We have indicated previously that the subterranean cities of Agharta were constructed by Atlanteans as refugees from the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war they fought, and also referred to Huguenin´s theory that flying saucers were Atlantean aircraft which were brought to the Subterranean World prior to the occurrence of the catastrophe that sank Atlantis.

The abandonment of their former home on top of the four-sided sacred mountain in the center of Atlantis (Mount Olympus or Meru, later memorialized by the four-sided, truncated pyramids of Egypt and Mexico) and their skyward journey over the Rainbow Bridge of the Aurora Borealis, through the polar opening, to the new home in Walhalla, the golden palaces of the city of Shamballah, capital of Agharta, the Subterranean World.

This migration of the Atlantean god-rulers to the Subterranean World, prior to the destruction of Atlantis, was referred to in Teutonic mythology as the “Gotterdamerung” or Twilight of the Gods. They made the journey in flying saucers, which were Atlantean aircraft. 

Whereas, in the days of Atlantis, flying saucers flew in the Earth´s outer atmosphere, after they entered the Subterranean World they continued to fly in its internal atmosphere in its hollow interior. After the Hiroshima atomic explosion in 1945 they rose again to the surface in numbers, seeking to avert a nuclear catastrophe.

The tragedy that befell Atlantis was due to its scientific development running ahead of its moral development, resulting in a nuclear war, which heated the atmosphere, melted polar ice caps and brought on a terrific deluge that submerged the continent. A group of survivors, led by Noah, found refuge in the highlands of Brazil (then an Atlantean colony), where they constructed subterranean cities, connected by tunnels to the surface, to prevent destruction by radioactive fallout and flood.

According to Plato´s account, Atlantis was submerged by a series of inundations which came to a climax about 11,500 years ago. Some four million inhabitants lost their lives.

Those who were more spiritual and were forewarned escaped in time to Brazil, where, it is claimed, they or their descendants still live in subterranean cities.

In this connection, it is interesting to refer to Jules Verne´s book, “A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH,” which presents a similar conception of the earth´s formation as did Gardner´s book by a similar name. Verne describes a party of explorers who entered a volcanic shaft, and after traveling for months, finally came to the hollow center of the earth, a new world with its own sun to illuminate it, oceans, land and even cities of Atlantean origin.

Verne believed that prior to the destruction of Atlantis, some of the Atlanteans escaped and established subterranean cities in the earth´s hollow center. Since most of Verne´s predictions were later verified, it is possible that this one also will be – but not by entering a volcanic shaft, but by an aerial expedition through the polar openings into the hollow interior of the earth.

One of the early German settlers in Santa Catarina, Brazil, wrote and published a book in old German, dealing with the Subterranean World, deriving his information from the Indians. The book described the Earth as being hollow, with a sun in its center. The interior of the earth was said to be inhabited by a disease-free, long-lived race of fruitarians. This Subterranean World, the book claimed, was connected by tunnels with the surface, and these tunnels, it was claimed, open mostly in Santa Catarina and surrounding parts of South Brazil.

The author has devoted nearly six years to investigations to study the mysterious tunnels which honeycomb Santa Catarina, obviously built by an ancient race to reach subterranean cities. Research is still in progress…

The Russian explorer, Ferdinand Ossendowski, author of “Beasts, Men and Gods,” claims that the tunnels which encircle the earth and which pass under the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, were built by men of a pre-glacial Hyperborean civilization which flourished in the polar region at a time when its climate was still tropical, a race of supermen possessing scientific powers of a superior order, and marvelous inventions, including tunnel-boring machines we know nothing about, by means of which they honeycombed the earth with tunnels.

