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Daniken, Eric Von
– THE GOLD OF THE GODS, 1972, Bantam Books, NY., 1973: Hundreds of miles of ancient tunnel and cave systems beneath the surface of Ecuador and Peru, discovered by Juan Moricz, an Argentinian ethnologist.
Danske, Holger 
– Writings of, concerning his visit to the interior of Germany’s Untersberg Mountain.
Davidson, Cherrie
– Letter in THE HOLLOW HASSLE, Vol. 1 – No. 3: Discovery by a man named “Bones” of an ancient subterranean tunnel containing prehistoric remains of giant Lemurians in southwest Nevada. (Also see: Carson, Will)
Davidson, Leon
– Letter in FLYING SAUCERS magazine, referring to “underground tunnels in the California desert, at Camp Irwin, near Barstow.”
Davis, Mary
– (See: LeVesque, Mary; & Martin, Mary)
Davy, Sir Humphrey
– Writings concerning his theory, based on certain scientific indications, that the earth’s center is not hot.
– (See: Millet, Clair)
DeCamp, L. Sprague
   — LOST CONTINENTS., Dover Publishing Inc., NY., 1954, p. 8: The legend of Euenon and Leukippe, reputedly the two original ancestors of the Atlantean race, who legend says… “sprung from the earth…”
   — (& Willy Ley) – FROM ATLANTIS TO ELDORADO: References to the ‘Symmes‘ theory of the hollow earth.
   — LANDS BEYOND., Rinehart & Co. Inc., NY., 1952: Legends and stories regarding Mt. Shasta in northern California.
DeCourcy, John & Dorothy
– Letter in AMAZING STORIES magazine, Dec. 1946, p. 173:  The “Man from Agharti” – an emissary from the subterranean kingdom of Agharti, who brings a message from the ‘King of the World‘ to the authors, John & Dorothy DeCourcy.
– THE UNDERGROUND WORLD., 1654: Underground residents, underground “towns“, etc.
Denton, William & Elizabeth M.F.,
– THE SOUL OF THINGS (or, PSYCHO-METRIC RESEARCH AND DISCOVERIES)., Denton Pub. Co., Wellesley, MA., 3 vols., 1886: Alleged psychometric (or clairvoyant-astral) travels and explorations of subterranean regions and warm Polar countries – and their inhabitants.
Derr, John S.,
(see: Story, Ronald)
Derry, Francois
– THE EARTH IS ALIVE., Arlington Books, London, 1968., & other editions by Planete Co., Paris: Chapter: FANTASTIC EARTH(S)., pp. 59-65: Material concerning the Inner Earth.
– UFO AND THE BLACK LODGE., Article in SEARCH magazine, April 1958, pp. 46-51: A secret society composed of negative entities who in ancient times retreated into caverns below the surface of the earth.
Deyo, Stan
– THE COSMIC CONSPIRACY., p. 57: Ninety-six secret ‘underground cities’ built by the government to be used for the refuge of officials and bureaucrats in the event of a natural disaster or a nuclear attack.
Dickhoff, Robert E.,
– AGHARTA., Fieldcrest Publishers; Reprint by ‘Health Research: The warring Martian and Venusian ‘gods‘ of ancient times and their prehistoric cities and tunnel systems which they constructed beneath the earth’s surface. The ‘serpents‘, an evil race, many of which lie in suspended animation beneath the ice and snow of Antarctica. (Also see: Girvin, Calvin; & Larsen, Harvey – THE SHAVER MYSTERY: SPECIAL REPORT #8)
Dick, William
– ADVENTURERS BATTLE CAVE TRIBE ON WAY TO ‘CENTER OF THE EARTH‘., Article in the NATIONAL EXAMINER, April 13, 1982. The progress of cave explorers in their attempts to set a new world depth record in one of Mexico’s largest cavern systems, and superstitious native ‘tribes‘ in the area who are determined to stop them. (Also see: Jordon, Jay)
Dixon, Roland B.,
– OCEANIC MYTHOLOGY., p. 168: Native Australian traditions that their ancestors “came up out of the ground” and traveled about the country and created new tribes, then “ultimately journeyed away beyond the confines of their territory, or went down into the ground again.”
