Project Superman 25b

They use electric cars (as not to create any undue suspicion from ground vibrations) to travel between the two facilities. Rome National Air Base (located in Rome NY)… Where another “Montauk Chair” is located underground. The reason they went through so much trouble with me is, that, I have the ability to concentrate and focus on one thought and one thought only. Because I can do this, they used me to operate the “Montauk Chair” and open time portals […] Read More

Project Superman 24d

As I regain my memory, I remember that Mr. Green, the man who was so terrified of me, was one of the men who raped my mother in front of me while they held a gun to my father’s head when I was about seven years old. I remember 6 men coming into our house. Two of them put a gun to my father’s head and the other four went into the back room and had their way with […] Read More

Project Superman 24c

One of the major contributors to these horrors is a secret society called THE ORDER TO THE ROSE. Who is the “Order of the Rose“… {{the Rosicrucian’s? according to the rev. jim shaw, a former 33rd degree mason, when he was initiated into the 33rd degree of the Scottish rite of masonry – which actually originated at a Jesuit college in Clermont France and not in Scotland – he was taken to the Scottish rite headquarters in Washington d.c., […] Read More

Project Superman 24b

Sound too outrageous to be true? Believe it! You probably never heard anything about this conspiracy because the FBI covered up this plot as not to expose their own incompetence as the group had almost the entire FBI under their control until the conspiracy was exposed (I would estimate it happened sometime between 1996 to 1997). The FBI is still looking for who is responsible for these plots, and here they are! At the Rochester location. Secret Paramus facility […] Read More

Project Superman 23e

However I do remember jumping off a 5 story parking garage in Buckhead (the affluent singles bar area in Atlanta) when the FBI was chasing me (I didn’t know who they were) and I just did it without thinking, and simply ran away. My programmer (now also Aaron) simply erased my memory of the whole event. I didn’t know that they were FBI agents at the time, all I knew was that they were “men” after me. Going way […] Read More

Project Superman 23d

Army personnel under their control that when we went to the facility and broke in we almost had them but then they said the magic word and the troops and the FBI agents turned against me and were under their control. They don’t fight with guns, they fight with words {{psionic warfare – Branton}}. It was like a living nightmare. The raid was covered up and they made the whole situation “go Away“. Again the raid was covered up […] Read More

Project Superman 23c

a good idea might be for each country to import no more than 1/3rd of their national produce to ensure that they are moving in the direction of self-sufficiency. stacking all of your dominos together is not a wise idea, as we can see now with the collapse of the interconnected and co-dependent world stock markets which are essentially dragging each other down – Branton}} …but the methods of how they are trying to achieve it can only lead […] Read More

Project Superman 23b

The feeling I get now is the same one I got then, one of utter sickness as the thought of our government is giving aliens women and children for torture and breeding experiments. EVERY WORD of this is, unfortunately, all TRUE. When I was in Miami I was placed down in front of the leadership council of the Grays. I didn’t know what the Illuminati wanted me to do, they never gave me any specific instructions or too much […] Read More

Project Superman 22e

But I insisted on knowing how many missions I had to go on until I could “retire” until I could “quit” and they would let me go and leave me alone. At the time they told me 10 just to shut me up and since at the time they still didn’t really know what I could do and since this was the first mission they really didn’t think that I would survive 10 missions. But after I ran the […] Read More

Project Superman 22d

But from somewhere inside me my true self, because my will is so strong, would fight through whatever they were doing to me and I would punch holes through the alternate reality platform they had built in my mind and I would freak out and start fighting them. I must have killed at least 15 of their men who would try and stop me once I started. When I would freak out no matter where I was, I was […] Read More