We shall now quote from Ossendowski´s remarkable book relating his own experiences in Mongolia; where belief in the existence of a Subterranean World of Agharta, ruled by the King of the World, who resides in his holy city of Shamballah, is universal. Ossendowski writes: “`Stop´ said my Mongol guide, when we crossed the plateau of Tzagan Luk, `Stop

  • “His camel bowed down without the need of him ordering it. The Mongol raised his hands in a gesture of adoration and repeated the sacred phrase: “OM MANI PADME HUM “
  • “The other Mongols immediately stopped their camels and began to pray. `”What happened?´ I wondered, bringing my camel to a halt. “The Mongols prayed for some moments, then mounted their camels and rode on.
  • “`Look;´ said the Mongol to me, `how the camels move their ears with terror, how the manes of the horses remain immobile and alert and how the camels and cattle bow down to the ground. Note how the birds stop flying or the dogs barking. The air vibrates sweetly and one hears a song that penetrates to the hearts of all men, animals, and birds. All living beings, seized with fear, prostrate themselves. For the King of the World, in his subterranean palace, is prophesying the future of the peoples of all the earth.´
  • “Thus spoke the old Mongol.
  • “Mongolia, with its terrible mountains and limitless plateaus was born a mystery which was preserved by the red and yellow lamas. The rulers of Lhasa and Ourga guarded this science and possessed these mysteries. It was during my trip to Central Asia that I heard for the first time this Mystery of Mysteries, to which I formerly paid no attention, but only did later when I was able to analyze it and compare certain testimonies frequently subjected to controversy. The old men on the border of Amyil told me an old legend, according to which a Mongolian tribe, seeking to escape from Genghis Khan, hid in a subterranean land. Later, near Nogan Lake, I was shown by Soyota a door that served as the entrance to the kingdom of Agharta. 

    Portrait of Ögedei Khan (the 14th century). Re...
    Portrait of Ögedei Khan (the 14th century). Recreation of a Yuan portrait in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  • “It was through this door that a hunter entered into this region and after he returned told of his visit. The lamas cut off his tongue to prevent him from speaking about the Mystery of Mysteries. In his old age, he returned to the entrance of the cavern and disappeared into the Subterranean World, which memory always brought emotion to the nomad. 
    “I obtained more detailed information from  Houtouktou Jelyl Djamsrap de Narabanch Kure. He told me the history of the arrival of the all-powerful King of the World to the door of exit of the Subterranean World, his appearance, his miracles, and prophecies. I then commenced understanding this legend, this hypothesis, this collective vision,  which, no matter how we interpret it, conceals not only a mystery but a real force that governs and influences the course of the political life of Asia. From that moment, I commenced my investigations. The lama Geelong, favorite of  Prince Choultoun Beyli gave me a description of the Subterranean World.
  • “More than six thousand years ago, he said, a holy man disappeared into the earth accompanied by a tribe of people and never returned to its surface. This inner world was also visited by various other men, as Cakya-Muni, Undur-Ghengen Paspa, Baber and others. No one knows where they found the entrance. Some say it was in Afghanistan, others say it was in India.
  • “All inhabitants of this region are protected against evil, and no crime exists within its boundaries. Science developed tranquility, uninterrupted by war and free from the spirit of destruction. Consequently the subterranean people were able to achieve a much higher degree of wisdom. They compose a vast empire with millions of inhabitants governed by the King of the World. He masters all the forces of nature, can read what is within the souls of all, and in the great book of destiny. Invisibly he rules over eight hundred million human beings, all willing to execute his orders.
  • “All the subterranean passages in the entire world lead to the World of Agharta. The lamas say that all the subterranean cavities in America are inhabited by these people. The inhabitants of submerged prehistoric continents (Lemuria and Atlantis) found refuge and continued to live in the Subterranean World.
  • “All the subterranean passages in the entire world lead to the World of Agharta. The lamas say that all the subterranean cavities in America are inhabited by these people. The inhabitants of submerged prehistoric continents (Lemuria and Atlantis) found refuge and continued to live in the Subterranean World.
  • “The lama Turgut, who made the trip from Ourga to Pekin with me, gave me further details: The capital of Agharta (Shamballah) is surrounded by villas where live the Holy Sages. It reminds one of Lhasa, where the temple of the Dalai Lama rises on top of a mountain surrounded by temples and monasteries. His palace is surrounded by the palaces of the Gurus, who control the visible and invisible forces of the earth, from its interior to the sky, and are lords of life and death. If our crazy humanity will continue its wars, they may come to the surface and transform it into a desert. They can dry the oceans, transform continents into seas  and cause the disappearance of mountains. In strange vehicles, unknown above, they travel at unbelievable speed through tunnels inside the earth. The lamas found vestiges of these men in all parts and in inscriptions on rocks, and saw remains of the wheels of their vehicles.
  • “When I asked him to tell me how many persons visited Agharta, the lama answered: `A great number, but most of those who were there maintain the secret as long as they live. When the Olets destroyed Lhasa, one of their regiments, in the mountains of the southwest, reached the limits of Agharta and were then instructed in mysterious sciences, for which reason the Olets and Talmuts became prophets. Certain black tribes of the east also entered Agharta and continued to live there for centuries. Later they were expulsed from the Subterranean World and returned to live on the surface of the earth, bringing with them knowledge of the mystery of prophecy by means of cards and reading the lines of the hand. (They were the ancestors of the gypsies.) In a certain region in the north of Asia, there exists a tribe that is on the verge of disappearing and which frequents the caverns of Agharta. Its members can invoke the spirits of the dead which live in space.´
  • “The lama then remained silent some time and then, responding to my thoughts, continued: `In Agharta, the sages write on stone tablets all the sciences of our planet and of other worlds. The Chinese Buddhist sages know that well. Their science is the most advanced and purest. In each century the sages of China united in a secret place near the sea and on the backs of a hundred large turtles that come out of the ocean they write the conclusions of the divine science of their century.´
  • “This brings to my mind a story that was related to me by an old Chinese attendant in the Temple of Heaven in Pekin. He told me that turtles live for three thousand years without air or food and for this reason all the columns of the blue Temple of Heaven rest on the backs of living turtles, so that wooden supports would not rot.
  • “Many times did the rulers of Ourga and Lhasa send ambassadors to the King of the World, said the lama librarian, but they could not reach him. However, a Tibetan chief, after a battle with the Olets, came to a cavern whose opening bore the following inscription: “`THIS DOOR LEADS TO AGHARTA.´
  • “From the cavern left a man of beautiful appearance, who presented to him a Golden tablet bearing strange inscriptions, saying: “` The King of the World will appear to all men when comes the time of the war of the good against the evil; but this time has not yet come. The worst members of the human race have yet to be born.´
  • “Chang Chum Ungern sent young Prince Pounzig as an ambassador to the King of the World. The ambassador returned with a letter for the Dalai Lama of Lhasa. He wished to send him a second time but the young ambassador never returned.”

