He yells at me to jump in. So I do, I try and pull him up as Adolph is doing on the other side and again this doesn’t work. So I did the only thing left. I took a deep breath and went to the bottom feet first and came up under the guy who had fallen in. With my knees bent and my hands above my head I grab the guy’s butt and push off the bottom with my feet locking my arms above me. By doing this I managed to throw him far enough out of the water to where they grabbed him and pulled him out.

I repeated this with Adolph, and then just got out myself just like I was getting out of the deep end of a swimming pool. I stood up and watched, but as I watched I became very confused as they frantically cut the man in the over coat’s clothing off and they were wrapping him in blankets as fast as they could get them. His face was expressionless, his eyes were wide open but didn’t move, and his skin was very very pale.

They had some trouble getting him down the ladder, but they managed and they put him right onto a stretcher and wheeled him quickly out of the room and into the hallway. The man with the white hair wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and started yelling at everyone. This all happened in under two minutes, the man was in the water for probably about one, maybe less. I just stood there and hoped he didn’t yell at me again (I had already screwed up twice, the football and getting out of the pool without permission).

Everyone starts to pat me on the back and tells me what a great job I did. But now I was even more confused? How come he couldn’t get out of the pool? Why did his face look like that? Why is my skin red and his is white? What did I do that was so good? I just pushed him out of the pool. Looking back I don’t know why I remember this event so clearly.

Maybe it is because it has the least amount of pain, or because it was early on in my development, or maybe it is because afterward, they made me feel special for some reason. I don’t know, but that’s why I believe that the water was very cold and not the temperature of a lukewarm bath.

Related:  Project Superman 14d

Make a red dot the size of a half-dollar- One of the very next things they did was to instruct me in the art of shooting guns. When they brought me from my dorm room

I entered the lab but this time they bring me to a different part of the lab. To a place, I had never been before. This place is like a long narrow warehouse with the back of the room lined with sandbags about 2/3 of the way up to the ceiling at the far end. I am standing by my self. There is a group of people standing off to my left. Adolph comes over to me and turns me to face him. “Listen to me very carefully,” he says. “This is very very important! Do you understand?” he asks. I think I nodded my head.

 “We are going to work on your shooting skills today,” he said. “Here is what you are going to do. Look at me and focus. Are you focused?” he says as his voice raises. “Yes” I say. “When you shoot, you shoot to kill! Repeat it!” he said. And I repeated it. “When you see a target, you will envision two round circles each the size of a half-dollar.

They are glowing neon red. These two circles are going to appear on every target. One will be in the middle of the target’s forehead and the other will be right in the upper middle of his chest.

Project Superman 14c

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