The Macuxi Indians are indigenous people who live in the Amazon forest in South America.
According to their ancestral legends, they are descendants of the children of the sun, the creator of Fire and disease and they are the protectors of the “Hollow Earth.” Their oral legends speak of an entrance into Earth.
Until the year 1907, the Macuxies would enter a cavern, and travel from 13 to 15 days until they reached the interior of the Earth.
 According to the Macuxies they were given the task to be the guardians of the entrance and to keep strangers from entering the “Hollow Earth.”
 What if Jules Verne’s classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” is actually true? And down there, an entire new world is waiting to be explored, a place where somehow, living beings inhabit the depths of planet Earth, a place that ancient cultures and civilizations knew existed, or still exists today

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