There is a man standing there and he tells me to climb further until I reached the next platform. I did notice he was wearing a safety harness and was clipped on to the structure with a rope. I had no fear at all about where I was or what I was doing. The ladder had changed to a 4-inch pole with the rungs now welded on the outside. Like a ladder, you would see at the circus. When I reach the top, the platform is only about 3 feet by 4 feet. I remember all of a sudden being almost blinded by red, and then it would go away, red and it would go away. So I turn my back to it. I look down and the man on the lower platform yells to me to jump. I simply jumped off without fear and without hesitation. I remember freezing like a cat in the air for a split second and then hitting the ground.

I hit the ground fairly hard and my ankle felt a slight twinge of pain, as I bounced I ALWAYS kept my eyes focused on the ground, on the exact spot of landing. I did my shoulder roll and stood up, my ankle hurt somewhat but I was fine. This did not seem like jumping off a footstool, it was more like jumping off a six-foot ladder. Still no problem at all, I walked off the pain in my foot and didn’t think twice about it. I walked over to the group by the car and just stood there. There were three or four dark figures talking amongst themselves. They were in a group and off to the side of the car, it was dark and all I remember is there shadows.

I watched as a small black figure was climbing down the structure. He looked like an ant on your kitchen wall. He gets to the bottom, takes off his gear and starts running over to us. He is all excited. It’s Adolph. He is screaming with excitement and he runs up to me and hugs me and pats me on the back as he talks to the figures behind me.

I remember standing there and saying to myself “are these guys idiot’s, or just f*cking retarded. What is the big f*cking deal about jumping off a dam small ladder-like that! And why the HELL am I out here in the middle of the night to do this stupid shit anyway!” I didn’t understand any of it but I remember being very annoyed at them for wasting my time with such simple tasks. The next morning I woke up and I remembered this strange dream I had. I remember climbing and climbing a white ladder. Like I was on the Eiffel tower, and the gate. When I reached the top I looked for a second at the magnificent view, and then I was on the ground again.

Related:  Project Superman 9a

This dream was really weird because most dreams you remember for about 10 minutes or so, but I was thinking about this ALL day for some reason. As the day goes by I piece together that this is happening in Rochester, and I think I remember landmarks like the 7-11 and I think I know how to get there. Finally, after dinner I decided to get in my jeep and try and “feel” my way to this place. Without any mistakes I turn right here, drive for a while and turn left there. I find myself turning onto this grass field and a dirt path.

I drive to the tree line and there is a chain-link fence so I must stop. I leave my headlights on and walk to the fence. I’m standing in front of the “gate” in my dreams. I see something beyond it and as I focus there is a field, and in the middle of it is a bunch of lights and some type of structure behind it. I cannot make it out clearly because of the shadows from the lights.

So I stoop down to one knee and lookup. I could barely see because the trees were overhanging my view. It was a huge microwave radio tower. This didn’t make any sense, so I put my face so it was almost touching the ground and I looked up and saw the red flashing light ALL THE WAY AT THE TOP. When I saw the red flashing light my head instantly started to spin and I threw up several times right there. I don’t know how long I was there, but I remember driving home and I was profusely sweating. Like sweating after you throw up from a hangover. I finally get home, and like my mother, Brian is asking me where I’ve been.

So I tell him the story about the dream and for some reason, he seems very annoyed about this, but I don’t know why. I go to bed still sweating and shaking. The next morning I remember waking up and feeling absolutely terrific. This event must have occurred soon AFTER thanksgiving of 1988, because during the thanksgiving break freshman year is when I bought the 1979-three speed jeep CJ-5, and then took it up to school. The thing is after I told Brian where I had been they placed a tracking device under the rear wheel well of my jeep on the passenger side (inside the fender on the rear wheel passenger side).

Related:  Project Superman 9c

I remember this because I was going to my jeep one evening and I noticed a big rock stuck in my tire and I tried to pry it out but I couldn’t so I went and got my tire iron to pry it loose from the deep tread (that’s the kind of guy I am, if I see something wrong on my car I can’t just leave it because it would bother me until I knew it wasn’t there). So anyway I pry it out of the deep tread (they were brand new 33 x 12.5 x 15 flotation tires with new tread) and as I pry it out the tire iron and the rock fly up into the wheel well and the rock, the tire iron, and this little black magnetic box come out. It was the same size and shape of one of those “Hide a key” boxes, as a matter of fact, that’s what I thought it was. But it wouldn’t open, it was just a box with a magnet and a wire sticking out of it.

At that instant, I became scared because I didn’t exactly know what it was but from somewhere inside me I had my suspicions (since I never put it there). I had parked right next to the bus stop, and as I am holding this little black box a bus pulls up and is going to let some people out, so I said to my self “why the f*ck not” so I ran over to the bus and stuck this little black box under the wheel well of the bus and it pulled away.

Project Superman 9c

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