Doerr, Paul
– UNKNOWN Newsletter (no longer published)., Issue No. 6: A subterranean race of giants which, according to native traditions of the Carolines, especially Papua, went underground in ancient times. Once inhabitants of the lost continent of “Chamat” – they will, according to tradition, one day “emerge and remake the world.” This legend is spread widely throughout Malaysia. The same issue also reports on the discovery of massive caverns in Tuolumne Co., CA, by three Oakland miners. The caverns were so extensive that a man would have to “take grub for a week, and plan to explore for a month.”
Doreal, Maurice
   — THE BANNER OF SHAMBHALA., Brotherhood of the White Temple (B.W.T.)., Little Temple Library Ed., circa 1948., 17 pp.
   — MYSTERIES OF MOUNT SHASTA., B.W.T., Little Temple Library., 1949., 19 pp.
   — MYSTERIES OF THE GOBI., B.W.T., Little Temple Library: Shambhala, a hidden kingdom located below the Gobi desert.
   — POLAR PARADISE., B.W.T., Little Temple Library., 1949., 21 pp.
   — SHAMBHALA: or THE GREAT WHITE LODGE; B.W.T., Little Temple Library., 1949., 20 pp.: Doreal’s visit to the ‘Great White Lodge‘, located beneath the surface of the Earth.
   — THE INNER EARTH., B.W.T., Little Temple Library., 21 pp.
   — THE INNER EARTH., Chapter in THE SUBTERRANEAN WORLD, by Timothy Green Beckley (ed. by)., Gray Barker Books: The Inner Earth and subterranean life as it was taught to Doreal by the so-called ‘masters of ancient wisdom‘.
Donnelly, Ignatius
– THE DESTRUCTION OF ATLANTIS, RAGNAROK: THE AGE OF FIRE AND GRAVEL., Steiner Books., Blauvelt, NY., 1971 Ed., Chapt. 7: Various worldwide beliefs in subterranean life, native emergence legends, etc.
Douglas, Mary S.,
– EVERGLADES SEA OF GRASS., Rinehart & Co., NY., 1974., 501 pp.: Information relating to the Inner Earth.
Drake, Eugene
– VISITORS FROM SPACE., Ventla Verlag, Wiesbaden, W. Germany., 1961., p. 44: The author’s belief in three types on Inner Earth races: the Rainbow People, some degenerate races, and an old civilization below Mexico.
Drake, W.R.
   — GODS AND SPACEMEN IN THE ANCIENT WEST., N.A.L. Co., 1974., p. 145: The caverns of ‘Agharti’ and caverns beneath the Slavic lands.
   — THE GREEN PEOPLE., Article in SEARCH magazine, Winter 1979-1980: The “green children of wolf-pits” and the “green children of Spain” who were seen to emerge, more than 700 years apart, from subterranean lands “without sun, and dimmed by perpetual twilight”. (Also see: Beckley, Timothy Green – THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH; & Trench, Brinsley le Poer – SECRET OF THE AGES)
Driggers, Bruce
– Letter in Ray Palmer’s FLYING SAUCERS magazine., June 1976: Describes a thesis he wrote on the Hollow Earth.
Duplantier, Gene
– SUBTERRANEAN WORLDS OF PLANET EARTH., SS&S Publications: Accounts of encounters with the underworld and its inhabitants, including chapters by Richard S. Shaver and other Inner Earth researchers.
Duverus, Edward D.
– Letter in HIDDEN WORLD magazine, Winter 1962: Three underground cities, each located beneath deserts and entered through nearby mountains, inhabited by beings neither totally evil or saintly and who are able to blend with surface society like chameleons, virtually undetectable except for the lack of color in the irises of their eyes.
DYZAN, BOOK OF (author unknown)
– Speaks of “superior beings of dazzling aspect” who abandoned the surface of the earth, depriving the ‘impure‘ human race of their knowledge, leaving in flying craft to rejoin their land “of iron and metal.”

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