Pages 78-80 of Tim Beckley’s book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, also contains the following unusual story of an underground land beneath Oklahoma:

“One of these ‘hills’ or ‘mounds’ have – according to yellowed newspaper clippings – been located near Binger, Oklahoma, by a newspaper reporter whose story was recently uncovered by Mrs. Cosette Willoughby of San Jose, California. She has spent a great deal of time investigating odd phenomena dealing with the Shaver Mystery. Unfortunately she cannot recall the exact source for the story although she remembers quite vividly that it was written 24 or 25 years ago (she did however record the story itself from the news clipping):

“…This story takes place on the outskirts of the town of Binger, Oklahoma. It was back in the 30’s, when I was a vacationing newspaper reporter. In fact I was between jobs. I had come out west from Chicago. Having some close friends in Binger, Oklahoma, I decided to visit them on my way to California where I would start on another assignment. Pat and Louis lived on the NORTH end of Binger in a very comfortable home built on very flat prairie land. I arrived late in the afternoon. We had an early dinner and retreated to the large front porch, where it was cool and restful. In the course of conversation, I had noticed out in the distance, about half a mile from the house, what seemed to be a huge mound. I questioned my friends about it, but learned it was a subject nobody wanted to talk about. I was doggedly persistent, however, and Pat finally told this story:

The mound had been there for a long time, even before the white man came to this country. It was said to be haunted. Nobody tarried very long there, for there seemed to be a strange atmosphere of foreboding, 

or impending evil about the place. Every-one who was brave enough to venture near the place left as quickly as he had come. Pat also stated that there were some who claimed to have seen two phantoms who haunt the place — one by day, and the other by night. The one by day was a woman, and the one by night was a headless man. I found this a strange story indeed, and being as curious as I was, and also seeing in this the prospects of a good newspaper story, I decided to go to this mound and see for myself. I rose at dawn the next morning, gathered together the few things I planned to take along and set out for the Mound. I arrived just as the sun began to tint the east with a faint glow. I took my small spade out of my pack and began to dig. It wasn’t long before I had unearthed a silver cylinder containing some papers written in Spanish (Luckily I could read that language… I took the papers out of the cylinder and began to read.)

Related:  Chambers of the Deep

“It was written by one of Coronado’s men when he had crossed Oklahoma in search of the Seven Cities of Gold. Alfonso was his name.

“He and three others had wandered off on their own, and got lost from the main unit of Coronado’s men. After wandering off on their own, seemingly going around in circles for several days, and running short of food, they came upon a large cave. Being young and adventurous, they lit a couple of candles and entered. The passageway was very winding, and there were many side passages, and as they wandered farther and farther into the dark they realized that they were hopelessly lost and their two meager candles were burning quite low. Soon they would be in total darkness.

“There was nothing to do but to walk on — and on, — and on, hoping they would at least find drinking water. After a while, which seemed like an eternity to them, they began to sense the passage beginning to 

slope more steeply downward, and at times they had an eery feeling that they were being watched, at times even sensing a strange musty animal odor. The darkness began to become less dense and far ahead they began to see a faiht blue glow. As they came nearer, they found the passage suddenly open upon a strange landscape. There was grass growing, and in the distance they could faintly see some kind of buildings. The musty animal odor grew stronger so they approached the nearest building. It seemed to be some kind of a temple for there were rough hewn benches, and altar vessels of pure gold. Suddenly there was a commotion outside the temple. Upon looking outside they saw a group of tall strange Indian-like people and also several strange repulsive looking animals which gave off the musty animal odor. These weird beasts had pinkish-white, hairless, skin and walked on all fours – like a dog would.

“The Indian people were rather ‘normal’ in appearance except that they had rather long heads which extended high above the ears.

“The spokesman for the group then stepped forward and in pure Castilleian Spanish said: ‘Welcome to the blue litten land of Kenyan. You will be allowed to live here but you may never leave. For this is a secret place never to be known to the outside world..’

Related:  Maine's Underground

“The aged papers continued with the following weird account supplied by one of those lost souls:

“’We were allotted comfortable houses to live in and women for our wives. My wife was named Teen. She was a pleasant and loving mate, and for a time I was contented and happy in my life deep underground. But gradually I began to yearn for the outside world. I longed to see the sun again, and feel the rain, and walk in the beautiful moonlight. I spent many monotonous hours telling Teen of the 

outside world, until she became as anxious as I to escape. One time while listening to one of my many stories, she said, ‘There is a way out of this land, but it will not be easy. We will have to leave while all are gathered for evening vespers (Or rather, this was the closest word that the Spaniard could think of to describe this event. This was a brief ritual that was held at the close of every day).



Area just north of the town of Binger, Oklahoma… The arrow shows a ‘possible’ location for the mound, which according to the manuscript, leads to the underground land of ‘Kenyon’

“‘Quickly we loaded our meager belongings on the back of one of the strange beasts, waited till the time seemed right, and started off down one of the remote side passages on the edge of Kenyon.

“’We must have walked for a very long while, when we decided to take a little rest. We must have been more fatigued than I thought, for we both fell into a sound sleep and didn’t awaken until quite some time later. When we did, we found our pack animal was gone. What we neglected to remember was that these strange repulsive animals could communicate with their masters. During the night (I should say our long sleep) the animal we had brought with us went back to the underground city of Kenyan and told what we had done.

“’Hurriedly we gathered together our belongings and set forth once again, but all was in vain for we were soon overtaken and the penalty for our crime was death. But this was not all they planned to do with us. They have a way of preserving our dead bodies, and mine will walk by night and poor Teen’s will walk by day, to keep away the curious outsiders who might find their way into the passage that leads to Kenyon.

Related:  1995: THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Introduction

“‘I beg of you, do not try!’…

“As I finished reading the old papers I seemed to awaken out of a dream. Hurriedly I buried them where I had found them, grabbed up my pack and left the mound. For I had no wish to see more, and it was time for poor Teen’s body to take it’s vigil walk by day.”

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