They began working me over. I know I had to be drugged because the punches for some reason didn’t hurt. They always wore gloves or hit me with a rubber hose as not to leave any marks. And the more they hit me the more it didn’t hurt. There was also a metal cart next to me with all kinds of surgical instruments on it. There were all kinds of syringes there as well. This is also why I assume they drugged me. I remember then placing needles in my eyeballs and also in my eardrum in order to shock me into submission. They beat me in this small room several times, I remember Mr. Green was there, this Nazi guy and his buddies.

{note: remarkably, this “dr. green” has turned up in several sessions involving people who were being ‘deprogrammed‘ by psychologists who have stumbled on to what seems to be a vast mind-control conspiracy. Do a “find” search in the following article for dr. green. Also, for more information on the Nazi-CIA connections to a widespread mind control scenario, you can also read about the group. Also, read about the unusual nazi – new jersey connection – Branton}

I know they were Nazis because I have a very keen eye when judging people and this guy just didn’t seem to be an American. He was the guy in charge, and he ordered another guy to come over and start to work on me. This guy that came up to start beating me I made rude comments about his attire. He was wearing a yellow short sleeve shirt in Rochester NY after labor day. So I start sassing him about his shirt and how the only two types of people would wear a yellow short sleeve shirt in Rochester, either he is a homosexual or he is a foreigner who is trying to look American, it’s one of the basic slip-ups spy’s makes (a fashion blunder), and he was probably German because Germans like their pastel’s that along with the psychotic look in his eye told me that he was some type of “Master Race” genetic freak.

I was basically pulling stuff out of my ass but I figured why not. He is going to beat the shit out of me anyway, I might as well try and play with his mind, it was the only offensive weapon I had. As he starts punching. I’m calling him a Nazi bastard, telling him how we American’s kicked their ass in the war. But when I insulted Adolph Hitler and called him a faggot, and an idiot. This guy starts freaking out and yelling at me in German “blah..blah! blah! Mein Fuhrer..blah ..blah“. “What do you know, he is German!” I say. I had broken him mentally. For some reason, his punches didn’t hurt, but he was hitting me so hard that he was knocking me over in my wooden chair.

Related:  Project Superman 6b

What was happening was every time he knocked me over with a punch he would weaken the legs on the chair. My taunting in combination with the fact that he couldn’t seem to hurt me with his punches really got under his skin. So he goes over and gets a baseball bat off the metal shelf and is going to hit me with it. That’s when I really feared for my life, and I pulled at my ropes with all my strength.

Somehow I broke free and spent a few seconds getting the ropes off and everyone seemed to be in shock that I had broken out of the chair and they all sort of stood around. I go after the Nazi who had been beating me and who had the bat. I feel literal that I am fighting for my life and to this day I don’t know where I got the strength but they all jumped on me and I flung them off me like they were five-year-olds.

I got to the guy with the bat punched him once he dropped the bat I picked it up and struck him twice in the head, while his head was pressed against a table basically crushing his skull. I started swinging the bat around and I hit two other guys in the head with the bat and I saw lots of blood coming from their head as they lay on the floor.

Then they all rush me at once and they are trying to pin me down but they cannot and I manage to get over to the only window in the room, I throw it open and I am about to leap out when I see where I am. I look out and it’s straight down at least a hundred feet.

You’re not going to believe this and I know that it sounds absolutely crazy but I am at the top of the Library looking down at the ball field. I know I was in the library first from the view and second from the shape of the room one side was almost rounded, and now with the view, there is only one place it could be and that is the top of the library (the location of the labs are enclosed in the drawing on the other diskettes).

Related:  Project Superman 6a

I knocked out several more guys but there were just too many of them and eventually, they got me down and stuck a needle in my butt and then I was out. They gave me several beatings and several electric shock sessions there. That’s all I remember about the sessions.

They were trying to break me, but I wouldn’t let them, so the beatings continued at night. I remember telling my roommate the next morning that I felt like my face had been hit by a truck, but yet I had no idea why my face was hurting.

October or November 1988?- The Girl and “The Jump

I am walking through the parking lot on my way to class. It is morning. A car pulls up alongside me from behind and stops. It’s a full-size Lincoln or something (a very large car), it was brown. The doors open and five men step out. They are all white. The first two I instantly recognize. It’s the man in green and the man in blue. The same two I recognized from High school and before. The next one I also have the feeling I have seen before. He was about 6-2 medium built about 190 lbs. He is dressed in a long black leather coat. He has a full head of blond white silver hair and blue eyes. He looks like something out of Adolph Hitler’s dream of an “Aryan race“.

 He somehow has a very European face. He is “older“, I would estimate the mid to early forties. He is expressionless, with high cheekbones. I can very vividly picture his face. I remember just by his looks and mannerisms he is a very serious person. I didn’t know it at the time but he is the man who is in charge of the beatings in the roof of the library (he is a Nazi, one of their genetic experiments).

During one of the beatings in the “small lab“, I named this person “Adolph” and from here on in that is what I call him. The last two were around the back of the car. They were dressed in sort of a “sport suit.” Dressed like an “agent” or something, dressed nicely but built for travel. I didn’t recognize them at first sight.

Related:  Project Superman 6b

Project Superman 7

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