The following are some of the subjects that radio personality David Emory has covered on his talk-radio broadcasts in California:– The pivotal role that Nazi and fascist elements played in the assassination of President Kennedy… evidence that American and German “Neo-Nazis“, the Gehlen spy organization and Nazi rocket specialists working under Werner Von Braun figured prominently in the killing.

— The support American industrialists and financiers gave to Hitler’s Germany and how this affected the allied military policy during the war as well as the incorporation of the Third Reich’s intelligence forces into the CIA at the conflict’s conclusion.

— The SS origin of the Green Berets, the re-establishment of Nazi elements in West Germany after the war, as well as Nazi influences on Senator Joe McCarthy, Interpol and the Alger Hiss case.

— The pivotal role in the Cold War played by Hitler’s most important spymaster and his Nazi Eastern Front intelligence organization… the Gehlen organization’s incorporation into the CIA; its role in establishing Radio Free Europe AND the first Palestinian terrorist groups as well as Gehlen’s personal political ideology.

— The evolution of American fascism from the 1930’s to the present… attempts to overthrow President Roosevelt, suspend the constitution and establish a fascist dictatorship in the United States.

Reinhard Gehlen (* 3. April 1902; † 8. Juni 19...
Reinhard Gehlen (* 3. April 1902; † 8. Juni 1979) war General der Wehrmacht, Leiter der Organisation Gehlen und erster Präsident des deutschen Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

— The World Anti-Communist League… the composition and operation of this reactionary organization whose fascist elements have wielded tremendous influence in the operations of the U.S. national security establishment… the massive intersection between this organization and the network created by Nazi spymaster Reinhard Gehlen.

— Former Nazi SS Officer and CIA agent Skorzeny’s role in developing the methodology of modern terrorism and training many terrorist organizations… the connections of western [fascist] intelligence agencies to the Munich Olympics massacre of several Israelis in 1972. (Note: Munich, Germany is the capital of Bavaria, by the way – Branton).

— Evidence that the U.S. national security establishment may have been planning a fascist coup in response to a terrorist provocation… the “Rex 84” martial-law contingency plan and its implementation in response to a terrorist ‘incident‘. Rex ’84 appears to stem from a contingency plan to intern black Americans in concentration camps.

Related:  The Omega File

— The Fourth Reich — the complicity of [fascist] elements of U.S. intelligence with international terrorists…

— The assassination program which eliminated the democratic leadership of Weimar Germany paving the way for Hitler’s rise to power… the formation of the Nazi Party as a front for German military intelligence.

— The connections between the Third Reich and South African society. Particular emphasis is on the Broederbond [the Afrikaner elite society which effectively controls South Africa] and how that organization developed with help from Nazi Germany… how residual elements of the I.G. Farben chemical cartel helped the growing South African nuclear industry.

— Uncle Sam and the Swastika… documents the Third Reich as a historical outgrowth of the multi-national corporate capitalism. Focus is on the dominant role of American-based multi-nationals in financing and arming Nazi Germany.

— The Third Reich’s extermination programs from the “mercy killing” of handicapped children to the Auschwitz death factory. The Nazi liquidations are exposed as a direct outgrowth of the international eugenics and mental hygiene movements, both mainstream movements with important implications for contemporary society.

— The growing intersection of third Reich veterans, Middle Eastern terrorists, European neo-fascists and European ultra-leftists in a new form of international fascism.

George H. W. Bush
Cover of George H. W. Bush

— Circumstantial evidence suggesting that then vice-president George Bush may have been involved with the attempt on the life of former President Reagan… the close connections between the family of convicted would-be assassin John Hinckley and the Bush family as well as Hinckley’s Nazi background.

— The Nazis: Anti-Semites on George Bush’s Campaign… the participation of elements of the Gehlen organization, the World Anti-Communist League and the P-2 Lodge in George Bush’s 1988 election campaign.

— The work of Mae Brussell, a political researcher whose research is the foundation of Mr. Emory’s… the suspicious circumstances surrounding her death in 1988.

— Livin’ In The USA: The Search for Nazi War Criminals. In 1985, the San Francisco Examiner listed ten Third Reich fugitives considered to be the “most wanted” of all war criminals… the fact that most of them worked for U.S. intelligence after the war.

— The role played by German neo-Nazis in the assassination of President Kennedy.

