Sept 1988-May 1989  Camp is over, and classes begin. I get an “odd” message stating that the dean of the Psychology department wants to see me???? So I go in to see him. I sit in a high back green leather chair and I am facing him as he is sitting behind his big desk.

He asks me if I would like to participate in some kind of special “study” the University is conducting. I tell him “Have you ever heard of a Dr. Purrizzo” his face suddenly becomes white and expressionless. I could tell that he had, at that moment I hear a very slight creek from behind my left shoulder.

I get out of the chair and there is a door on the wall. I open it, inside this “closet” the dean has a wet bar. But there crouching on the floor is Dr. Purrizzo. I instantly grab him by his throat and tell him that if I ever see him again I am going to kill him, he starts to beg for his life, and I throw him into the bar. I walk over to the dean’s desk and from the bottom, I pick it up and flip it over onto him and I yell something at him like “you stay away from me you lying f*cking piece of shit”.

And I run out of the office. A few days later I get a message saying that the dean of psychology wants to see me again. I ignore it and don’t go. A few days after that I get a third message from him telling me that if I don’t come in to see him he is going to throw me out of the school. I’m saying to myself “f*ck this”, Brian is insisting that I go. “Dude, he is going to throw you out of school, go in and do whatever he says”. “F*ck you,” I tell Brian. I decide to go in and give this ass hole a piece of my mind.

As I walk to his office I am furious and I am going to kick his ass. I remember walking in, but I don’t remember leaving. After that, I was a different person. I felt like I had blinders on “tunnel vision.” I remember people thought I was the biggest “ass hole” because they would say “hello” to me as I would walk to class and I would walk right by them. Like they weren’t even there, I was off in my own little world oblivious to my surroundings.

Related:  Project Superman 5b

Room 101

There was one building in which I would walk by every day. Every day, I would get the feeling that I had been there before. This particular building gave me a disturbing feeling in my stomach, yet I knew that I had never entered that particular building because none of my classes had been in that building. Every day as I walked by I would get this “flash“, “room 101” and I seemed to know exactly how to get there. One day I went in, the building had a suspended walkway in the middle of it (it was very modern).

I walk across the bridge, turn right and go down the stairs. All the way to the bottom. At the bottom, I turn right again. There is a small hallway with only 2 doors. One on the right and one on the left. Both doors have like a sliding nameplate holder on them. The one on the right is supposed to say “101“. It does not, it says “Janitor Supplies“. I am very confused. I turn to the door on the left to see if it says “102.” The slot is blank. I turn back to the door on the right and reach for the handle. The door is locked. I leave the building.

Every day when I pass that building I would get the same uneasy feeling. Like I have been there before, or there is something strange about it. A few days later I go back again, and again the same thing. The door says “Janitor Supplies” and it is locked. I leave again.

The third time, however, was different. I get to the door and it says “Janitor Supplies“, at this point I’m just giving it a casual look. I go down there, I look at the door, it says “Janitor supplies” and I start to walk away. I’m pissed off and confused. As I’m walking away I said to myself “screw it” and I go back to check the door. I reach for the handle AND THIS TIME IT TURNS. THE DOOR OPENS. For some reason, I feel very nervous and scared. I was afraid to go in. I push the door open and very casually look in. It’s very dark and I reach for the light. The room is very small (only about 8 x 10).

Related:  Project Superman 5a

I look around and the room is very “sterile“. No books, no papers, nothing. There are only two things in the room. One of those large athletic room training tables. It’s like a high cushioned table that athletes sit on to get their ankles taped. Or if they are injured they lay on this to be examined. It was black. The only other thing in the room was a very small gray metal desk and a wooden chair. There are no papers, no books, nothing.

Project Superman 6

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