The man was either a senator or a congressman, I can’t be for certain but I’m about 90% sure he was a Senator. I was introduced but I cannot remember his name. It’s like on the tip of my tongue, but for the life of me, I just can’t remember his name. Anyway, he turns to Adolph and asks “Was this all part of the demonstration?” and Adolph shakes his head no. The Senator then said “If I didn’t see it with my own eyes I wouldn’t have believed it. NO F*CKING WAY!!!! JESUS CHRIST that was f*cking unbelievable!!!! I step in and interject and say “I know it’s not my place but do you think we could get some of that night vision shit? I couldn’t see the ground and it almost killed me!” and a chorus of nervous laughter erupts.

The well-dressed man puts his arm on my shoulder and says “Anything you need from me you f*cking got it.” My guess is what just happened was they just got unlimited funding. An open checkbook, this is when things dramatically changed. As we were packing up to leave, one of the men asks me “Rhino, what do you want? you name it and you got it.”

I say “OK… I want ice cream.” He nervously starts to laugh “you want an ice cream?” he asks. “Yes, I want ice cream“, and he says “you f*cking got it“. We get in the car and drive back to town, I know it was late because all the stores were closed. But by god, he was going to get me my ice cream. He ends up by-passing the alarm and breaking into a “Baskin Robins 31 flavors” ice cream store. And he says “what flavor do you want“. I said “chocolate“. He got pissed off at this because he could have gone to the local food store instead of breaking in, but I said “thank you” and ate my ice cream, they took me home, and I went to bed.

The “Military” lab Now at the big lab is when things were different. This is when the military directly got involved and this is what happened. First off, the big lab used to be a pretty barren place (it was a huge room inside some kind of facility). With a few things in there (the squat rack etc..). BUT NOW, there are all kinds of stuff, a huge water tank, this electronic punching square, and ALL kinds of electronic shock equipment. It was like a different place. It was full. I’m standing there and I hear arguing going on.

Related:  Project Superman 10b

I see Mr. Green (the man in the army uniform), he is arguing with the man with the white hair (Adolph, the German Nazi). From what I could put together it was about who now had control of this project. The Mr. Green is saying that this is a “Military matter now” and Adolph is telling him to “GO F*CK HIMSELF“, and that they just cannot come in here and push him out. What ended up happening I think was the Military “Officially” took over the project at that point, but as it turns out they needed Adolph because he was the only one who could control me as he was the one who had done the initial programming of me (I remember him as far back as age 5 when I lived in Munich with my family).

He knew all of the trigger words, and how my mind was programmed. As a result of this, the Military named him as “the director” of the project. So, he was involved and still had some power (or at least he thought he did). Here is what happened, the Military brings in its own group of lab doctors. They were a pack of 5 or 6 men (all men) all wearing these baby blue lab coats.

The head instructor (it was a fair assumption to assume he was the head instructor by his mannerisms and attitude towards all the others) instructs me to “strip down to my underwear“, I do not move.

He yells it at me again “do it, NOW“, again I don’t move. He becomes very pissed off and starts ranting on and on about “what the f*ck is going on around here ..etc..etc..” Adolph comes over and tells me to “strip,” and I immediately do it. This really pisses off the head lab coat man, and at the same time really pleases Adolph. As this not only keeps Adolph “in the loop” but it makes him a very intricate part of the project (the man in the blue lab coat tried several times to “undo” this part of my programming and the man with the white hair found out about it and almost killed him).Anyway, this is what happened next.

Related:  Project Superman 10a

I remember stripping down to my underwear, and then I spoke. This shocked everyone because I never spoke unless spoken to. I said, “I have to keep my pledge pin on me at all times, even in the shower, I must have it on the towel”. I was very upset about this. I was pledging the fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon and as a pledge, you MUST ALWAYS have your pledge pin on. It was a triangle pin and the three sides were colored red, blue and gold.

Again, the head man in the blue lab coat starts yelling at the man with the white hair and black leather coat “what kind of show are you running here, I thought you said he was thoroughly prepared, etc..etc..”. Meanwhile, one of the other lab guys picks up my clothes and starts to walk away with them. He gets three or four steps away and like a tiger, I pounce on him. I grab him by his throat with my right hand and rip my shirt away from him with my left.

Project Superman 11

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