Project Superman 19d

About an hour into my “ride“, I have an idea! I drive back to the dealership and pull into the “Pep Boys” auto parts store located next door to the Toyota dealership I had my car serviced at. I go in and ask the guy at the counter, who also happens to be the manager if they do any business with the Toyota dealership next door. He says “are you kidding me, they are our largest account“. “Oh”! I […] Read More

Project Superman 19c

He would say the “Magic word” and I would sit there in my altered state of reality and he would tell me his view of the mind. How the human mind functions just like a basic computer. With every decision either being “yes” or “no” answer, like a switch which is either “on” or “off“, and would discuss how every memory, function, and action we had or did is basically a string of yes or no responses. “Like a […] Read More

Project Superman 19b

As I’m sitting there I cannot move, but I can hear them laughing at me. He starts telling Mr. Green how he didn’t know what exact word they used but once you find it “that’s it” he is totally under your control. This is where things start getting a little crazy. What he did to me somehow, I remember, is he somehow locked me away in my own mind, creating multiple personalities over mine to make me forget everything. […] Read More

Project Superman 19a

This is on a Tuesday, the doctor wanted to see me the next day but he was booked through Friday, the assistant made room for me to see him on Thursday. I leave very confused, still having no clear memories as to what’s going on and no memories of any of the government experiments or the Illuminati or the underground bases. The thing is I go home and what do I do, I go right over to my best […] Read More