– On Sept. 23, 1880, at about 3:30 in the afternoon former David Land dematerialized in front of 5 witnesses while walking across a field. Mrs. Lang ran and pounded the ground where he had vanished. Seven months later Lang’s children insisted that they had heard their father crying distantly from UNDERNEATH the field. He seemed desperate and tortured, and was begging for help until his voice faded away and was not heard again. Where he was last seen there was a circle of WITHERED yellow grass 20 feet in diameter.

source: MAJESTIC, by Whitley Streiber


– The ‘haunted‘ Refugio mine in the Chispa Mts. 60 miles SW of Alpine, which had been abandoned in spite of a large amount of silver ore still remaining within. As one investigator attempted to enter a ‘drift‘, thunderous noise and a rush of air came from the tunnel, throwing him against the opposite wall, bruised and dazed, as the air subsided “one of the most piercing and plaintive cries I ever heard” emerged, the terrorized Henry Boyd said. The phenomena were repeated as he left the mine and later attempts to work the mine ended in injury and terror, some of the men who later attempted to enter the enigmatic tunnel were thrown repeatedly broken and bruised against the tunnel walls as if by an invisible force.

source: NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 4, 1903


 – Joint alien-military underground facility.

source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6, 1992


– Kiser cave, reportedly pours out a steady stream of carbon dioxide from its mouth, a phenomenon that has not yet been explained.

source: EXPLORING AMERICAN CAVES, by Franklin Folsom


– The Texas Instruments plant, near the main gate of the Dallas facility, allegedly conceals an underground entrance leading to large caverns below. Allegations that certain “Shaver Mystery” experts were asked to enter the caverns where small green-skinned humanoids were being contained in cages, in order to offer their opinions as to who or what the beings were.

source: Henry M. Steele


Related:  Project Redbook: O

– Underground FEMA facility.

source: Richard Sauder


– Tunnel in the Franklin Mts. No further details.

source: THE HIDDEN CITY OF CIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux


– On the afternoon of Friday, July 13th, 1984, a 20 foot long, 2-foot-high bulge stretched the surface of a street in Fort Worth, as if a giant earthworm was trying to come up from under the road. It seemed alive, swaying back and forth, said Charlie McCafferty of the fire dept.

“What spooked me was there wasn’t even a crack in the road

.” Jackhammers were used to break through the asphalt & concrete, where they found silt layers intact and no evidence of gas buildup.

Shortly after the above event, a similar mound was seen on Calvin Lang’s homestead at the outskirts of Ft. Worth, and after prodding it with a rake it disappeared yet it had left some buildings torn apart, fences were torn down, and shrubs and trees uprooted. Later Jeremy Boiter spotted what appeared to be a giant tentacle erupting from the ground in a shower of gravel and dirt about 2 miles away.

It seized a can and her kittens, devouring them in seconds as well as two growling dogs which it swallowed in its “slick dripping mouth“. His friend Phil Dewar also found scraps of birds, rabbits, and others while animals among the rubble of a destroyed hut.

source: THE WORLD’S MOST INCREDIBLE STORIES, by Adam Sisman; THE GAZETTE, Schenectady, N.Y., 16 July 1984; NATIONAL EXAMINER, 12 Feb. 1985


– Huge underground facilities under mountains surrounding the lake, maintained by the Nagas, reptilian humanoids with little regard for human life and possessing space travel technology.

source: ON THE SHORES OF ENDLESS WORLDS, by Andrew Tomas


– Theodore Illion, a play-writer, finds an underground city over 14 levels deep, built around a “bottomless shaft” which leads to a secret deep below that is protected with deadly force. The city is run like an ant colony, its inhabitants being little more than emotionless drones who serve under the absolute dictatorship of the ruler-sorcerer Prince Mani Rimpoche, and aged white-bearded Tibetan who spoke 6 languages including English. Feigning as benevolent, the malevolent cult is connected to a secret society with agents throughout the entire world. When Illion discovers the true nature of the cult, he makes an escape but is subjected to massive psychic attacks and sorcery on his way out of the valley, from which he barely escapes alive.

Related:  Project Redbook: M

source: DARKNESS OVER TIBET, by Theodore Illion


– In 1968 archaeologists exploring burial chambers, tunnels, and catacomb-cities [several of which are linked together at the lower levels] near Derinkuyu Turkey, had reached a depth of about 900 feet when they were suddenly attacked by a group of 7 ft. tall albino-haired troglodytes. One team member was killed and another was hospitalized for several months, and all had serious wounds.

source: article by Raymond Bond in UFO ANNUAL ’80 magazine; article by Kurt Braun in BEYOND REALITY magazine, Dec. 1968


– A cavern adjacent to the ruins of the “temple of Apollo” in Pamukkale [formerly Hierapolis], built when the ancient Grecian empire held sway in the area. Several strange disappearances have surrounded the cavern as for back as ancient Grecian times. The Greek philosopher Strabe [circa 63 BC – 24 AD] recorded that many animals who entered the cavern never emerged, and also many people who went past the mouth of the cave never returned. Only sorcerers in ancient times, who had apparently made an alliance with the “gods of the underworld“, would be able to enter and would emerge glowing with a reddish aura. Sheldon Aaronson, a professor of Microbiology at Queens College, N.Y., told OMNI magazine that several Australian students had entered the cavern and disappeared just a few days before his visit in 1987. Sheldon stated: “the Turkish government put iron bars over the opening to prevent other people from ever going in. As far as we know, the Australians were never seen again.”

source: OMNI Magazine, Jan. 1987

Project Redbook: U

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