Project Superman 25b

They use electric cars (as not to create any undue suspicion from ground vibrations) to travel between the two facilities. Rome National Air Base (located in Rome NY)… Where another “Montauk Chair” is located underground. The reason they went through so much trouble with me is, that, I have the ability to concentrate and focus on one thought and one thought only. Because I can do this, they used me to operate the “Montauk Chair” and open time portals […] Read More

Project Superman 25a

My “conditioning” involved several levels of physical torture, and horrific sexual abuse going beyond any known descriptive term. They continue to drive “wedges” into the minds of the subjects until hopefully, the mind will “split” apart as it cannot take anymore. One of these “wedges” they used to drive into my mind was the Murder if my mother’s future husband “Mr. Johnson“, back when I was eleven years old. When my parents were getting divorced, and my mother’s one true […] Read More