From the evidence contained in this book, confirmed by many Arctic explorers whom we cite, we come to the following conclusions:

1. There is really no North or South Pole. Where they are supposed to exist there are really wide openings to the hollow interior of the Earth.

2. Flying saucers come from the hollow interior of the Earth through these polar openings.

3. The hollow interior of the earth, warmed by its central sun (the source of Aurora Borealis) has an ideal subtropical climate of about 76 degrees in temperature, neither too hot nor too cold.

4. Arctic explorers found the temperature to rise as they traveled far north; they found more open seas; they found animals traveling north in winter, seeking food and warmth when they should have gone south; they found the compass needle to assume a vertical position instead of a horizontal one and to become extremely eccentric; they saw tropical birds and more animal life the further north they went; they saw butterflies, mosquitoes and other insects in the extreme north when they were not found until one is as far south as Alaska and Canada; they found the snow discolored by colored pollen and black dust, which became worse the further north they went. The only explanation is that this dust came from active volcanoes in the polar opening.

5. There is a large population inhabiting the inner concave surface of the Earth´s crust, composing a civilization far in advance of our own in its scientific achievements, which probably descended from the sunken continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. Flying saucers are only one of their many achievements. It would be to our advantage to contact these Elder Brothers of the human race, learn from them and receive their advice and aid.

 6. The existence of a polar opening and land beyond the Poles is probably known to the U.S. Navy in whose employ Admiral Byrd made his two historic flights and which is probably a top international secret. UFO´S or FLYING SAUCERS in Ancient Times…..

 Did Super Beings From Space Ever Visit Earth? Classical Writers Reported So.

