Project Superman 11b

I am floating upward and I see my self with people all around me and they are trying to restart my heart. Then everything goes black again and I “flash” into the blue room in my mind. I am dragging myself toward the healing pool as I am hurt badly and I struggle over the short wall and “flop” into the pool. In my mind, I close my eyes and submerge under the green bubbling water and just think […] Read More

Project Superman 10c

The man was either a senator or a congressman, I can’t be for certain but I’m about 90% sure he was a Senator. I was introduced but I cannot remember his name. It’s like on the tip of my tongue, but for the life of me, I just can’t remember his name. Anyway, he turns to Adolph and asks “Was this all part of the demonstration?” and Adolph shakes his head no. The Senator then said “If I didn’t […] Read More

Project Superman 10b

Then came a night I will not soon forget. It was the same situation as when they threw me out of the plane. Only this time it was dusk. I remember a man throwing me out of the plane. I am falling, I don’t know where I am, I can’t see the ground. Everything goes black. I flash into “my room” in my mind I am hurt very badly. My legs are not working, I cannot make it into […] Read More

Project Superman 9c

And within minutes, I had forgotten all about it. We were having a party at my fraternity that night and as a pledge with a car the brothers of the house had sent me out for cigarettes before the party started. I went out and got the cigarettes and had to park in a different spot when I came back because mine was taken. I got extremely drunk at the party and ended up crashing on one of the […] Read More

Project Superman 9b

There is a man standing there and he tells me to climb further until I reached the next platform. I did notice he was wearing a safety harness and was clipped on to the structure with a rope. I had no fear at all about where I was or what I was doing. The ladder had changed to a 4-inch pole with the rungs now welded on the outside. Like a ladder, you would see at the circus. When […] Read More

Project Superman 8c

They did all sorts of similar tests on me. I remember next they bring in a squat rack and barbell set. They put a bunch of weight on and tell me that these are “fake plates” and that the bar is as “light as a feather“. It’s just like doing deep knee bends with no weight at all, and then instructed me to start squatting. I would then begin exercising until they told me to stop. It was very […] Read More

Project Superman 8b

Him and his partisans just had the “look” of some Nazi genetic experiment. The psychotic eyes, the “Arian” face, and features such as the straight blond hair. After I had killed two of his “boys” in the small lab with the baseball bat he kept trying to tell me that he was my “father“, and he seemed obsessed with this idea. He had similar abilities of his own, but I was more powerful. I know this because the first […] Read More

Project Superman 7c

The entire middle is open. There is a spiral staircase that runs along one side of the building. There are three ways to enter the building. From the top, which is connected to the quad by a walkway. From the main entrance which brings you to the main floor, or through the basement (cafeteria level). It is easily a 100-foot drop from top to the very bottom. I’m at the top with two men behind me. I go for […] Read More

Project Superman 7b

It is turning around. I get on the sidewalk and then 30 feet onto campus ground. For some reason, I feel safe and I stop running in order to “blend in“. There are many people around walking to class. I look back at the car, it looks like it’s going to jump the curb. It does and All the students scatter like ants seeking cover. I’m left standing there by my self. A girl, who I had never met […] Read More

Project Superman 6c

They began working me over. I know I had to be drugged because the punches for some reason didn’t hurt. They always wore gloves or hit me with a rubber hose as not to leave any marks. And the more they hit me the more it didn’t hurt. There was also a metal cart next to me with all kinds of surgical instruments on it. There were all kinds of syringes there as well. This is also why I […] Read More