Related:  Chapter 14 - The Coming Chaos

— Adolph Hitler’s escape from Germany at the end of World War II using information contained in previously classified U.S. intelligence archives, accessed by a London Times journalist and discussed in a military history quarterly. The story was revealed to U.S. intelligence operatives during their debriefing of former Gestapo chief Heinrich Mueller prior to Mueller going to work for U.S. intelligence, employed Mueller because of his anti-Communist expertise. Confident that his situation with his U.S. sponsors-to-be was secure, Mueller disclosed that Hitler escaped to Spain after the war and that his place in the bunker [and the grave] was taken by a double who was a distant blood relative of the Fuehrer. Mueller’s alleged death at the war’s end has also been effectively debunked.

— The relationship between Arab Nationalist groups and the Third Reich analyzed… the cooperation between… American Nazi groups and the Nation of Islam under Elijah Mohammed and Louis Farrakhan.

Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the U...
Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Richard Nixon’s… efforts on behalf of Nazi war criminals living in America, his apparent role in the assassination of President Kennedy and that event’s connections to the Watergate Scandal… Nixon’s administration and the drug trade and Nixon’s plan to stage a provocation at the 1972 Republican Convention in order to force a cancellation of the general elections that year and the establishment of martial law… an analysis of the international fascist political milieu that created Nixon and of which he was an integral part.

— Several elements of historical and operational continuity between the development of fascism prior to World War II and its resurgence over the last several decades. Comparing American scientific racism of the 1920s and 30s with current thinkers of that school… the profound influence of the American social legislation spawned by that racism on the Nazi racial laws that were the pretext for the Third Reich’s extermination programs… the American ‘prosecutorial’ staff at Nuremberg who helped to exonerate numerous Nazi war criminals and who subsequently participated in the coverup of President Kennedy’s assassination… a possible fascist connection to the gun-control movement

(Note: It is indeed curious that the American Psychiatric Association initially contained over 2,000 German ‘immigrant’ members following World War II. The APA also was/is involved in GUN CONTROL lobbying.- Branton),
as well as a possible connection between that movement and the assassination of President Kennedy… the resurgence of Fascism in Italy and Germany stemming from the fascist elements left in place in these countries as a result of the laxness of individuals such as the American Nuremberg staffers.

Related:  2001: The Battle at Dulce

(Additional Note on the above — From the website we read: “A principle player in the 1974 foundings of both HCI [then called the National Council to Control Handguns] and the NCBH [National Coalition to Ban Handguns, now renamed the Coalition Against Gun Violence] was Ed Wells, who was A 25-YEAR VETERAN OF THE COVERT OPERATIONS DIVISION OF THE CIA… There was also a fundraiser for NCBH hosted by the man Nixon appointed as CIA Director, William Colby… HCI spokesman Greg Risch — incredibly — admitted that “SURE THERE ARE A LOT OF CIA PEOPLE IN IT [HCI]“, and also stated that there are quite a few “EX-CIA WHO DONATE TO US.” – Branton)

FacismSeveral reasons for American’s lack of awareness of fascism, its history, and its methodology: lowering American educational standards and the deliberate obfuscation of the historical connection between powerful industrial and financial interests and fascism. Both have significantly undermined contemporary understanding of the political forces which produced Hitler and Mussolini… details important episodes in the development of the French fascist forces that culminated in the Vichy collaborationist government of Marshall Petain.

The role of French fascists in undermining France and contributing to the German victory of 1940 is one of many aspects of the history of fascism which has been deliberately obscured… the clandestine methodology of fascism, in particular, the underground organizational structure of fascist movements and its effectiveness in subverting established democracies… the underground Nazi cells of contemporary Germany and their evolution from the cellular organization established by the Third Reich prior to its defeat… the Swedish fascist Per Engdahl, and his role in maintaining the continuity of fascism from Hitler and Mussolini to the present. The re-emergence of fascism in Austria and the Czech Republic… [and] international networking between neo-Nazis… collaboration between neo-Nazis and national intelligence services, and connections between neo-Nazis and ‘respectable’ power politicians… Liberty Lobby, an influential American fascist organization.

— America’s importation of the Gehlen organization after World War II, the 1934 Fascist coup attempt against FDR…

Chapter 6 – How the United States lost WWII

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