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Gaddis, Vincent H.
   — AMERICAN INDIAN MYTHS & MYSTERIES., Chilton Books., Radnor, PA 1977; Reprint by Signet Books., NY 1978; Thomas Nelson Sons, Ltd., Don Mills, Ont., Canada: Chapter – TUNNELS OF THE TITANS., pp. 47-57: Ancient tunnels and the Inner Earth.
   — NOTES ON SUBTERRANEAN SHAFTS., Article in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Jan. 1949, pp. 148-151: Several reports of strange artificial shafts and tunnels that have been discovered throughout the world, which lead into the unexplored depths of the earth.
   — SHAVERIAN SIDELIGHTS., Article in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Jan. 1949, pp. 130-133: Several native American “emergence” myths which state that their ancestors came from a subterranean world in ancient times.
   — SHAVER MYSTERY, THE., Article in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Aug. 1947: Descriptions of the discoveries of eight different shafts which lead to the cavern world, including one in Kentucky, and one near Sulphur and Bromide Springs in Oklahoma. Also the writings of Dr. Maurice Doreal.
   — TUNNELS OF THE TITANS., Article in AMAZING STORIES magazine., Aug. 1947, pp. 162-167: Several reports of ancient tunnel systems and stories of underground civilizations from all parts of the world.
Gardner, Marshall B.
– A JOURNEY TO THE EARTH’S INTERIOR, OR HAVE THE POLES REALLY BEEN DISCOVERED? Aurora, IL n.p. 1913. Enlarged editions, 1920, 1926, Fieldcrest, n.d. Reprinted by HEALTH RESEARCH., 452 p.: One of the earlier writings to advance the theory of a hollow earth.
Gatewood, Joe
– THE HOLLOW EARTH SOCIETY newsletter on the Inner Earth mystery, subterranean cities, and related subjects. The Hollow Earth Society, Frankfort, KY (no longer published).
Gatschet, Albert S.
– A MIGRATION LEGEND OF THE CREEK INDIANS: Describes a journey made by hundreds of young Creek Indian braves in 1781, under the guidance of Chief Milfort, to a series of huge caverns near the Red River, about 40 miles ‘above‘ the junction with the Mississippi River, from which the original Creek ancestors are believed to have emerged into the outer world in ancient times. According to ‘Milfort‘, the caverns they saw “could easily contain 15,000 – 20,000 families.” Also, pp. 105-107 records the Cha’hta Indian belief that their ancient ancestors emerged from NANI-WAYA (Bent or Curved Hill), a mound 50 feet in altitude, situated in Winston Co., Mississippi on the headwaters of the Pearl River, emerging just a few generations before the “white men” came to the Americas, according to some versions.
George, Wally
– PILGRIMAGE TO THE DEVIL., Article in FATE magazine, Aug. 1957, pp. 38-52: A cave in a mountain five miles south of Ojinaga, Mexico, which the inhabitants of the region believe to be the abode of ‘devils‘.
Gesner, Charles H.
– Letter in AMAZING STORIES magazine, March 1947, pp. 171-173: Huge unexplored caves and a subterranean river with shores of gold-bearing sand, beneath the Kokoweef mountains of California. (Also see: Clark, Howard D.; Stringer, Sparks; & Klein, David)
Giannini, F. Amadeo
– WORLD BEYOND THE POLES., Vantage Press, NY., 1959. 218 pp.: Admiral Byrd’s Polar flight of 1947. A condensation of the material was copyrighted in 1958 under the title, PHYSICAL CONTINUITY OF THE UNIVERSE, AND WORLDS BEYOND THE POLES: A CONDENSATION.
Gifford, E.W.
– COAST YUKI MYTHS., Article in THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE, Vol. 50, p. 117: Yuki Indians’ belief that their ancestors emerged in ancient times from a cavern in “Heppenheim” – a large rock-island in the ocean just off the coast, near Rockport, Mendocino Co., California.
