Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #25

#25 — The following Taino myth was recorded on the island of Haiti, or Hispaniola, by Fray Ramon Pane, a poor anchorite of the order of St. Jerome, at the bidding of Columbus, who ordered him to set down all their language and antiquities, because of his familiarity with their language. (From – “LATIN AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY”, by Hartley Burr Alexander., pp. 28-29): “The earliest Indians appeared, according to the legend, from two caverns of a certain mountain of Hispaniola […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #24

#24 — The following two ‘origin’ stories/legends can be found on page 95 of “THE PROBLEM OF ATLANTIS”, by Lewis Spence: “…More important are the flood legends of the Indians of South America. The Antis Indians of the Bolivian Alps, north-western Brazil, the Ipurimas, Yurukares, etc., say that the world was overtaken by a great flood and men were imprisoned by this deluge in a large cave. Fiery cataclysms followed, and (much of) humanity perished. “…The Arawaks of Gutana […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #23

#23 — Pages 46-49 of the Aug. 1958 issue of “SEARCH” magazine carried the following article by Jim Wentworth, titled – “THE MARGARET ROGERS STORY”: “…Few students of the ‘Shaver Mystery’ would find the story of Margaret Rogers uninteresting. For it was she who wrote a booklet in 1947 called ‘BEGINNING’ – which told, in seventy-seven pages, of her personal experiences in the ancient underground caverns that Richard Shaver claims exist to this day, for the most part in secret. […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #22

#22 — (From the same article…) “…On the road from Mexico City to Laredo, down the Montezuma river valley, is the Indian town of Tamazunchale. Twenty-five miles from this town, on a rough side road, is Xilitla, where the ruins of an old Spanish monastery lie surrounded by a wall of masonry.  On one side this wall is built against the side of a cliff. “Some years ago an earthquake shook the village and part of the ancient wall […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #21

#21 — The two following accounts are taken from an article by Vincent H. Gaddis, titled “NOTES ON SUBTERRANEAN SHAFTS”, which appeared on pages 150-151 of the June 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine: “…Rising above the Pacific near Acapulco, Mexico, is a sheer rocky cliff, protected from the sea by jagged boulders that make a landing possible only by native canoe. In the face of this cliff is an (almost inaccessible) artificial tunnel, regarded with superstitious dread by […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #19 -20

#20 — The following story appeared in a San Diego newspaper on Feb. 10, 1980.  It was later published on page 48 of the Summer, 1980 issue of the NEW ATLANTEAN JOURNAL (Pat & Joan O’Connell, editors).  This story also appeared in hundreds of other newspapers across the nation at the time: “SAN DIEGO – Every now and then Bill Robinson takes the 10-pound onion out of his freezer and contemplates it. Behind the gargantuan vegetable lies a strange […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #18

19B — The following letter was sent to Richard Shaver by Dr. Raymond Bernard himself.  Shaver, in turn, passed it along to Ray Palmer, who published it in the October 1959 issue of SEARCH Magazine, p.48: Dear Mr. Shaver: “I have discovered several ‘dero’ races, who live in subterranean cities. If you came here I could bring you to the dero people, but they are NOT malicious (Note: The subterranean’s that this individual met are probably NOT known as the […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #17

#19A — Page 26-29 of the March 1960 issue of SEARCH Magazine, carried the following fascinating story: I FOUND SHAVER’S CAVES! By “The, Inca” (Name withheld for reasons this account makes obvious) Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil c/o postal Box 485 “The editors of SEARCH present here a strange manuscript, or rather, a letter, received by us from a man who claims to be a descendant of the Incas. Although he signed his name, he has asked us to withhold […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #16

“One such city was described by Bulwer Lytton in his book, THE COMING RACE. The subterranean race of fruitarians, who live for centuries, will be the coming race after surface cities are destroyed by the lethal fallout of World War III. Belief in impending destruction is widespread in Brazil and this compels many people to seek refuge in the subterranean world, to escape the deadly fallout caused by the coming war and the flood to fallow. This flood will […] Read More

Cave and Tunnel Entrances of the America’s #15

“Since then, however, other evidence has appeared which PROVES BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT what I had previously written. I shall now relate a most amazing experience by one of the 20 explorers working with me, concerning a trip in a giant cigar-shaped flying (craft) to the center of the earth, without entering either the north or south opening. I quote from my explorer friend who does not want his name revealed at this time. Thus he shall […] Read More