Each Age interprets unusual events in the language of its own experience, whether it be Ezekiel describing sky objects in the symbology of angels and precious jewels, or Monk Lawrence in A.D. 776 marveling at flaming shields from heaven spitting fire at the Saxons besieging Sigiburg, or modern men speculating the Unidentified Flying Objects are of extra-terrestrial origin.

Now that astronomers blazon the belief that life exists throughout the universe, speculation naturally exists that spacemen could have landed on Earth in ages past.

Is there evidence?

For more than 2,000 years it was recorded by nearly all the greatest intellects of Greece and Rome although most of the records of antiquity have been destroyed, in the surviving Classics, there is ample evidence of UFOs and probable extra-terrestrial intervention.

Our theologians dismiss the ancient Gods as anthropomorphism of natural forces as if entire races for hundreds of years would base their daily lives on lightning and thunderbolts. Yet logic suggests that the old Gods of Egypt, Greece, Rome, Scandinavia, and Mexico were not disembodied Spirits or anthropomorphic symbolism but actual spacemen from the skies. It seems that after the great catastrophes remembered in legends. the “Gods” withdrew and henceforth have been content merely to survey the Earth, except for an occasional intervention in human affairs.

Apollodorus wrote, “Sky was the first who ruled over the whole world,” surely signifying domination by space beings. The Roman Emperor Julian vowed, “We must believe that in this world… certain Gods alighted.” Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Plautus, and Menander frequently introduced a “Deus ex Machine” (a God from a Machine) to untangle the plots of their plays.

Aristotle, Plato, Pliny, Lucretius, and most other philosophers believed that the Gods were supermen living in the realms above.

A century ago a German grocer Heinrich Schliemann, using the Iliad as a guide, defied the ridicule of the professors and dug up Troy. Can we dig up records of spaceships in other classics?

Following are some examples from the works of ancient writers, scrutinized for UFO references:

B.C. 498 Visitations “… Castor and Pollux were seen fighting in our army on horseback… Nor do we forget that when the Locrians defeated the people of Crotona in a battle on the banks of the river Sagra, it was known the same day at the Olympian Games. The voices of the Fauns have been heard and deities have appeared in forms so visible that they have compelled everyone who is not senseless or hardened to impiety to confess the presence of the Gods.” – Cicero, Of the nature of the Gods, Book I, Ch. 2

B.C. 325: Visitations “There in the stillness of the night both consuls are said to have been visited by the same apparition, a man of greater than human stature, and more majestic, who declared that the commander of one side and the army of the other must be offered up to the Manes and to Mother Earth.” – Livy, History, Book VIII, Ch. 11

B.C. 223: Bright Light, Three Moons “At Ariminium a bright light like the day blazed out at night; in many portions of Italy three moons became visible in the night time.” – Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book I

B.C. 222: Three Moons “Also three moons have appeared at once, for instance, in the consulship of Gnaeus Domitius and Gaius Fannius.” – Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 32

B.C. 218: The Sky Is Filled “In the Amiterno district in many places were seen the appearance of men in white garments from far away. The orb of the sun grew smaller. At Praeneste glowing lamps from heaven. At Arpi a shield in the sky. The moon contended with the sun and during the night two moons were seen. Phantom ships appeared in the sky.” – Livy, History, Books XXI-XXII

B.C. 217: Fissure in the Sky “At Faleri the sky had seemed to be rent as it were with a great fissure and through the opening,a bright light had shone.” – Livy, History, Book XXII, Ch. 1

B.C. 214: Men and Altar “At Hadria an altar was seen in the sky and about it the forms of men in white clothes.” – Julius Obsequens, Prodigiorum Libellus, Ch. 66

B.C. 163: An Extra Sun “In the consulship of Tiberius Gracchus and Manius Juventus at Capua the sun was seen by night. At Formice two suns were seen by day. The sky was afire. In Cephallenia a trumpet seemed to sound from the sky. There was a rain of earth. A windstorm demolished houses and laid crops flat in the field. By night an apparent sun shone at Pisaurum.” – Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch 114

