But I was thinking to my self “I was right! I was right about the gun” and I wouldn’t say it was fear that came over me, but it was more like panic. “I was right! I was right about the gun” and when they came back over to me the man with the white hair makes me look him in the eyes and he asks me “are you sure you can’t shoot the rifle“.

I knew that if properly induced I could have come up with something by using the helmet of knowledge, but somehow and from somewhere inside me I found the strength to hold my tongue and I answered: “YES, I AM SURE“! He accepted the answer and went back to the group. I felt a surge of power as I had fought back somehow and won. We pack up and get back in the car and start driving. That’s all I remember about the assassin rifles.

Another place – After the assign rifle didn’t go as they had planned, I don’t think they quite knew what to do with me. I remember getting on an F-16 jet at the Rochester airport.

I remember this because I am not one for amusement parks (the spin rides make me sick to my stomach). When I got on the F-16 the pilot checks to see if they have strapped me in and he tells me to “Hold on to your butt” and we get immediate clearance to take off. He hits the throttle. Let me tell you if you know the feeling of acceleration you get when a 747 takes off. Imagine that feeling 10 times more powerful, easily. It was like being strapped to a runaway jet rocket. My stomach never caught up to me as I had left it back on the runway.

The pilot is yelling “YAH HOO” and starts to do some “S” turns. That’s when I lost it. I threw up all over my self and the whole inside of the plane. I have never seen someone so pissed off as the pilot was at me for throwing up in the plane. We land some hours later on an airbase somewhere. The terrain is South Western (desert with some hills and mountains, and some cactuses growing on the ground). The next thing I remember is being introduced to a group of men. It was some kind of covert team, about twelve men they had on black t-shirts and camouflage pants.

Related:  Project Superman 17a

They had set up the exact same course that I had run back when they had killed the girl. As of yet, no one had been able to come close to completing it. The man with the white hair tells me to take off my shirt and to start doing push-ups. Then to start on the course. I cannot make it up the 90-degree vertical climb (the first part). The man with the white hair goes and gets a gun and threatens to shoot me. That is when the “rush” kicks in. And I scurry up the obstacle and run through the course. I even do the jump without any assistance ropes. And land on the thick mats they had set up. The key to my abilities was not the hypnosis, it was when I felt my life was in danger then my adrenaline would “kick in“.

I would then get the “rush” and the “tunnel vision“. This when in combination with the army training and the hypnosis is what made it the deadly combination. They trained me in all the different “Hand to Hand” killing techniques, schooled me in everything and I knew it all the first time “like the back of my hand.” They tried to work me into the “team” as one of the members. I remember training for a specific mission. My role was to get up this 90-degree obstacle to the fourth-floor balcony and secure a rope for the rest of the team to then climb up.

I remember practicing it over and over again. But when it came time to run the mission the army had built the obstacle out of 6″ logs, when we got to the building it was made of smooth black marble. This gave me some trouble but I got up it eventually. Once everyone was up the rope then we went inside. I don’t remember what we were after but I do remember shooting a guard when I wasn’t supposed to. I saw him coming closer and I shot him. I guess I endangered the mission and the rest of the team.


Related:  Project Superman 17c

After that, I remember several more times getting into the F-16 and getting out, but no trip in the middle only getting in and getting out. I think they put me to sleep or something after I had thrown up the first time. I remember it being night, cold and snowing in Rochester and waking up on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean where it’s warm and sunny. Then I believe they would send me off on the mission and then have me back before the weekend was over.

In actuality, they could have done this at any time because there is no attendance policy at the University of Rochester (at least the classes I was taking at the time) and no one would have missed me if I had “disappeared” for a few days.

It is actually quite clever because they could have flown me, theoretically, almost anywhere in the world in 12 hours by F-16, I wake up feeling “totally refreshed” as I had slept for days, I go off for four hours and do my killing, and then they put me back on a plane back to Rochester and have me back in 30 hours. After I had “screwed up” the first mission, from then on they sent me in alone. I remember spending countless hours in the “helmet of knowledge” going over and over the mission.

Project Superman 17c

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