The following to me is reminiscent of the theme of the movie “THE ODESSA FILE“, starring John Voight and set in 1963 West Germany: Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk,alt.mindcontrol From: an166618@anon.penet.fiDate: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 23:52:22 UTCSubject: JFK hit a small part of the conspiracy


The JFK assassination involved a much bigger conspiracy than Cuba or the Mob or the CIA or all 3 put together. It was planned, run and covered up by an international Group that has no name. I’m in the process of completing an investigation and expose on that Group’s activities that I began in the early ’80s. This investigation began after I encountered evidence of torture and mind control techniques among workers at a chemical plant involved in some litigation I handled in the late ’70s. I’m posting this very short piece because I would like confirmation of those portions that can be corroborated before I complete the work. I do not seek to chat about it and I do not want anyone’s approval or disapproval of the events or ideas. Unless you have been involved in it or are some sort of spook it’s all going to sound very strange…

Based on the following very, very brief summary of a huge file on this subject, it seems apparent to me that you have each played a witting or unwitting role in treason. Those of you who think you have been serving a “better cause” should heed these words and THINK about what you have been doing to your country.

Josef Mengele
Josef Mengele (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For those readers who think mysterious forces are sending radio waves into their heads and bodies, or the like, please don’t send responses or messages to me. On the other hand, if you’ve had flashbacks to violent events that you can’t understand; if you recall your hands doing things that you didn’t control; if you’ve awakened in a hotel room not knowing how you got there, read a newspaper story about a dead general or Congressman, recognized the picture and wondered if you were the one who did it; or if the phrase “remember to forget” has a great significance to you, you may want to read on & consider contacting me.

Related:  Chapter 19 - Polar Defenses

[Contact must be through anonymous file server so that neither of us knows the other. If it seems a worthwhile lead to me, I will reply by E-Mail to your anon id. Please do not contact me unless you use a password going through I won’t respond otherwise.]

In 1983 I undertook to determine the reason for and the people responsible for the torture and behavior conditioning at the factory. Since then the investigation has broadened step-by-step into a much, much larger investigation. I cannot possibly recap the full story here. The initial course of the investigation has required over 400 pages of the draft to adequately explain. So let it suffice to say that within the first 18 months I obtained identifications [photograph] from two independent witnesses of the principal torturer as Dr. Joseph Mengele. The same witnesses later identified [photograph] the man who was directing Mengele’s activities as a person who was at one time the DIRECTOR of the CIA.

Reinhard Gehlen (* 3. April 1902; † 8. Juni 19...
Reinhard Gehlen (* 3. April 1902; † 8. Juni 1979) war General der Wehrmacht, Leiter der Organisation Gehlen und erster Präsident des deutschen Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Another key player in the Group’s activities in Vietnam, the RFK hit, Watergate and various assassinations of American military and civilian leaders were one of that Director’s highly-placed subordinates, who only recently left CIA.

This second CIA LEADER will be referred to in this piece by the same code name he used with my informant: Mr. Halloran. My primary sources for the mind control comments are in-depth, videotaped interrogations in awake states, as well as under deep hypnosis in conjunction with two hypnosis experts [one of whom has served as president of one of the internationally-recognized bodies in the field] of three witnesses.

My primary source for the comments on the Group, its plans, goals, methods, and history is one of the three above witnesses who appears to have been the illegitimate son of GEN. REINHARD GEHLEN resulting from the general’s participation in the lebensborn program in 1942-43. He informs me that lebensborn continued well into the ”70s, seemingly headquartered in FRANKFURT

(Frankfurt is incidentally the traditional headquarters of the so-called Holy Roman Empire which ruled Europe with an iron hand during the Dark Ages. – Branton).

A significant part of the following account and the individuals mentioned in it is based on my informant’s conversations with the man who appears to have been his father, Gen. Gehlen, in various parts of the Northeast & in Langley beginning in about 1953; briefings held by various spokesmen but mostly by the former CIA Director at the NY offices of a well-known (Rockefeller? – Branton) Foundation, which appears to be the American ‘host‘ for the Group; and a list of the Group’s members and agents that my informant was instructed to memorize during the period 1975-1987 in preparation for his intended role in the Group.

Related:  Chapter 38 - Conclusion and Philadephia Pase III

In many cases, it is not known whether the individuals’ names were listed because they are ‘players‘ or because they have been coerced into cooperation through blackmail or economic means or are associates of real ‘players‘ who can control the named individuals. Thousands of names have been identified from virtually all walks of life, including such unexpected groups as the Nobel Committee [and] Vatican City…

My informant states that over the years only a very, very few of the many thousands on the list have known the real plan and the real goals.

Chapter 8 – The Covert War

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