Project Superman 22c

Then the assassin would do things like go in, shoot everyone once in the head with a pistol then jump off a twenty-story building with no parachute hit the cement and get up and run away. I am that assassin, and the FBI is looking for me (I will get into that later). So I was trained at the Rochester facility. The thing is that when they were creating me, as part of my development they gave me a […] Read More

Project Superman 22b

I was selected at the age of 2 when my father was in the Navy. In addition to this, I have some very strange memories of when my family went to the October fest in Germany when we were there. Some strange events where they took my father and did something to him in the bathroom. Something where they humiliated him in some way and I remember watching and after when we left he was so ashamed about what […] Read More

Project Superman 21d

THE SMALL LAB I MENTION EARLIER IS THE SECRET LAB IN THE ATTIC OF THE LIBRARY! (and I have enclosed diagrams). I remember this because when they brought me up there the man with the white hair said to me “Rhino, what do you think of this place? This is all for you!” and I said “It’s a f*cking dump” and he said, “Well you have to give us some time to fix it up, it hasn’t been used […] Read More

Project Superman 21c

After talking to me I remembered that when I moved back to New Jersey from Atlanta, the first thing I did was bring back the truck. When I brought it back my mother’s GERMAN friend Astrid was there to pick me up. The first thing she said to me was “HOW DO YOU FEEL?” and I said “I feel fine” then she said “AND THE CRAZIES IN YOUR HEAD?” and I said, “What crazies in my head?” Then she […] Read More

Project Superman 21b

I tell him in a very calm voice that I was just having these strange memories and I was wondering if his father could help clarify them for me. Oh, yea, I tell him, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, HOW LONG HAS SHE HAD ALSTIMERZSE DISEASE? He started to laugh and then he said: “My mother doesn’t have Alzheimer’s disease!” “Really,” I say, well thank you very much and have a nice day. Within one hour […] Read More

Project Superman 20d

May 1997 – Aaron finally leaves to go to help his father, and never said good-bye, he just left. Which only reinforces my suspicions. July 1997 – After about 18 weeks, thousands of dollars, and two different “sets” of psychologists, and psychiatrists. The third psychologist I go to, who was referred from the second one after he said: “I have no idea how to help you or what to do with you!” because I was not “chemically imbalanced” and […] Read More

Project Superman 20c

Going back that night and seeing the men in yellow, going back in the morning. Brian and the steroids. Him and Gwen, the lab, everything! But the memories are all like a 5 second flash of a 10-minute movie all with no sense of time order. Clear but then suddenly stops and it’s all very confusing. I’m even so clueless and lost in the confusion that I ask Aaron “Aaron, did you ever have any Army men over your […] Read More

Project Superman 20b

The display said something like “Bowl with the best, Bowl with what the professionals use, Bowl with ‘RHINO BALLS‘.” And as I walk by I start laughing. “BOWL WITH RHINO BALLS” I yell ahead of me. AND THEN IT JUST CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH. I DON’T KNOW WHY, BUT I SAID IT “THEY USED TO CALL ME ‘THE RHINO‘ ONCE!” and Aaron drops his bowling ball and IMMEDIATELY AND I MEAN IMMEDIATELY turns around, walks back and gets […] Read More

Project Superman 19d

About an hour into my “ride“, I have an idea! I drive back to the dealership and pull into the “Pep Boys” auto parts store located next door to the Toyota dealership I had my car serviced at. I go in and ask the guy at the counter, who also happens to be the manager if they do any business with the Toyota dealership next door. He says “are you kidding me, they are our largest account“. “Oh”! I […] Read More

Project Superman 19c

He would say the “Magic word” and I would sit there in my altered state of reality and he would tell me his view of the mind. How the human mind functions just like a basic computer. With every decision either being “yes” or “no” answer, like a switch which is either “on” or “off“, and would discuss how every memory, function, and action we had or did is basically a string of yes or no responses. “Like a […] Read More