Covert WarThe precursor of the subversive group seems to have been formed in the first quarter of the century, we think in connection with the formation of the Federal Reserve. At first, it appears to have been little more than a group of the world’s leading investment and merchant bankers seeking world-wide control of money supply.

But by about 1932 it developed into a scheme for a New World Order, in which there would be total control of human behavior by a world government. They sponsored Hitler through two of their most important German members: Paul von Hindenburg and Franz von Papen.

By the 1930s the key players seem to have included Hess [who flew to England in 1941 ONLY because he was ‘blown‘] and then Bormann in the Nazi government; Schrwder and the ENTIRE Reichsbank sr. officer list in German banking; most of the major merchant banking houses in London, some of the key banks in NY, Sweden, France, Switzerland & Netherlands, along with the Bank for Int’l Settlements [infamous for its crediting the Nazis with ownership of the looted Austrian, Czech, Belgian and Netherlands gold]; the monarchs of England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria [the Archduke], Hungary [Regent], & Japan; and some of the key men in the Fall of France, like Viscount Gort and Admiral Forbes; and two American generals who none of you would believe.

(I would suspect that one of these ‘generals‘ might have been Dwight D. Eisenhower — whose campaign was sponsored by the Rockefellers and through whose administration many of the national socialist policies of the Rockefellers were implemented within the U.S. Intelligence Agencies — although this is only my guess. Due to Eisenhower’s part in the war against the Nazi’s and his warning to Americans about the dangers of the Military-Industrial Complex, it may be that Eisenhower was an ethical man, yet had opened the door for access to certain levels of government by Rockefeller interests, aware of or unaware of the Rockefeller ties to the Nazi’s AND the Military-Industrial complex. He may have merely been a ‘dupe‘ or a ‘pawn’, like so many other naive members of the U.S. Government. – Branton).

Chapter 10 – Current Organization & Goals for the New World Order

Related:  Third Reich Maps of the Inner Earth

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