Gibbons, Russell W.
– VANISHING  ISLANDS OF THE ARCTIC., Article in FATE magazine, Dec. 1957., pp. 22-28: Several accounts of famous explorers who reported finding new Arctic lands and islands in the North Polar Sea, which they were later unable to locate.
Gilbert, Rose Marie
– INTERVIEW WITH BONNIE: A SUBTERRANEAN WOMAN SPEAKS. Taped conversation recorded by Ms. Gilbert, which took place in Los Angeles. Tape transcript edited and transcribed by Bruce Walton. (Also see: Hamilton, William F.)
Ginner, Al
– THE HOLLOW EARTH. Dr. Swift’s tape (tape #1817) on the Inner Earth.
Girvin, Calvin
– THE NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND SAUCERS., Understanding Co., Merlin, OR – pp. 117-118: Describes a race of evil reptilian beings who long ago “…disappeared inside the earth at a point where the Earth’s South Pole is today…” and…  “put themselves into a state of suspended animation.” Reprinted in – UFO’S: KEY TO EARTH’S DESTINY, by Winfield S. Brownell., Legion of Light Publications. (Also see: Dickhoff, Robert  E. & Larsen, Harvey)
Goad, Janice
– CAVE LEGENDS OF THE CENTRAL APPALACHIANS., Article in the NSS (National Speleological Society) newsletter TECH TROGLODYTE., Vol. 12, No. 2: Several strange caverns and the unusual stories surrounding them, including “Devil’s Slide Cave” six miles SW of Tazewell, VA; and “Stoven’s Cave” in Kentucky; from the depths of which strange noises are often heard to emerge.
Godwin, John
– OCCULT AMERICA., pp. 176-177: Stories of underground cities and subterranean dwellers.
Godwin, Virgil
   — BIZARRE SHAVER., Published by the author., Salem, OR 1982: The author’s contacts with a subterranean race, his experiences with their UFOs, etc. The author has a profound interest in UFOs and Bigfoot, has taken thousands of photographs of UFOs, has appeared on talk shows, and claims to have been contacted by UFO occupants, a race of 8 ft. tall beings who live in tunnels and underground cities below the area of Lincoln Co., Oregon. They claim ancient ancestral ties with the American “Indians” – many of whom have “emergence” myths and legends of their tribes coming up and emerging from an underground world. (Also see: Letter from “Shu” in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter, Fall 1979)
   — INSIDE OUT., sequel to BIZARRE SHAVER. Published by the author.
Gofferel, Comte De
Goldstein, Lorrie
– TUNNEL MONSTER OF CABBAGETOWN? Article in THE TORONTO SUNDAY SUN., March 15, 1979: A strange alien humanoid is sighted inside an unexplored tunnel beneath Parliament street in the lower-east section of the city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Reprinted in THE NEW ATLANTEAN JOURNAL., Fall 1979)
Goodman, Jeffrey
– PSYCHIC ARCHEOLOGY: TIME MACHINE TO THE PAST., pp. 70-77: Ancient “Atlantean” “Hall of Records” containing priceless records, artifacts, and scientific knowledge, which runs beneath the Gizeh plateau in Egypt, beneath the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, the entrance to which is believed to be hidden within the right paw of the Sphinx.
Goodwin, Grenville
– MYTHS AND TALES OF THE WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE., p. 20: A tunnel in the San Carlos Indian Reservation in Arizona, located on the north side of a bluff about a mile or two above Tl’uk’a’al’i, an old Indian farming site on the west fork of Cedar Creek, which is said to lead into the underground “land of the Ga’n People.”
Gookin, K.A.
– Letter in AMAZING STORIES magazine., pp. 168-170., Jan. 1948: The discovery of two unexplored, smooth, apparently man-made shafts or tunnels in Texas, one of them in the vicinity of Van Horn, Texas and another in “Hell Canyon” – a  southern offshoot of “Apache Canyon” next to “Apache Peak” – near the Texas salt flats. The latter was an extremely ancient tunnel that ended against a smooth, very cold marble wall, from behind which strange “roaring sounds” could be heard.
