group consensus
group consensus (Photo credit: Will Lion)

The plan is to unleash elemental forces of chaos that transcend government philosophy. The primitive mandate for political/social structure seems to be the protection of the person from crime and disease, protection of property, a system of justice to enforce those protections, and organization for economic gain.

All these refinements we’ve developed – democracy, fascism, communism, monarchy – come after the primitive mandates have been met. The theory is that if you remove enough of those basic protections the government will fall because it is not performing the more important, elementary functions.

This subject is an enormous one which I could not begin to describe in such a short piece as this. The reader will have to fill in the blanks left by the following examples:

DISEASE: The Group developed the AIDS virus principally at Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg in Brisgau. It seems that Dr. Strecker and the London Times [5/11/87] were correct in suspecting that the epidemic was man-made and connected with the World Health Organization’s smallpox eradication program in Africa [My source identified the names of a senior member of the Global Commission in 1979, who handled at least Ethiopia and Somalia, and W.H.O. representatives for Central Africa, where the AIDS virus is taking the largest toll, and for Western Africa] and the 1978-79 hepatitis B vaccine experiments among homosexuals in the U.S. [My source identified the name of one member of the NY City team.

I could not obtain the names of the team members for S.F.] They chose homosexuals because they believed that few would care what happened to them and hoped the disease would spread throughout the country before anyone realized that it would kill ANYONE — not just gays. During the “incubation period” [1995-2000] the Group plans to introduce new diseases that will be “far more aggressive, far more vicious” than AIDS. (Apparently, we must assume that if they release a disease, they will already have developed an antidote in case one of ‘them’ gets infected – Branton)

English: Network diagram showing interlocks be...
English: Network diagram showing interlocks between various U.S. corporations and institutions and the Council on Foreign Relations, in 2004 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

CRIME AND DRUGS: …Crime and illegal drugs go hand-in-hand. Drug traffic has been fostered under the covert aegis of the Group’s massive apparatus within the CIA since at least Vietnam. My informant states that “Mr. Halloran” as a “contract” CIA operative in Saigon was running hard drugs from Laos and Cambodia to Bien Hoa to the US aboard military aircraft for use on American streets. It went on for years and is probably still going on, but now from other points of origin. There are alliances between the Group’s agents in the CIA and the military and drug lords in South America. My informant identified the names of most DEA agent-in-charge of major US offices & many US Coast Guard and Navy officers ON drug interdiction duty.

Related:  Chapter 4 - NAZI History

ECONOMIC DEPRESSION: The plan is for there to be a disastrous [but short-lived] depression, precipitated by a stock crash. The Group’s members in the financial community certainly have the muscle to do it. My informant has identified [current=1994] either the presidents or chairmen of five of the six largest banks in NYC, many of the key officials in the NY Federal Reserve, most of the major London merchant banks, four of the largest GERMAN banks, and five of the 11 largest US stock brokerage firms.

CIVIL/RACE WAR; THE MILITARY; THE ASSASSINATION LIST: The Group’s plan is to covertly foster and finance a civil war on race lines through their agents in black and Hispanic ghettoes in major cities. Once they are successful in gun control legislation the Group will ARM the minority insurgents with attack weapons to be used against essentially weapon-less minority and non-minority individuals. The local police departments will be out-gunned. The military will be called in, but will be unable to control the situation due to an artificial “breakdown in the chain of command.”

[The percentage of senior US Army, Navy and Air Force general officers — brigadier general through general, rear admiral through admiral — identified by my informant has been astoundingly high. The rate of identification among generals and admirals in the military is equaled in only two other organizations: the State Department and the Council on Foreign Relations.]

European Council on Foreign Relations
European Council on Foreign Relations (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In the midst of the societal chaos, after the war begins, the Group will conduct systematic assassinations of key American civilian and military leaders who have not supported the Group’s policies or its key agents.

That list is referred to by my main informant and by the woman I first interviewed in 1983-84 as “all the king’s men.” The civil war fostered covertly by the Group will frighten “middle America” into the adoption of the Group’s government.

After the year 2000, the civil war will be used by the Group as the excuse for genocide against the Black and Hispanic races. The genocide of the black races will be global. There are also large-scale genocide plans for Hispanics and Chinese. Literally hundreds of smaller races also targeted. This will take place over a much longer period than [the] German experiment in WWII.

Related:  Chapter 28 - Mind Control Projects out of Atlantic

(Remember that the ‘root‘ of the ‘New World Order‘ agenda can be traced back to the secret occultic societies connected to Bavaria, Germany — the Illuminati, Thule, Nazis, Vril, Rosicrucian, Black Gnostics, Skull & Bones, Cult of the Serpent, Templars, Babylon Mystery Cult, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, Jesuits, and all of the many lesser-known inter-locking secret societies which grew out of the occult-military core of the early Roman Empire and the later Holy Roman Empire‘ [HO.R.E.] — a core that had its center of power not only in Rome but also in Germany. – Branton)

Chapter 15 – My Accidental Discovery of the group in the mid-1980s: Mind Control Techniques

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