intelligence agencies and abductees by the Greys, such as their claim that they originally genetically ‘created’ the human race and placed them on planet Earth? – Branton)

This is being undertaken by the DON on a worldwide basis in order to prevent cultural disintegration in the event of an uncontrollable catastrophic leak of intelligence regarding the aliens and also in order to allow for a more orderly eventual unveiling of the truth to the general public. The Greys have themselves promulgated a desire to overtly reveal themselves to human society by the turn of the century.

(…of course passing themselves off as the “good guys“, however at this point in time when the overall malevolent activities of the grays are being exposed — especially in network TV programs like DARK SKIES — this would take an incredible feat of psychological engineering to accomplish. – Branton).

Accordingly, the DON (CIA-NSA elements within the DON, that is – Branton) currently has plans to eventually stage a “first contact” event similar to that depicted in the film CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND so as to prevent any immediate disclosure of the fact that first contact actually took place fifty years ago [mid-1940’s]. This is only PART of a classical psychological warfare program directed AT the American people by their own government without appropriate authority.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 31a - CONFESSIONS OF AN FBI "X-FILE" AGENT

There is also a DON effort in progress to fully identify other alien entities that have had an impact on this planet. Specifically, there is an EBE species known as that of the ‘Birdmen‘ which is believed to be somehow reptilian related (variously known among sources as the Mothmen, Ciakars, Winged Draco, Pterodactoids or Pteroids – Branton). There is also an alien species that has been colloquially identified as the ‘babies’ for their somewhat neonatal appearance [These might be some sort of hybrid humanoid].

The interspecies rivalry currently in progress involves elements of what can only be termed espionage. In other words, both sides have utilized tactics and strategies usually associated with covert intelligence agencies. The most striking tactic employed by the Reptilians is that of the “false flag” which involves the portrayal of hostile Reptilian actions as being those of more benign species.

This particular technique has been focused on the United States Government on several occasions and, in one instance that was recounted to me, resulted in the killing of numerous Grays by the United States military forces. The dissemination of disinformation is also a favored technique. The Utilization of mind control techniques by both sides makes this particular espionage game a difficult one to comprehend or master…

As they say, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE, but can we recognize it when we see it?

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 32

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