Project Superman 6b

You feel your foot touch the ground as gently as stepping onto a pillow. To your left is a blue neon door. Walk to it and turn the handle. As you open the door you see a huge magnificent room blue neon room. This is your room. Your “special place.” The center of your mind and the center of the universe. When you are in this room you can do ANYTHING and NOTHING can ever harm you. The room […] Read More

Project Superman 5d

Sept 1988-May 1989  Camp is over, and classes begin. I get an “odd” message stating that the dean of the Psychology department wants to see me???? So I go in to see him. I sit in a high back green leather chair and I am facing him as he is sitting behind his big desk. He asks me if I would like to participate in some kind of special “study” the University is conducting. I tell him “Have you […] Read More

Project Superman 5c

Dr. Purrizzo comes to my house, rings the bell and tells me he wants to speak with me out on the street. He proceeds to tell me that he has “made a great mistake“. After rechecking my DNA pattern against the correct hereditary background it turns out that I am the one with the superior DNA code. In fact, he says we used your code to determine the dominance of some unknown markers. He knows of my situation with […] Read More

Project Superman 5b

They left in such a hurry they didn’t close the door. I wasn’t running toward them, just walking very fast, when they left I didn’t go after them I just wanted them out of “my lair“. I slam the door closed, lock and chain it, toss my club aside and grab Mrs. Purrizzo and toss her onto the bed. I remember feeling anger as she was “disobedient” and I nailed her as hard as I could until she had […] Read More

Project Superman 4b

And of course, she swears that she won’t let them hurt me, and of course like an idiot I drink the glass of “Vodka“. I am out within seconds. When I wake up I am in a hotel room. I am sitting in a chair and it is very difficult to keep my eyes open, but I can make out several dark figures in various spots around the room. I couldn’t keep my eyes open but I could hear. […] Read More

Project Superman 3b

Dr. Purrizzo is a heavy heavy hitter in the area if you know what I mean. When President Nixon, who resided in Saddle River before he died, hurt his knee playing tennis Dr. Purrizzo was the surgeon who performed the operation, and for a while was on the Presidential list of referral surgeons. I am standing in front of the panel and he starts pressing me to “admit” that I am doing steroids. And I keep answering that “I […] Read More

Project Superman 2b

Aug-1984- 1987– My first three years in high school were NOT typical. I played football in the fall. Specifically did not play Basketball in the winter so I could work out every day. Threw the shot put and the discussion in the spring (track and field) and then would work out like a mad man in the summer to get ready for football in the fall again. I excelled in all the sports in which I participated in. As […] Read More

Project Superman 1c

And what happened was the whole class as a group would close their eyes and practice “going to your level” but as I came out of my “level” I would open my eyes and find that the WHOLE class was turned around in their chairs and they had been watching me for 15 to 20 minutes. They had been watching my rapid eye movements, my body, and my technique. As I came out of it, they all began laughing […] Read More

Project Superman 1b

An examining room. They made me strip down to my underwear and sit on this shinny metal table. I remember the table being very cold, so cold that I asked if I could move or get off it and a big booming voice shouts out “DO NOT MOVE AND DO NOT SPEAK UNLESS YOU ARE SPOKEN TO.” So I sat there with goosebumps on my legs. I hear movement behind me and I hear “is this the kid” and […] Read More

Project Superman 25a

My “conditioning” involved several levels of physical torture, and horrific sexual abuse going beyond any known descriptive term. They continue to drive “wedges” into the minds of the subjects until hopefully, the mind will “split” apart as it cannot take anymore. One of these “wedges” they used to drive into my mind was the Murder if my mother’s future husband “Mr. Johnson“, back when I was eleven years old. When my parents were getting divorced, and my mother’s one true […] Read More