Sahara Desert’s Underground

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Location: Sahara Desert Africa
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  No less than 230 visible tunnels at least ten feet high and twelve feet wide have been discovered between Sebha, the modern capital of the Fezzan, and the oasis of Ghat on the Algerian border. They run an average length of three miles – a total of 700 miles – not counting those that are unknown.

In places, they run less than 20 feet apart. Considering the 100,000 graves found in the wadi, the region must have been populous, which presupposes an adequate and regular rainfall in the Sahara when the tunnels were built several millennia ago. (James Welland, Lost Worlds in Africa, Book 3)…
Source:  More on the Sahara tunnels. Site Gone


Location: Sahara Desert Africa
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Related:  Canada's Underground

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