Antarctica’s Underground

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Location: Mt. Levick Antarctica: Admiralty Mountains On top of the Ice

Functions: Weather regulator after orders from Spaceship  Human experiments to make bodies tough. Radio interference, and checking communications of Southern Hemisphere.
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes: Highly sophisticated Atomic Reactor. Unconventional Atomic weapons for an attack on other planets. Earth is their Base for warfare against inhabited planets in this area of the Milky Way.


Location: Neuschwabenland, Queen Maud Land Antarctica

Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes: Reports of a massive joint Nazi-Alien base [network] called the “New Berlin” facility beneath the mountains of Neu Schwabenland, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, constructed by Nazi ULTRA forces [note: “ULTRA” is also the name of the Dulce New Mexico facility which also maintains strong “Bavarian” connections. As in WWI, WWII, the Philadelphia project; and the current intelligence war between the anti-Grey COM-12/CABAL forces of Navy Intelligence and the pro-Grey MAJI/AQUARIUS forces backed by Nazi [NSA] Intelligence, Navy Intelligence once again battled “Nazi” Intelligence during Operation Highjump in the 1950’s under the command of Navy Admiral Richard E. Byrd and 4000 elite Navy troops under the cover of a “scientific expedition” with a massive military armada which made an all-out assault on the Nazi Antarctica battalions. 

The conflict ended in a stalemate, with losses on both sides. The New Berlin base – like the Dulce New Mexico facility and the Pine Gap Australia facility – is tied-in with an alliance of regressive alien forces: the Dracos of Alpha Draconis, Greys of Rigel Orion, and Aryan/Ashtar forces of Sirius-B based within the massive Kamagol-II facility under Gizeh Egypt, who are in turn allied with more of their kind within 3 “asteroid-ships” which came into the system, hiding in comet Hale-Bopp’s tail, and “jumped ship” as the comet rounded the sun taking up orbits around Mercury… also joint Bavarian/Alien Alt3 facilities on Luna & Mars… and also a vast Draconian – Rigellian – Sirius-B armada which is now en-route to planet earth and due to arrive around 2004(?) to help enforce the New World Order, which they intend to annex to the central Draco empire on Typhon [Alpha Draconis], in that the “Fourth Reich” [Antarcticans] have been told that they will be given 25 percent of the planet for their part in selling us out.

Related:  The German grasping at the Antarctic

The NWO could only be implemented via human-alien collaboration: the Fourth Reich of Bavaria acquiring the alien Montauk/Mind Control technology and the Alien Alliance acquiring fifth column access to our 3D society that the Fourth Reich [Bavarian Illuminati, Bavarian Thule, & Bavarian Nazi societies] can and have offered to the aliens.
Source: Vladimir Terziski; Alex Collier; Harley Byrd; THE OMEGA FILE; etc.

Location: Rainbow City Antarctica

Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes: An ancient hi-tech “city” was reportedly discovered by a small group of American researchers in the late 1940s. Reportedly an on-site staff of 2000 was later stationed there to study the ancient mechanical devices, the operation of time-space portals, holographic records, and an ancient underground ‘rail’ system with Rainbow City being the central hub. Antigravity craft is also reportedly being used by the researchers. 


Location: Sör Rondane Mountains Antarctica??

Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown


Location: Antarctica

Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown


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