Alaska’s Underground

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Location: Ambler Alaska (Schwatka Mtns.)
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location: Brooks Range Alaska
Functions: Genetic Works and To Eradicate the Resistance of People on this Planet.
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Antarctic Base?
Notes:  ET’s 30 – Hybrids 55 – Homo Sapiens as captured as scientists – They always need us to gather information as well as to bring supplies. In this area, big Spaceships can land totally undetected. 27 ships for cargo distribution. They handle the traffic both ways; bring into the planet what comes from outside, and deliver what should be taken away from here. They like to take some people too, never older than 35 years, women have their preference. Males only very special ones in their genetic viewpoint. Weather regulator machines, unseen by us.

Also, there is the biggest energy generator, for their use, on the planet. From here the rays that can interfere with our atmosphere emanate. Through their information net, they are oriented about all atmospheric conditions on the globe. Many new technological wonders they gave us for their own advantage. Through our computers, we process data for them. The landing place is not even hidden, can be spotted with our machines, only that the area is very guarded, mostly its space. When something is detected it is shot down. Exchange of personnel. Greys come and leave after their duty here is ended.

They are VERY HAPPY TO LEAVE! This Base is only a transit area. They have some 500 frozen reserve bodies for the Greys. When a Grey body dies, he needs a replacement which is not easy to get here. Some Greys get cheated and do not really depart! Studying our race’s organs. They want some of our organ’s bodies because they give more and better sensation in sex and eating.

Their bodies are of flesh but very robotic. In their society, there is no great deal if one loses a body. They are brought up to be what the State needs, there is no power of choice, which makes a robot society. Preparing a new race! Possibly some are walking around in Ambler as it is a very isolated area and there is peace for their experiments. Many missing children and babies end up here as this is what is most needed.
Composed of: ET’s 400 – which makes it a very important Base in its genetic work. Hybrids only of their own production. If the experiment fails, the body gets killed. 165 Homo Sapiens as scientists. Space for 1,000 people to use in their experiments. Tests are made with different races. Young women are much needed. Insemination is done on them. Their medical instruments are far ahead of ours.
Notes 2: Through atmospheric movements, they connect with Antarctic Base. Only the toughest people are supposed to survive. As they want this planet for themselves, they do not wish its total ruin. Ozone holes they can manipulate with, but they do not have control over earthquakes. Latitude approx.148 degrees area Philip Smith Mtns.


Related:  Florida's Underground

Location: Delta Junction Alaska
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location: Fort Greely Alaska
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

Location: Mt. Hayes Alaska
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes:  It appears to be weather and geological center and has similar security measures to prevent discovery. He described ‘computer equipment’ and followed leads on an ‘oscilloscope‘ which led to a small box-like structure which contained a rotational antenna that sat on top of a mountain peak. The receiver seemed to be part of a detection system.

‘If they were discovered,’ Price wrote, ‘personnel is deployed physically inactivity to make sure of failure of that certain project. This site has also been responsible for strange activity and malfunction of US and Soviet space projects.’

Atwater suggested that if a probe was launched over this part of Alaska, that it might be interfered in some way, to prevent detection of the Mt. Hayes base. ‘It comes to mind that these ‘people‘ have infiltrated all government in sensitive positions, not to control the government, the processes or people, but rather to be in positions of power to stop politically any activity that may produce a result that could cause discovery.’

Location:  Alaska
Functions: Unknown
Levels: Unknown
Tunnels to: Unknown

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