As I pull my self out of the earth the look of fear on their faces was evident. I could smell the fear in the air and they knew they had done something terrible and now were caught. Within moments I had broken both of their necks and again sat right beside the bodies and began to cry. This time when the phone rang I answered it. “Hello?”, I said. The voice art the other end said: “Who’s this?” “Who’s THIS..” I said, then I said “Your friends are dead and Iím still alive” and threw the phone into the woods. I was covered in blood and dirt, and I blackout. The next morning I wake up in my bed and I am all cleaned up, except there is a tremendous amount of dirt under my fingernails.

Then there was the meeting between myself and the man with the white hair. He says to me “Andy, in Spain when a bull enters into the bull ring he is facing certain death. There is no escape for him. However, every once in awhile there comes a bull that fights so valiantly that the animal is sparred and he is put out to pasture to stud. We have decided to put you out to pasture and retire you. And I said “You are going to put me out to pasture to graze but yet I am still fenced in“, and he looked at me and just laughed. This is common practice as the “mind f*ck” if you will is they tell you that you are out when that couldnít be farther from the truth. It’s just another layer of programming to erase your memory.

June-August 1990 – Working at dads.

October 1991- Kidney stones.

February 1991-I am taking business law 102, in the spring of the sophomore year. During the first month of classes from professor Shanahand (the business law professor in the Simon school of business) Desert storm.

May 1992 – I graduate from college and move home to start looking for a job.

December 1992- I am working in Newark for an air freight company (near Newark airport). On my way to work, I am listening to Howard Stern’s radio show. He starts talking about this videotape he has of a kid who is put on trial for supposedly taking steroids when he is in high school.

Related:  Project Superman 18a

He says that this happened years ago but he wants this person to call in. He wants to talk to me. At that moment I instantly break into a cold sweat and my head starts spinning as I’m driving on the garden state parkway. I get to work and Howard is still raving on about this. I don’t call. The next day he is calling me a coward and a weasel for not coming forward because he wants to make me into a hero or something (I told a lot of adults to “F*ck off,” literally).

He finds out who I am from the tape, calls me and tells me he is sending a limo for me. I take tomorrow off. In the morning, the limo arrives and I just cannot get myself to get in, and I send it away. Howard calls and he is pissed and calls me all kinds of names. In the afternoon, he calls me again and this time he is even more pissed. He is frantic yelling at me about how the GOVERNMENT just pushed there way in here, took the tape, and said that if he said one more word about this that he is going to revoke their FCC license.

He, of course, talks about it on the radio the next day, begging me to come forward and stand up to them. I cannot, every time I even try to think about any of that stuff my head literally starts to spin. Then I remember, Mr. Green and a group of men show up at my house and erase my memory again.

March 1993 – My father discusses my future with me and what I want to do. I told him that I never want to live up north again. Trying to help, he calls his Navy buddy who owns a printing company down in Atlanta. I interview and get the job. I move down to Atlanta to start my new job and supposedly my new life.

Project Superman 18e

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