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Illion, Theodore (Ted)
– THE SECRET CITY IN THE VALLEY OF MYSTERY., Excerpt from DARKNESS OVER TIBET., Rider & Co., London, n.d. Circa 1947; Reprinted by B.S.R.F.: The author describes his frightening adventure in a secret underground city of devil-worshipers, built around a “bottomless shaft” leading to even more hellish domains, in a remote region of Tibet.
Inca, The (pseud.)
– I FOUND SHAVER’S CAVES! Article in SEARCH magazine, March 1960., pp. 26-29: The writer’s discovery of an entrance to the subterranean world in the Matto Grosso region of Brazil, and his meetings with a subterranean man of “Atlantean-Inca” descent, who invited him, along with his family and friends, to come and live with his people in the utopian underground cities.
INFO JOURNAL (The “International Fortean Organization”
– Science and the Unknown)., Arlington, VA: Occasional references to strange tunnels and other underground anomalies.
   — Vol. 2, No. 2.,  p. 7: Prof. Hapgood’s discovery of a stone staircase leading down into the earth at Acambaro in central Mexico, now filled with hard-packed volcanic material. The site is located on the Muzquiz property. P. 30: The “Souterrain” or Giant’s Hole, home of troglodytes and Gog-Magog, etc. These giant ‘graves‘ or ‘passage tombs‘ are said to be exact counterparts of early passage tombs of Japan, and are located in Cornwall, England (linking Scots, Scythians, and Mongolians).
   — Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 24: The discovery of strange tunnels in Goshen, MA., Milford, CT., and Crofton, MD (Also see: GOSHEN STONE TUNNEL; STRANGE TUNNEL; CROFTON TUNNELS).
Ives, Franklin Titus
– THE HOLLOW EARTH., Broadway Publishing Co., New York, 1904.
Related:  A Guide to the Inner Earth: List of Sources and Publishers

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