Ohio’s Underground

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Location: Dayton Ohio
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location: Hammondsville Ohio
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  “…The possibility of another entrance into the subterranean world was discovered in Hammondsville, Ohio, in the spring of 1868. At a strip mine operated by Captain Edward Lacy, coal miner James Parsons was blasting a huge vein of coal out of the mountainside when his first explosion uncovered a large, smooth door. The slate-like structure was covered with unusual hieroglyphics.

 “Hundreds of people have crowded into the pit to see the strange device, a reporter wrote shortly after the discovery. But, after a few days, the local residents lost interest in the discovery and mining continued on the property. Historical accounts indicate that the doorway was covered with earth from subsequent mining. It became just another of the mysterious links with a possible inner world, perhaps lost forever.”


Location: Wright-Patterson Base Ohio
Functions: Air Force Repository 
Levels: Multilevel 
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  Rumored to house alien remains and also “alien” craft, stealth technology and prototype craft

Location: Ohio
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Related:  New Mexico's Underground

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