They also have underwater Bases off the coast of Florida and Peru. More detailed information will be released in the near future, photos, video tapes, documents, ect. Watch out for AGENTS among you now.

In the 1930’s, “DIVISION FIVE” of the FBI knew about the “Aliens”. A Fascist cabal, within this country, had John Kennedy assassinated. Look to the links, within the larger Umbrella… the “WEB” of a fascist totalitarian secret police state…within the Pentagon, Joint Chiefs of Staff, DIA, FBI (Division Five), DISC/DIS and the CIA. Note: The DEFENSE INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES Insignia is a composite of the Sun’s Rays, a ROSE, and a Dagger, symbolizing “The Search for Information, Trustworthiness and Danger”. Other links are Nazi scientists (who had contact with the “Aliens”), the S.S., Satanists, Permnidex, Exxon, the Mafia, NBC, ect, ect. This links with Caves used for “Initiation Rites” (all over the world)…ancient Vaults, Retreats, Alien Bases, and INNER-EARTH CIVILIZATIONS. MORE ON THE DULCE BASE

The genetics base (underground) co-run by the US government and the Greys is near Dulce, New Mexico, just below the NM-CO border. It is VERY dangerous to go exploring there, cause if you’re caught, you’ll likely get a 1 way ticket to the base. One level is called Nightmare Hall where the Greys are doing hideous experiments. You should read Matrix II by Valdamar Valarian if you really want to be shocked. As the governments are working with the Greys (including the Canadian gov’t), there’s not anything you can do except by becoming as aware as you can and spreading the information.

There are a number of bases is the US and Canada as well as around the world. These bases are connected by a vast underground tunnel system. Matrix II has a map of the major bases of the southwestern US (underground/alien) and shows the connecting tunnels. One they didn’t list is the one beneath Boynton Canyon in Sedona, AZ. When I visited there last month, the locals were very willing to discuss their (common) experiences with alien craft. They tell of large military trucks traveling through Sedona to get to the underground access. These military trucks creep in during the wee hours of the morning. Locals tell of the black helicopters and how, if you’re daring enough, you can go to see them in the distance. I wouldn’t recommend it. The center of that base is said to be in Secret Canyon and they strongly urge no one go investigating that one.

Related:  Melting Antarctica Ice Reveals UFO Underwater Base

Human bones, I was told, have been found more than once and locals have disappeared there as well. Did you also know that the government uses the term IAC (identified alien craft) when referring to the ships? UFO is for civilian purposes. Strieber, who it is said works for the CIA, was chastised by the Greys for eating chocolate. According to his books, they can’t use your bodily fluids if you’ve been eating chocolate. Pass the Hershey bars!

John Lear and I have been friends and colleagues got some years now. Currently I live in New Mexico and have been researching the Dulce Alien Base question since Paul Bennewitz began to send his reports to APRO in the Mid-70’s. Although we have not been able to track down the exact location, and over the years it has become rumored that the base now no longer exist. However both John and I have been able to come up with witness accounts that indicate that the base did exist. One such witness was abducted with her son and taken there. We have a series of notes taken from Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the regression session with this woman which pretty much substantiates everything, including her viewing of a room with vats full of human body parts floating in it.

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