Gordon, Helen C.
– Letter in the SHAVER MYSTERY MAGAZINE., Vol. 1, No. 2., 1947., pp. 32-34: An abandoned “mine” in the Organ mountains of New Mexico, about 60 miles NW of El Paso, Texas, which the writer and her husband explored, and within which they discovered an immense “bottomless” pit or shaft, also known as a “Glory Hole“, which earlier miners had partially walled-off.
– Article in YANKEE magazine, Nov. 1971: A prehistoric well and tunnels, many of them unexplored, near the cemetery in Goshen, MA. (Also appeared in INFO JOURNAL)
Grandes, Puentes
– SUBTERRANEAN MARVELS., Tau University Publishing Co., Minneapolis, MN. Excerpt from GHOSTLAND, by Emma H. Brinten. 31 pp.
– A report in SEARCH magazine., Oct. 1942 (reprinted in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newslettere,  Oct. 1981). An old cemetery in Spain, now submerged by the waters of a hydro-electric project., the graves in which were one day found to be empty, and the excavations seemingly bottomless! Since refilling the graves proved to be a difficult if not impossible task, they were boarded over, sealed with mortar, and fenced in.
Greene, Vaughn M.
   — ASTRONAUTS OF ANCIENT JAPAN., Merlin Engine Works Publishers., Millbrae, CA., pp. 79-85: Chapter – “The Crystal Caves of Shaver”.
   — Letter in the SHAVERTRON newsletter ( http://www.shavertron.com ) No. 14: A possible tunnel entrance at the bottom of an elevator landing deep beneath Hoover Dam near Las Vegas, Nevada, where there is a “wild tile inlay on the floor, with signs of the zodiac and all sorts of stuff suggesting an entrance.” It also refers to the caverns that were reportedly broken into and re-sealed during the construction of the dam.
Grene, Bob
– THEY’RE PLANNING A VISIT TO THE LAND OF THE HOLLOW EARTH., Article in the STATES-ITEM.,  New Orleans, LA., Sept. 11, 1978 (reprinted in THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter, Oct. 1981): Tawani Shoush, president of Missouri’s Hollow Earth Society, announces plans to visit the poles in hopes of discovering the alleged entrances into the hollow earth.
Grew, Edwin S.
– THE ROMANCE OF MODERN GEOLOGY., Seely & Co., London., 1911: Argues the impossibility of the “theory” of a molten interior of the earth, and also the theory that the earth is “solid” through-and-through is unlikely: “…We know that the earth cannot be solid all through because it does not weigh enough.”
Griffin, Howard F.
– Letter in SHAVER MYSTERY MAGAZINE., Vol. 1, No. 2., 1947., p. 35: Vast caverns within the interior of Pike’s peak in Colorado, from which sounds of occasional subterranean cavern-rock-slides have emerged.
Grumley, Michael
– THERE ARE GIANTS IN THE EARTH., Panther Books Ltd., St. Albans., Herts, England., 1976.,  pp. 42-47: Refers to an ancient tunnel on the Ecuador-Columbia border, inhabited by giant “Ape-Men” and which is believed to contain some of the answers to the mysteries of the beginning of civilization on Earth.
Gudde, Erwin G.
– CALIFORNIA PLACE NAMES., University of California Press., Los Angeles, CA., 1962., p. 194: Moaning Cave, near Cave City, Calaveras Co., CA., whose large dome-like vault was so named because of a strange sound heard at the entrance. The “moanong” disappeared after a circular stairway was built in the main chamber.
Guenon, Rene
– KING OF THE WORLD., California, 1922. (refers to the so-called “King of  the World“, or the leader of the subterranean network of “Agharti“, beneath Mongolia and surrounding regions).
Related:  A Guide to the Inner Earth: N

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