The following information comes from an article written by researcher William Hamilton, titled MAGICAL CAVERNS, which was in turn based upon Hamilton’s book ALIEN MAGIC:…The first case of subterranean abduction that I investigated occurred in 1988. I never reached a firm conclusion regarding the information that resulted from this investigation but did receive corroborating reports from other abductees.

The incident occurred in the Rosamond area of the Antelope Valley in California up on the sides of the Tehachapi Mountains. The Tehachapi mountains rise on the north side of the valley. There is a saddle in the mountains and a secret Northrop electromagnetic testing facility is in the area just below the saddle. The Northrop facility has been dubbed the “Ant-hill” or the “Black Hole” by some of the locals who refer to it as a multi-leveled underground facility.

Ray and Nancy worked at the Northrop B-2 assembly factory in Palmdale. Ray is a Native American. Ray was an aircraft inspector and worked swing shift. One June night he decided to take a midnight ride with Nancy up to the cut in the Tehachapi mountains. This cut appears as an inclined whitish mark on the side of the foothills. It actually marks the site of a road that winds up around the mountains. On the backside is an entrance to an artificial plateau that had been blasted out of the rocks. Ray parked his truck on this plateau. They got out to look at the stars and the city lights of Lancaster and Palmdale in the valley far below.

While looking at the stars, Nancy noticed that some of them were moving around and brought it to Ray’s attention. Ray got his flashlight out of the truck and started signaling the lights. At some point, Nancy noticed a bright basketball-sized orb hovering just above a nearby knoll. They both walked closer to get a better look at the orb. Ray thought it had just risen out of some invisible opening in the ground. It seemed to be flashing and sparkling. Some sort of line dangled from its underside. It rose a little higher and Nancy tried to speak to it, having an intuitive feeling that some intelligence has guided the orb to that plateau for their benefit.

Related:  The Dulce Papers - Chapter 28c - "THE ORGANIZATION" -- INSIDE THE COLLABORATION

As they watched this strange phenomenon around one o’clock in the morning, they next observed the morning dawn light over the far distant eastern hills. Something had just snatched four hours of time out of their lives. The orb was gone. They were terrified and drove quickly home. The next day, they felt a vibration going through their apartment.

When they went outdoors, they saw two orbs hovering above their apartment. This scared them badly.

I took Ray and Nancy to a local hypnotist and she regressed Ray. Nancy refused to be regressed, expressing fear over what she might discover about those four hours of missing time. Ray was an excellent subject. When in trance, with little prompting, he fell backward nearly to the floor before we caught him. The regression brought out some amazing revelations. Ray and Nancy had been abducted and taken underground!

Under hypnosis, he kept mentioning the Kern River to the north. “There is an area near the Tehachapi Mountains called the Kern River Project. The upper river is being used by the government for hydro-electric power to power an underground facility at Tehachapi Ranch [actually, the Tejon Ranch].

The mountain next to the power facility is being hollowed out…there is mud all around and it’s so obvious, but apparently people aren’t looking. All the power is being used for the Ranch, which is the site of underground ‘skunkworks‘ where highly technical aircraft, spacecraft and all kinds of stuff are being dealt with. It is a huge underground base, probably close to the size of the one under 29 Palms Marine Base. It has huge hangers and very large elevators as well as technical laboratories. There is a whole city under there, large passageways…the whole valley is full of tunnels. You can drive from one end to the other underground.

You can drive from Palmdale, site of the Northrop, Lockheed and ‘black project‘ areas, to California City…all underground. There are tunnels all the way to George AFB. Aliens apparently have ACCESS…they’ve been seen all over the place. The [corporate] government LETS them do whatever they want. They’re probing the human brain, trying to find our WEAKNESSES and learning how to CONTROL us (like they’ve apparently ‘learned’ to ‘control’ the secret [corporate] government elite who in turn control these underground military-industrial networks and who have in essence turned these facilities over to the aliens, whether out of fear of retaliation, out of some type of global control agreement, or just plain mind control? – Branton).

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 3a

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 28b

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