B.C. 122: Three Suns, Three Moons “In Gaul three suns and three moons were seen.” – Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114

B.C. 81: Gold Fireball “Near Spoletium a gold-colored fireball rolled down to the ground, increased in size; seemed to move off the ground toward the east and was big enough to blot out the sun.” – Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 114

B.C. 85: Burning Shield, Sparks “In the consulship of Lucius Valerius and Caius Marius a burning shield scattering sparks ran across the sky. ” – Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 34

B.C. 66: From Spark to Torch “In the consulship of Gnaeus Octavius and Gaius Suetonius a spark was seen to fall from a star and increase in size as it approached the earth. After becoming as large as the moon it diffused a sort of cloudy daylight and then returning to the sky changed into a torch. This is the only record of its occurrence. It was seen by the proconsul Silenus and his suite. ” – Pliny, Natural History, Book II, Ch. 35

B.C. 48: Thunderbolts, Visitations “Thunderbolts had fallen upon Pompey´s camp. A fire had appeared in the air over Caesar´s camp and had fallen upon Pompey´s … In Syria, two young men announced the result of the battle (in Thessaly) and vanished.” – Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book IV

B.C. 42: Night Light, Three Suns “In Rome light shone so brightly at nightfall that people got up to begin work as though day had dawned. At Murtino three suns were seen about the third hour of the day, which presently drew together in a single orb.” – Obsequens, Prodigiorum, Ch. 130

B.C.?: Suns, Moons, Globes “How often has our Senate enjoined the decemvirs to consult the books of the Sibyl: For instance, when two suns had been seen or when three moons had appeared and when flames of fire were noticed in the sky; or on that other occasion when the sun was beheld in the night when noises were heard in the sky, and the heaven itself seemed to burst open, and strange globes were remarked in it.” – Cicero, On Divination, Book I, Ch. 43

A.D. 70: Chariots in the Sky “On the 2lst of May a demonic phantom of incredible size… For before sunset there appeared in the air over the whole country chariots and armed troops coursing through the clouds and surrounding the cities.” – Josephus, Jewish War, Book CXI

A.D. 193: Three New Stars “Three stars … suddenly came into view surrounding the sun, when Emperor Julianus in our presence was offering the Sacrifice of Entrance in front of the Senate House. These stars were so very distinct that the soldiers kept continually looking at them and pointing them out to another . . . ” – Dio Cassius, Roman History, Book LXXIV

A.D. 217: Visitation “In Rome, moreover, a `Spirit´ having the appearance of a man led an ass up to the Capitol and afterward to the palace seeking its master as he claimed and stating that Antoninus was dead and Jupiter was now Emperor. Upon being arrested for this and sent by Matermainus to Antoninus he said, `I go as you bid but I shall face not this emperor but another.´ And when he reached Capua he vanished. ” – Dio Cassius, Roman History

The above references are only a sampling of the evidence available.

Consider just four writers: Julius Obsequens recorded 63 celestial phenomena; Livy, 30; Pliny, 26; Dio Cassius, 14; Cicero, 9.

Romans fervently believed that two strange horsemen, taller than normal men, alike in age, height and beauty, saved the day for Posthumus at Lake Regillus and, that same day, miraculously appeared in the Forum, announced the victory, and departed forever.

A contemporary historian described two shiny shields spitting fire around the rims, diving repeatedly at the columns of Alexander the Great in India, stamping horses and elephants, and then returning to the sky. When we recall that Romulus was borne to heaven by a whirlwind while giving judgment on the Palatine Hill, that his successor Numa Pomilius, used magic weapons, that Livy, Pliny the Elder, and Julius Obsequens tell of mysterious voices, celestial trumpets, men in white garments hovering in airships, several suns and moons together, sudden new stars, and superhuman apparitions descending among men and then vanishing, we suddenly feel we are reading the wonders of the Bible.

By some strange twist of the human mind, we worship prodigies in old Palestine as manifestations of the Lord, yet scoff at identical phenomena occurring at the same time only a few hundred miles away. Evidence exists; all we need to do is examine it.

Related:  Underground Civilizations

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