Image by Jon De Pew

There are supposedly other races that exist beneath the surface of this planet. They live in the third dimension or higher.  AGARTHA – LINK WITH SHAMBALAThere is a civilization of people living in the center of the earth known as Agartha. Buddist and Indian theology affirms their existence. The Buddhist theory: It is believed to be a race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race.

It is also believed that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, its capital being Shambala. Ancient philosophy states that Agartha was first colonized thousands of years ago when a holy man leads a tribe to the underground. The people have scientific knowledge and expertise far beyond that of the people who live on the surface of the planet. India Theory: The Ramayana one of the most famous texts of India, tells the story of the great avatar, Rama. It describes Rama as “an emissary from Agartha” who arrived on an air vehicle.

QUETZALCOATLQuetzalcoatl was the god connected to the Aztecs and Toltecs. Legend has it that he vanished on a flying saucer for eight days when he visited the inner worlds.

Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Admiral Richard E. Byrd (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The first public scientific evidence of Agartha’s existence occurred in 1947 when Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole. Instead of going over the pole -he actually entered the inner earth.

In his diary, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the earth, along with others and traveling 17 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, green vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing tremendous animals –resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving –through the brush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.

The external temperature was 74 degrees F. His airplane was greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing area where he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the king and queen of Agartha. They told him that he had been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character. They went on to say that they worried about the safety of the planet due to the bombs and other testing done above the surface by governments.

(This is similar to what they told me in the summer of 1996 when I visited there and met with one of the leaders. They told me that many of their people were leaving the planet in ships as they feared for the safety and stability of the planet.)

After the visit, Byrd and his crew were guided back to the surface of the planet. Reports of his exploits were silenced by the government of the US –as is true with all ET-type information. In January of 1956, Admiral Byrd led an expedition to the South Pole. On that expedition, he and his crew penetrated down 2,300 miles into the center of the earth.


Admiral Byrd states that the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the earth. (I personally have done remote viewing entering in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through portals that open and then close once you are through them.) Byrd writes about seeing a sun below the Earth. Remote viewing has shown me that there is not a separate sun but tiny pin-hole portals that enable our sun to give light to the inner earth. It gives the illusion of a central sun.


It is interesting to note that the US government does not allow planes to fly over the poles. All flights are directed to go around the poles. This can be confirmed. The opening in the poles may explain why there are so many UFO’s seen flying over them. (This I know as a fact for the South Pole as I have visited there many times and have seen the UFOs while remote viewing). It is notable that in 1942 Nazi Germany sent out an expedition composed of some of its leading scientists in an attempt to find an entrance to the hollow earth. This project was endorsed by Goring, Hitler, and Himmler.


The Hollow Earth by Dr. Raymond Bernard tells stories about people who have entered the inner earth and what has happened to them. It mentions a photograph published in 1960 in the Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada which shows a beautiful valley with lush hills. An aviator claimed that he had taken the picture while flying into the North Pole.

The Smoky God by Willis George Emerson – 1908.

The term ‘Smoky God‘ refers to a central sun that people report in the inner earth. This tells the story of a father and son who spend two years in the inner earth. They entered through the south pole. When they tried to leave – the father was killed. When the son tried to tell his story he was put in prison for the insane. On his death bed, he gave Emerson maps of the experience and a manuscript relating his experience.

It said that the people live from 400-800 years and are 12 feet tall. Their scientific technology is very advanced. They can transmit their thoughts to each other using certain kinds of radiation. They have a source of power greater than electricity. They make flying saucers that are operated by this superpower which is drawn from the electromagnetism in the atmosphere.

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Revelations of Things to Come by Earlyn Chaney Chaney channels Kuthumi, Mary, and King Zoser ( who is Zoroaster). She writes that Agartha consists of vast continents, oceans, mountains, and rivers. Shambala is its central city. The population is highly evolved. The civilizations of Atlantis, the Yucatan, Peru, Brazil, Cambodia, and Tibet went underground long ago. They use UFO’s to move about. Chaney confirms an inner sun and openings at both poles.



  • Many different humanoid races dwell in the inner earth
  • Many different hybrid species exist there
  • The average height is much taller than on the surface of the planet–8 feet and taller
  • Life span– 300 years or more
  • Economies are peaceful as all are provided for I did detect some political unrest in one of the cities
  • Many crystal and crystal technology as with Atlantis Cities exist all through the inner earth–connected by a tunnel system
  • They is a central sun type of energy
  • Most of the civilizations are evolved technologically and spiritually
  • Most races communicate telepathically with each other
  • They speak different languages and came from different planets
  • Different races went to the inner earth at different times in the planet’s history–The fall of Lemuria and Atlantis being important times
  • Some maintain connections with ET’s who monitor from outside of the planet’s atmosphere
  • Some of the races are leaving the planet due to the earth changes
  • Some of the sentient species that we only get glimpses of, such as Big Foot, the Chupacabra, etc. are part of these worlds.
  • I have not met any of the Grey Races down there, though that does not mean they do not exist in those realms.
  • Reptoids are part of these realms
  • Surface humans have migrated to the inner earth and dwell there.
  • Some indigenous peoples speak of people below the surface – such as the Ant people connected with the Hopi Indians – who are supposedly their creator Gods.
  • If they have to come to the surface of the planet – they enter and exit the earth through portals that open and close and are usually camouflaged.
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Locations include

– North and South poles

– Pyramids

– Bermuda Triangle

– Argentina

– Arizona

– Mount Shasta

– Peru

– Siberia

– to name a few.

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