by Matthew Williams
The use of underground tunnels in the UK and USA is widespread. In the United States there are more people who are aware of their existence than in the UK. The reasons for this are slackened security and trust in the staff who worked in these tunnels. In the United Kingdom however the location and extent of these tunnels are still a very highly classified national secret. When the United Kingdom tunnels were created everybody involved was subject to the official secrets act and most workers would be brought in under secret conditions, in vehicles with blackened windows – to keep them in the dark as to the location of the tunnels.
However some locations of UK tunnels are known. Large underground towns and cities exist under Wiltshire and London. A large tunnel system exists under the river Severn and this stretches up into Hereford and beyond. Also High Wycombe has the command and control centre of “Strike Command”. It is not known exactly if the UK tunnel system is joined as in the United States. We only know of one tunnel “joining” program which exists beneath Wiltshire, where most of Salisbury plain across to Rudloe Manor in Wiltshire is connected. London could apply in this sense also as it’s tunnel system is immense. You need a security clearance to walk around some parts of the London Underground (hint hint!).
There also exists directly under the River Thames, a bunker capable of holding 50,000 troops and already holds one of the most formidable arsenals of weapons in the UK. One of the airshafts leading up to the surface is, believe it or not, the statue of Eros (I have not been able to confirm this personally but have it on good authority).
This statue was given an overhaul a few years ago and was completely sealed off whilst the shaft was upgraded. We here at Truthseekers are very interested in all information regarding tunnels or bunker no matter how small or insignificant this information may seem. We know that these tunnels will be used in the time of war to house VIP’s and military personnel whilst the War plans show the intention to keep the public above ground in slavery. We are opposed to our tax money being used in subversive manners to serve the rich and powerful – we want equal treatment for all and a Bill of Rights for United Kingdom citizens.
Only then will we be entitled to have access to bunkers and protection during the time of a war. After all in Switzerland it is a legal right for all citizens to have a place in bunkers during emergencies. This is why the Swiss government has spent billions on underground cities ready for such an event. Do you think we have been cheated? Do you think we are kept in the dark? If you do then write and let us know what you think. We will continue to expose the secrecy in order to force the issue of equality and freedom of information. In this spirit we present you with a map of the underground tunnel systems in the United States. When a UK version is available we will let you have this one as well. See next page…
Note that some sites on the map show UFO craft above them. This is because the research has shown that UFO craft are researched and tested at these sites. Other sites are reputed to be alien bases, although we at Truthseekers cannot confirm this – we are open to the possibility! You can read about suspected alien bases in Tim Good’s book Alien Liason. Matthew Williams
AMERICAN ANGLE ON TUNNELS by John Winston (Intenet GURU) In our last discussion in we got up to the subject of the underground tunnels at Edwards Air Force base. It may seem that I am stretching the truth when I say that I have been near most these areas but I have to tell it like it is. From Edwards a tunnel goes to Vandenberg Air Force Base where I once was an ET (electronic technician) and instructor of electronics. It was my good pleasure to teach the air force personnel how to maintain and fire the Atlas Missile. I was later a tech. rep. and was on one of the missile sites during the time that the Russian leader was banging on the table at the UN during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
From Vandenberg you back up to Edwards and go Southeast to subterranean base at a place that the map designates as Cat., which probably means Catalina Island. I have skin dived there before in the past. I once had an encounter there of the third kind but it was with a shark. The map shows a flying saucer there so alien space crafts are probably seen there. The map shows an underground base and a tunnel going into it at a place called 29 palms. I have a friend called Marge who once lived at Cadiz, Calif. and she showed me a lot of the beeper type of UFOs (they are called that because they beep off and on their light as they come over you and there is nothing visible when the light is turned off. I call them spirit lights, for lack of a better term). Marge moved over a few miles to 29 palms.
The next place on the map where an underground base is, is the Chocolate Mts. I have not been there but the sound of it makes me hungry. I will now attempt to just name the rest of the underground tunnels that are in E.Western USA. The map just covers over to Texas. There appears to be a site in Nevada at Tonopah, Area 51 at Groom Lake, and a place designated as COG AFB. In Arizona we have sites at Wickiup and Page. In Utah there is one at Salt Lake City (R&D AFB). There is one in Riverton “M”, Denver, Colorado, Colorado Springs, COG Creedo and Delta. In New Mexico they are at Dulce, Taos, Los Alanos, ALB, AFB, Datil and Carlsbad. In Texas there is one at L (which probably means Lubbock, Texas. I once lived there and this will really make Texans laugh. Denton “908” (C.O.G) seems to have an isolated one, Ft. Stockton and in Old Mexico there is one at Chihuahua. Tulsa Oklahoma has one and just NE of there we appear to have one with a saucer coming out of it. Hutchison AFB Kansas has one.
The biggest controversy will be when I mentioned that we have one at Dulce, New Mexico because a lot of information has come out to try to prove that we don’t have one there. All I can say is that I have seen them coming out of some of these areas myself. This is not a complete list. When I lived in Milpitas I could see one flying saucer base when I looked out my back door on Mission Peak.
There was another in Niles Canyon not more than 15 miles away from my house. These sites are just the ones where we humans have tunnels. It is strange to me to think that we may have a tunnel going to Mt. Shasta. – J.W.
[People who wish to contact John Winston may do so through the magazine – ED]
Also we can contact him thru this website
Related:  Aliens live on Earth, under the ground

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